about recent hackers and errors

Lets say this again, if you dont want to check reports to ban hackers then enable vote kicking in ffa modes.
If you cant ban hackers then leave your place for someone who can.
Because this game now is unplayable, in addition to the recent failed to connect to host server errors!!!!!
Like when i finally enter a game without getting the error i find a hacker it it !!!!


  • GM's don't respond to Tickets on the Weekend.

    I honestly don't run into many hackers and FFA is usually clean for me but I don't know maybe I am lucky or something. You were able to kick people in FFA before but I am guessing that was taken out due to people kicking ace around the last few seconds of the match so they could get ACE and tbh I don't mind that being the way it is since again I barely see hackers and I have never seen an hackers on FFA ever since I have came back.

    Game more playable than it used to be for me.
  • Lets say this again, if you dont want to check reports to ban hackers then enable vote kicking in ffa modes.
    If you cant ban hackers then leave your place for someone who can.
    Because this game now is unplayable, in addition to the recent failed to connect to host server errors!!!!!

    Hmmm i dont see any hackers at the moment. The only 2 Modes where hackers occure in my opinion are HMX or at the Ranked Matches.
  • GM's don't respond to Tickets on the Weekend.

    I honestly don't run into many hackers and FFA is usually clean for me but I don't know maybe I am lucky or something. You were able to kick people in FFA before but I am guessing that was taken out due to people kicking ace around the last few seconds of the match so they could get ACE and tbh I don't mind that being the way it is since again I barely see hackers and I have never seen an hackers on FFA ever since I have came back.

    Game more playable than it used to be for me.

    -i have reported hackers 3 or 4 weeks ago and they still have their HSR
    -i know why they removed vote kicking from ffa, i am saying that if they wont be even looking at tickets then they must return the vote kick.
    -go to UKs and you will find this hackers i am talking about.
    -its playable for you cuz you dont have failed to connect to host popping up in your face every room you enter :)
  • JerngudD wrote: »
    Hmmm i dont see any hackers at the moment. The only 2 Modes where hackers occure in my opinion are HMX or at the Ranked Matches.

    come see them in the UKs
  • -i have reported hackers 3 or 4 weeks ago and they still have their HSR
    -i know why they removed vote kicking from ffa, i am saying that if they wont be even looking at tickets then they must return the vote kick.
    -go to UKs and you will find this hackers i am talking about.
    -its playable for you cuz you dont have failed to connect to host popping up in your face every room you enter :)

    -maybe they weren't hacking but i can't speak for that lol
    -i highly doubt they are not checking the reports for FFA knowing that thats kinda their job.
    -i play in uk1 and uk4 and even na1 when im bored
    -maybe theres something wrong with your crossfire and may need to reinstall the game or go into the techinal support section of the forum and require some help since this could be an issue for you that can be fixed via help. ( again maybe reinstall the game )
  • come see them in the UKs

    I was there for nearly 7-8 Hours today. No problems :)
  • -i have reported hackers 3 or 4 weeks ago and they still have their HSR
    -i know why they removed vote kicking from ffa, i am saying that if they wont be even looking at tickets then they must return the vote kick.
    -go to UKs and you will find this hackers i am talking about.
    -its playable for you cuz you dont have failed to connect to host popping up in your face every room you enter :)

    - Maybe you just s**k? :)
    - That's the best thing ever happened in cf na^^
    - Playing UK the whole day ( Maybe you just s**k? :) )
    - If you have connection errors, go here -> http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?312032-Failed-to-connect-to-server/page6
  • -maybe they weren't hacking but i can't speak for that lol
    -i highly doubt they are not checking the reports for FFA knowing that thats kinda their job.
    -i play in uk1 and uk4 and even na1 when im bored
    -maybe theres something wrong with your crossfire and may need to reinstall the game or go into the techinal support section of the forum and require some help since this could be an issue for you that can be fixed via help. ( again maybe reinstall the game )

    -speed knife isn't hacking? do you want to see the replay?
    -the reports i sent were on hmx for speed knifers not ffa, and stopped reporting hackers cuz they dont do anything to them
    -whatever no one cares, i knew what i saw
    -tried this before nothing happens, and its not a problem in the game's files cuz the problem was there a month ago then it vanished then it came back again two days ago
  • JerngudD wrote: »
    I was there for nearly 7-8 Hours today. No problems :)

    7-8 hours playing ffa or hmx? i dont think so
  • IMChuck wrote: »
    - Maybe you just s**k? :)
    - That's the best thing ever happened in cf na^^
    - Playing UK the whole day ( Maybe you just s**k? :) )
    - If you have connection errors, go here -> http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?312032-Failed-to-connect-to-server/page6

    -maybe you need to but a shoe in your mouth and shut up cuz you didn't see what i saw
    -after you play a couple of games with hackers you wont be saying they same
    -i don't think you play ffa or hmx that much and again you should put the same shoe in your mouth to shut up cuz you didn't see what i saw
  • -speed knife isn't hacking? do you want to see the replay?
    -the reports i sent were on hmx for speed knifers not ffa, and stopped reporting hackers cuz they dont do anything to them
    -whatever no one cares, i knew what i saw
    -tried this before nothing happens, and its not a problem in the game's files cuz the problem was there a month ago then it vanished then it came back again two days ago

    -your're talking to me like i was there to see it aswell lol just wait next week or something.
    -okay, again
    -have you asked for any help on the Techinal Support area of the forum? cause it was truely wanted it thinked you would try to get others who don't have the problem or had it and fixed it to help you rather than complaining about it and doing only what you know can do.
  • HMX is filled with hackers Flying, Speed running, and speed knifing.
  • -your're talking to me like i was there to see it aswell lol just wait next week or something.
    -okay, again
    -have you asked for any help on the Techinal Support area of the forum? cause it was truely wanted it thinked you would try to get others who don't have the problem or had it and fixed it to help you rather than complaining about it and doing only what you know can do.

    -i am talking to the one who claimed that they might be not hacking !!
    -yes i did, they said the samething you had just told me. its a problem that pops up suddenly its not a matter of files or updates or patches.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    HMX is filled with hackers Flying, Speed running, and speed knifing.

    at last someone understands T-T, try some ffa too in UKs you well be so entertained :)
  • -maybe you need to but a shoe in your mouth and shut up cuz you didn't see what i saw
    -after you play a couple of games with hackers you wont be saying they same
    -i don't think you play ffa or hmx that much and again you should put the same shoe in your mouth to shut up cuz you didn't see what i saw

    FFA is my main mode. I do know what i am talking about!
    I play this game since 2010 believe me when i say that i have been played with more than 1000 hackers since then. Also i wanna tell you that complaining about hackers wont help you on forum^^

    I'm so sorry if i hurt your feelings when i said you s** k... But mostly it's just the truth...
  • -i am talking to the one who claimed that they might be not hacking !!
    -yes i did, they said the samething you had just told me. its a problem that pops up suddenly its not a matter of files or updates or patches.

    hmmm try this.

    go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Z8Games\CrossFire

    find the "crossfire" software ( the one you would click on to open up the game )

    right click "crossfire" and go to Properties

    go to the "Compatibily" tab

    click on the box " Run this program as an adminstrator "

    and run this program in compatibily mode for WINDOWS 7

    now this usually fixes some games for me since Windows 10 ( and Windows 8 when I had it ) would have issues with games so running it in admin or running it as Window 7 or both would fix the issue but that's all I could think of to help the bug. .
  • IMChuck wrote: »
    FFA is my main mode. I do know what i am talking about!
    I play this game since 2010 believe me when i say that i have been played with more than 1000 hackers since then. Also i wanna tell you that complaining about hackers wont help you on forum^^

    I'm so sorry if i hurt your feelings when i said you s** k... But mostly it's just the truth...

    and i swear to you i have been playing this game since 2009 but on different-got blocked- accounts and i have played previously with hacks tbh so that i know how hackers do, move and look like and ffa isnt my main mode also but i dont lie here the one i am talking about was 100% hacking, shooting through walls and walling and aim-bot, a full hacker. my main point was to complain about reports not being viewed.

    and i am sorry too about what i have said but i was on rage and your words provoked me, cuz i don't suck, i am not the best either but i know how to play.
  • If they bring back the voting system in FFa or any other mode ....That will bring back the Fun kicks "No Reason Kick" and iam against that Tbh !!

    You would come here again if they bring back the voting and you will say remove it ....
  • hmmm try this.

    go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Z8Games\CrossFire

    find the "crossfire" software ( the one you would click on to open up the game )

    right click "crossfire" and go to Properties

    go to the "Compatibily" tab

    click on the box " Run this program as an adminstrator "

    and run this program in compatibily mode for WINDOWS 7

    now this usually fixes some games for me since Windows 10 ( and Windows 8 when I had it ) would have issues with games so running it in admin or running it as Window 7 or both would fix the issue but that's all I could think of to help the bug. .

    didn't work at all T-T
  • If they bring back the voting system in FFa or any other mode ....That will bring back the Fun kicks "No Reason Kick" and iam against that Tbh !!

    You would come here again if they bring back the voting and you will say remove it ....

    omg, why there is no one getting the point of the thread? :/
    i dont want the vote kick to come back in ffa based modes, i know the pain of being kicked because i have the ace beside my name, i only said it should be back cuz they dont kick ppl whom having fun while hacking in ffa cuz they know they wont be kicked neither in the the game nor from reports!!
  • concerning hackers , I realized recently that their numbers were extremely reduced after this month's update (they did not disappear completely!) But from the positive side they were reduced :)
    2- concerning the 'failed to connect to host server ' issue I have just posted it solution in the link below :)

  • Just got out of a room with a kid under the map killing everyone. I think we're back to the old CF filled with hackers.
  • the funny thing that i found the player who reported my main acc .. as he was saying i was hacking and the other silly funny thing that he told me im hacking again now !! i wonder how his report accepted and in the same period i sent about ton reports for ranked match and they all are been neglected !!
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    Just got out of a room with a kid under the map killing everyone. I think we're back to the old CF filled with hackers.

    haha old is gold LOL xD
    the funny thing that i found the player who reported my main acc .. as he was saying i was hacking and the other silly funny thing that he told me im hacking again now !! i wonder how his report accepted and in the same period i sent about ton reports for ranked match and they all are been neglected !!

    because Crossfire...
  • concerning hackers , I realized recently that their numbers were extremely reduced after this month's update (they did not disappear completely!) But from the positive side they were reduced :)
    2- concerning the 'failed to connect to host server ' issue I have just posted it solution in the link below :)


    i will try it, thank you zoz ^_^