What are you doing z8?
From day to day the hackers are increasing, today just seen 6 hackers on a room, hack reports 3 years old waiting to be open.. what are GMs again needed for besides handing out forum infractions?
This starts to be ridiculous to a point i think we are not on the same planet.
If someone does not like their job just quit.
This starts to be ridiculous to a point i think we are not on the same planet.
If someone does not like their job just quit.
I actually can agree on you about that lol I do have some old tickets that are still open and the person wasn't banned while also having tickets that have been closed with the player being banned, maybe there's like confusion about the tickets but that's all my old old tickets anyway so at this point I couldn't really care. I bet the people you have reported will be looked at once they can ( they dont work on weekends if I remember ) and they will be banned.
I haven't ran into 6 hackers in a single week, I actually haven't seen any hackers for a few weeks until today funny enough and then again that's 1 hacker in maybe a total of 100s of matches so it's alot better than how things were years ago. And do remember alot of people send tickets in so they can be busy.
It's just about waiting once the ticket is sent and that's all. -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »I actually can agree on you about that lol I do have some old tickets that are still open and the person wasn't banned while also having tickets that have been closed with the player being banned, maybe there's like confusion about the tickets but that's all my old old tickets anyway so at this point I couldn't really care. I bet the people you have reported will be looked at once they can ( they dont work on weekends if I remember ) and they will be banned.
I haven't ran into 6 hackers in a single week, I actually haven't seen any hackers for a few weeks until today funny enough and then again that's 1 hacker in maybe a total of 100s of matches so it's alot better than how things were years ago. And do remember alot of people send tickets in so they can be busy.
It's just about waiting once the ticket is sent and that's all.
And in your opinion 3 years is a good deadline? to me thats far from acceptable, even 1 month is way far.
The guilty ones are the estupidos that spend tons of money on this game, as long the cow is milking they will keep it this way!
Do you know how stupid it sounds when a hacker is banned(years later) they can create new accounts?
Ps: an answer was deleted, i wonder why -
And in your opinion 3 years is a good deadline? to me thats far from acceptable, even 1 month is way far.
The guilty ones are the estupidos that spend tons of money on this game, as long the cow is milking they will keep it this way!
Do you know how stupid it sounds when a hacker is banned(years later) they can create new accounts?
Ps: an answer was deleted, i wonder why
Yeah I agree things should of cleaned quicker but we need to compare the fact that there was a time when EVERY match had an hacker and that could be up to 4 hackers in one match without them being kicked. Now we gotten to a point when we could see up to 6 hackers in total for a whole week and they will possibly be banned in the same week you from them in or the week after.
I personallity don't think it's all about getting the hackers banned but more on the anticheat being perfected. Yes hackers can create new accounts once banned but they can do that if they were banned tomorrow and I can't see Z8 not trying to get this anticheat better than how it is, with them even switching from Xtrap to what we got now I can tell they do care about the hacking situation and are probably trying to decrease it as fast as possible like how they have been doing.
3 years is not a good deadline but the players ive reported 3 years ago and the ticket was never seen haven't played the game since 3 years ago so I couldn't really care about them now if the GM's are banned the hackers of today then I can't be angry that they didn't ( or did without closing the ticket ) ban the hackers I reported years ago.
If people like the game and are willing to spend money on it then that's their problem if they truely was against it I couldn't see why they would invest money into something they hate and if alot of people are investing money into the game ( probably more than years ago but don't quote me on it ) then they must be doing something right but again I barely see many hackers when I play and I could be playing in UK1 or UK4 but I could be blind and stupid and only can spot aim hacks. -
Yeah actually i play more on NA but i guess i will start to go uk.
In my land when someone deletes an answer that did not violate the rules, besides showing a weak person type (beta type by the way), its rude in everywhere
This was a sidemark
Eh I wouldn't advise you to play on UK servers due to your ping being raised ( if you live in NA ), but it's all on you bro I sometimes play on NA at night since UK would be less active and I can play fine with the little increase of ping.
Anyway glad to help lol -
I am from europe, next to spain, uk ping is always better then NA.
yeah dude you did help, more then someone that just deletes answers that makes them cry hahaha.
Ah you should be playing in the UK servers anyway lol..
Well you didn't say anything harsh so I doubt it would of been deleted, just answered like what I did nothing less nothing more. If it gets deleted it's probably cause it should of been deleted in the first place. -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »Ah you should be playing in the UK servers anyway lol..
Well you didn't say anything harsh so I doubt it would of been deleted, just answered like what I did nothing less nothing more. If it gets deleted it's probably cause it should of been deleted in the first place.
it was deleted because intelligent questions are bad here, thats my hint xD and besides thats the weak answer..delete instead of giving a proper answer, jus my two cents
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