Cfff player choice

How can the player's choice consist only of 5 videos? like really? i have seen a lot of actually epic vids out there,and they are not even in the players choice,( lets ignore the fact that the actual winners of each category dont deserve the 1st place as there are undeniably much better content (am talking about: kill reel,team work and variety,mentioned variety cuz it were just some random moments of the guy playing,ikillzz made an awesome variety video but he didnt get featured anywhere.. anyway..)as i was saying,the LEAST that the GM's good do is add more videos to the players choice and not just 5 of them, do 10-15 or something,a meaningful pol with all those videos who didnt get the chance( eventhough they deserved it) to win their category.
How many pple agree with this?


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