Naval Base Theory

I find that Naval Base play like a semi Zombie escape mode. Where human defend a spot for x amount of time from the infected and then new ways open for the human to go though first then the main stair well open for easy access to the area for the infected to storm in.

So my theory (I could be over thinking it) is that Naval base could be a Test map to see if player like the map gimmick and if it does then in the future we may get a mutation Escape mode.

I think it would use the Hero mode/ HMX hybrid play mutant cannot be perma kill however bullet have a chance to evolve them while killing them with melee drop them or force a respawn timer compare to killing them with bullet (they don't lose anything and they respawn instantly)

Soldier win if they reach the Evac point (mutant win if the timer hit zero or if all the soldier get infected.

THis is not a suggestion just a theory on how it would be played like.


  • I do not like that map. It's so easy to get people if you're a mutant.
  • I like the idea of having one half of the map shut off until a certain time limit, but i don't like having a map that has no camping spots like naval base.
  • Hmm you seem to misunderstand I state that this was like the Test map (not our version but thier main version (I think it's CN) They don't care if we like it or not. And Naval base have some camp spot for the first half. The thing is if you played -a mode from another game- You cannot stay in one location for too long as a Human you will be infected as the spot will get overrun. Likewise in naval base zipline, the Lockdown building 2nd floor of the diner open up before the stairwell. that also turn the Gatling gun area to a new camp spot since soldier can get there first if they maintain the diner and Lockdown building, zipline not as important.The thing is if you treat this as your usually HMX Map you will get overrun when the new area open up since new paths open up if you treat this like a ZM assault map (ex biohazard). Your chance of surviving is greater note it require teamwork. Although this theory work well if everyone play like that. the Strat for that map is maintain defense for the diner and lockdown building since those path open up first and they can get to the gatling gun first and help defend it. the soldier will fous on the small fry while the gatling gun user will focus on the big targets. The game will be won by soldier if the player are good enough.
  • in another game i played, i saw something similar.

    humans had to climb a building with narrow bridges/gaps and wait for a chopper to come.

    The chopper would fly around the map, and the zombies had a chance to catch them until it reached the end point.

    Another map i played was a snowy mountain with a plane crash nearby.

    and then there was this weird sky map with heavenly doors and staircases or whatnot.

    they were some cool maps :P
  • To be honest, this is something I can see really happening soon, I would play the heck out of this gamemode if it comes out LOL.
  • pretty sure you're referring to the mode on another game, use to play it a bunch... Its pretty fun
  • Please do not mention or post content from other games.
  • Please do not mention or post content from other games.

    First of all its a mod, It was never an actual game mode from the game. 2nd how many maps and modes have tencent stolen from other games?? Surprised their hasn't been a lawsuit yet