150 coupon weapons change

So how often are u guys changing permanent weapons with coupons? and by the way none of them ar worth 150 coupons right now... who wants a pink MP-7 for 150 coupons comon get some real guns inthere...


  • We change guns about every 6 Months to a Year, from what it feels like to me.

    The MP7 Pink is alright for the "Real Men wear Pink" Ribbon Progress, though.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    We change guns about every 6 Months to a Year, from what it feels like to me.

    The MP7 Pink is alright for the "Real Men wear Pink" Ribbon Progress, though.

    Do you have any clue on when it could be changed? (just curious i got all perm weapons already)
  • Do you have any clue on when it could be changed? (just curious i got all perm weapons already)

    The MP7 Pink and the like were introduced on the 7th of February, 2017. So 6 Months will have passed in about 2 Days. So from that point on, I suppose you can hold your thumbs on whether or not we'll get new Coupon Guns.

    As for when exactly, I'm afraid I don't know. You'll just have to hope.
  • If it follows the trend of the past 2 cycles of coupon weapons then the Permanents won't change until February. However, we might see some of the temporaries switched out within the next month or so based on last year. (Think it was the first September update when they added in the KAC PDW, PMR30 Camo, and others last year).

    The only known/speculative reason that could be different now is due to the Black Market and Coupon system changes we got last February which makes getting coupons so much easier even if the perms are 150 now instead of 100.
    Another possibility is that there will eventually be a Coupon Expansion that allows us to hold more than 150 coupons....it could be possible that this expansion will also include new higher tiers in the exchange as well and if it does it could open the possibility for more weapons.

    That being said...the MP7 Pink is meant for collectors who are going for the Real Men Wear Pink ribbon. It fits that role nicely especially since it gives Free to Play players a more direct shot at making progress on that ribbon.
    The Mauser Gold is actually a nice pistol and I feel it's quite worth the 150 coupons myself
    The m60 ult silver....well since we have so many better MGs in the last couple of years...i'll agree with you it's not exactly first choice of MG especially since you can get ones like the KAC GS in ZM2 and that other MG Infection in ZM3. But...it does have a nice skin IMO and it's not too hateful for a perm MG if you don't want to play ZMs just to get a temporary one.
  • New Coupons weapons thats who so very nice
  • To be honest it's been a long time since I looked at the coupon rewards and was like " wow that's actually pretty cool, should definitely get it"
    And yeah even thought the guns that are there atm have their uses, they keep those guns there for waaaaay too long, I already got every single one of them, and that golden mouser,... Already got it 6 times :(
  • Rotsos71 wrote: »
    To be honest it's been a long time since I looked at the coupon rewards and was like " wow that's actually pretty cool, should definitely get it"
    And yeah even thought the guns that are there atm have their uses, they keep those guns there for waaaaay too long, I already got every single one of them, and that golden mouser,... Already got it 6 times :(

    Are you a free to play player or a ZP buyer? if You're a F2P player and have all 3 plus the mauser a total of 6 times...then yea they need to be changed for sure...but i'm guessing you buy ZP at least a couple times a month. In which case you have to think about the F2P players. While coupons do accumulate faster....it still takes awhile if you're not buying ZP to spin on crates. Though I'm guessing with the new system that F2P players that have done MOST events since then should have all 3 unless they dropped coupons on other things instead of the permanents.

    I honestly wouldn't mind a change up myself but gotta keep in mind other players.
  • I hope it stays this way for just a while. I came back last month and only managed to get one of the three weapons, trying to get atleast one more before they change up.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Are you a free to play player or a ZP buyer? if You're a F2P player and have all 3 plus the mauser a total of 6 times...then yea they need to be changed for sure...but i'm guessing you buy ZP at least a couple times a month. In which case you have to think about the F2P players. While coupons do accumulate faster....it still takes awhile if you're not buying ZP to spin on crates. Though I'm guessing with the new system that F2P players that have done MOST events since then should have all 3 unless they dropped coupons on other things instead of the permanents.

    I honestly wouldn't mind a change up myself but gotta keep in mind other players.

    Also these coupons are fair, most likely everyone can obtain these weapons at some point weather your a buyer or F2P. If highly powered weapons make the coupons such as the tmp no one would enjoy the game, everyone would be running around with the same weapons.
  • VaheVahe wrote: »
    So how often are u guys changing permanent weapons with coupons? and by the way none of them ar worth 150 coupons right now... who wants a pink MP-7 for 150 coupons comon get some real guns inthere...
    For me isn't necessary to change those guns immediately..consider that many of us don't have them (me xD) The priority now would be to change reward at 30 ribbons and give something cool for who reach 60 ribbons
  • VaheVahe wrote: »
    So how often are u guys changing permanent weapons with coupons? and by the way none of them ar worth 150 coupons right now... who wants a pink MP-7 for 150 coupons comon get some real guns inthere...

    There were times without any female GM and we received just reskins of M4A1 ,AK 47 and AWM but now times changed. MP7 Pink is sooooo cuuuuteeee.
  • I mean why not change it for a good looking skinned weapons ? Good Idea ha ? like the M4A1 Gold ?? It was a pretty cool gun :D but i haven't had the chance to get :( but if the added SMG like the steyr TMP holy Crap that would be an awful mistake !! that's pretty OP and As A High rank player We used to call it Sprayer TMP xD ..
  • OT. @Pal_(Sinpar) can you change your signature please?It's big and we get confused..thanks
  • Maneeeeet wrote: »
    There were times without any female GM and we received just reskins of M4A1 ,AK 47 and AWM but now times changed. MP7 Pink is sooooo cuuuuteeee.

    It doesn't matter whether we have male or female GMs. The MP7 pink is good for people looking for the real men wear pink ribbon. Would you really rather go back to only having M4, AK, and AWM reskins constantly?
  • It doesn't matter whether we have male or female GMs. The MP7 pink is good for people looking for the real men wear pink ribbon. Would you really rather go back to only having M4, AK, and AWM reskins constantly?

    Yeah but when this ribbon came out i remember people spend tons of zp into the pink guns. And this ribbon was precious. Now alot Players have it. Same with the old ribbons events. The ribbons said something about the reputation of a Player. Now they are worthless. is also benefit of these event but im said for those who did this special events long time ago. If i recognize correctly the March 2011 Ghost Mode ribbon came back twice. I think thats not nice. And yes i prefer M4A1,AK47 and AWM reskins, because they are most balanced weapons in the game :)
  • OT. @Pal_(Sinpar) can you change your signature please?It's big and we get confused..thanks

    but every time i look at it it makes me happy :(
  • I remember those golden M4A1 AK were there for quite some time- like years. They were kinda nice though. At one time there were permanent axes (I think for 50 coupons?) and I ended up getting 6 of them. I guess the permanent coupon weapons aren't as nice now because the coupons are easier to get.
  • If the coupons are easy to get now , then why not setup a 450 coupon tier which really have exclusive guns in it , so far I managed to get all of the 3 guns plus one extra mauser and another 100 which totally about 750 , and yeah thats in 6 months( since the last change) , so everyone has the chance to get atleast one of the permanent items, atleast they wont be wide-spreaded like the mauser now.. take a while and think about this!
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    I remember those golden M4A1 AK were there for quite some time- like years. They were kinda nice though. At one time there were permanent axes (I think for 50 coupons?) and I ended up getting 6 of them. I guess the permanent coupon weapons aren't as nice now because the coupons are easier to get.

    yeah good old times. M4A1 S Crystal was awesome :D Today i dont use it but im happy to own it.
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    I remember those golden M4A1 AK were there for quite some time- like years. They were kinda nice though. At one time there were permanent axes (I think for 50 coupons?) and I ended up getting 6 of them. I guess the permanent coupon weapons aren't as nice now because the coupons are easier to get.

    As a GM player I wish I dropped a couple bucks for that axe.(didn't have a job)
    gold deagle would look good with my awm gold
    There was also a PSG RD and AWM Camo.-two rare guns

    edit: forgot the useless SL8 (which needs a buff)