Almost finished SND Community Goal! less then 3 mil. left

We only have today and tommorow left.
If we can still get the snd community goal then we would all get 60k EP (if you completed the individual goals ofc)

tdm will be impossible i think but there is still a small chance if we do nothing but tdm.



  • I don't know if it's a bug but when I finish snd it freezes on loading result page and I get set to channel lobby like four times and got fed up and just quit and finished the tasks that I could. Not to mention teams in Egypt map with ranked cheaters and people in those pillars in your spawn with no way to kill them, topped off with some of the illogical community goals.
  • Well I am surprised we didn't get 10 million in 7 days considering we have Triton event which nearly everyone is doing. Trition requires a lot of games and kills, which one would think 10 million is nothing during that Trition Event and as Personal goal. The Tracker for S&D community goals seems to move very slow, could of been a bug and now is moving steadily or it could be more people are concentrating on Wins rather than kills. Either way I am okay with 45,000 EP the more the better of course.
  • I think it should still be possible to get 60000 EP
    if we concentrate on snd