Custom sprays

I'd be happy to pay for custom ribbons. Basically you buy a Spray Ticket which allows you to create your own spray from your own images. GMs can hold new sprays for reviewing before giving out to avoid any vulgarities, and then add these sprays in one of the two monthly patches.
I thought this would be neat if possible. But if not then it's all good :)


  • First thing that comes to my mind is copyright issues. Way too much of a hassle for them to implement if GMs have to not only approve but also verify whether content is original.
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    First thing that comes to my mind is copyright issues. Way too much of a hassle for them to implement if GMs have to not only approve but also verify whether content is original.

    Didn't even think about that. Well, I think this idea still holds some merit if CF themselves provided a library of images in game to be used. Then some code would allow each unique spray to be recreated ingame to everyone without having to struggle with adding them in patches and stuff. It will also ensure that no vulgarities would ensue since players will have to use images from the library provided by CF as is.
  • I'd be down with a custom 'IGN Graffiti' spray. Like even if it was a small 10k-20k ZP purchase to buy it permanent. Say, you purchase it and it places an item in your inventory and then you send in a special Support Ticket indicating your current IGN and kind of what you want it to be (background, Font, colors of letters etc etc). Then someone with a bit of graphic design on the Z8 side verifies the purchase (could be done with a special item that drops into your inventory at purchase) and then tries their hand at it. Alternatively if you have a design already made up you could provide it in the support Ticket and pending approval it could be given in.
    If it's JUST your name there shouldn't be any copy right issues unless by chance you've named yourself after a Game/Movie/Something else that is known by it's name and you submit in THAT thing's graphicly designed Title image.