Game suggestions (2)


These are just some additional game suggestions I thought of and have missed out from my earlier post.

1- GM tutorial
Considering that ghost mode is an entirely different mode in comparison to the other modes which are self explanatory, I believe a tutorial should be made on it in lab map for example.
Considering the ever decline in this mode, a tutorial of this might encourage people to revive the mode.
PS - not everyone in the ghost mode community is kind enough to train or teach newer members which is why I suggested this.

2- Mutation mode block
I do realise that many users block a soldier when they are mutant which prevents them to be mutated.
This is quite annoying tbh and kills the joy of the mode.
A suggestion would be to create walk throughs for this mode or mutants.
Example: there are many fps games where you can walk through your team mates. This would be a similar concept but restricted to this mode and only for mutants.

3- Bonus point (BP)
This was an old concept which existed in Z8 and got abolished later. Personally I don't see why.
Anyways I would like to revive this concept since it was a good way for 'losers' to still be rewarded since they spent zp.
I could expand on the prefix of how this works but I believe that everyone is familiar for the concept. In addition this may encourage people to even purchase zp like how it was before than simply wait for events. PS the BP weapons have to be exclusive like the m4 silver and AK.

4- Ghost mode weapon selection.
Honestly there is a time when sprayers kills a mode. There are now silenced guns available in MP so each user should be able to purchase a proper silenced gun.

I suggest here for a limit. Like how we have knifes only mode, pistols only etc. This mode SHOULD have a silenced gun only mode. Enabling the usage of pistols and grenades.

If this is implemented I can guarantee that GM will be revived. Me being a GM player myself.

5- Zm4 mode
If anyone has ever played the game left for dead, they would understand the concept. Though I'm not aware if there are copyright and so issues, this mode is very enjoyable and can be implemented as ZM4.

The concept is where 4 members join and have to go through 3 stages for survival through a cluster of zombies. Each round they have to basically reach a safe house where guns can be picked up, medic, pistols etc.
There will be 4 special mutants each having a special attribute.

Basically it is a survival mode leading to escape. If this is implemented please make it that you can't take your own weapons and that you need to actually pick up the weapons in game.

The fun of the mode is actually teamwork. Would be hell load of fun with teamspeak.



  • [1]. +1 Ghost mode is one of my favourite modes ♥
    [2]. ofc +1 it's really great idea
    [3]. i really want BP to back in game again ,so +1
    [4]. agree with u , but i have another idea that allows the host to select which weapons he want inside the game :D , +1 btw
    [5]. dude it's really great idea , but it's another game like u said :D
  • IOJKAGFA wrote: »
    [5]. dude it's really great idea , but it's another game like u said :D

    Yes it is but I think it is possible to implement. Considering that weapon master is similar to a mode in counter strike ( I heard) there wouldn't be any issues.

    But again a GM will probably be the best to comment on the legality issues. But I reckon a little tweek here and there and it can be launched. Eg: the mutants have different quirks.

  • 1- I'd like that. In fact I had suggested in the past for a 'Tutorial Mode' to be made that would be like the Simulation Bot mode in a way but instead you would choose a mode such as Ghost mode, and the side you want to learn. The different difficulties could be scripted differently to better challenge players. As a ghost it'd help explain the how to conceal your sound and how to bhop and what not. As a GR it'd explain how to pin point and even have you practice pin pointing.
    Same would go for other modes. It'd take you through basic strategies and show you vantage points and what not.

    Of'd still only work in teaching people if they bother to read/listen to the tutorial commands.

    2-I'll agree with this. the blocking in mutation mode is probably one of the most annoying things. It's like the glitching...but for some reason considered legal. About the only way you have a chance is if someone has an assassin and can push get some good placement on a pushback grenade to push the soldier forward in range of a mutation spike. But that doesn't work in some scenarios either.
    I'd love to see this implemented where mutants can pass through other mutants. The only other option I can see is a new mutant that has this as an ability and is easily available. But I don't foresee that happening.

    3-Well I think BP went away due to restrictions that the Devs put onto Z8 more than Z8 just abolishing it themselves. So I don't think you'll see it return in that aspect. I will add that it was only useful for a short bit as there were only like 4 weapons you could grab. Most of everything else was temporary...although it did include temporary character items....there was a small crate bundle offering that existed on that page that was nice as well and an option to use it to buy GP. (Think the GP was in a bundle with other character items too though IIRC). I think the best chance we have of seeing extra points being dished out for ZP purchases would be if they decided to give a small amount of EP for each ZP purchase. Some people are against that though...simply because of the name factor of EP which implies it has to come from an Event. But that's a minor detail IMO.
    At the same time though we've got lots of other stuff going on now that go alongside buying ZP. Booster packs (which only apply once each month...but still it's something), bonus crates using certain pay options (aka Razer), Coupons are MUCH easier to come by so much so that getting 150 coupons now is faster than getting 100 before the change, and a lot more events that dish out a fair amount of crates instead of a few here and there.

    4-I'd like that option. A lot of people feel as though 'they bought this VIP/won this gun and they should be able to use it whenever and wherever' but meh I don't agree with that statement. It'd be like allowing those people to bring a AK VIP into a melee only match because dangit they spent money on it they should be allowed to use it wherever! Such an option like you've proposed would be available to the Hosts and enough non-ghosters host GMs that you'd still find some pubs without the option set if you really didn't want to be forced to use a silenced weapon...or you could host your own match for that matter. It's really not that big of a deal yet it really would help the GM community.

    5-Well in SOME ways they kind of had that with some of the early ZM1 maps. But it'd be nice to see it done more effectively. So I doubt it'd really be that big of a deal. It's just a matter of getting the Map Makers and Scripters to bother doing it.
  • Adrianre66 wrote: »
    Yes it is but I think it is possible to implement. Considering that weapon master is similar to a mode in counter strike ( I heard) there wouldn't be any issues.

    But again a GM will probably be the best to comment on the legality issues. But I reckon a little tweek here and there and it can be launched. Eg: the mutants have different quirks.


    not just CS the mode in Combat Arms also :D
  • Adrianre66 wrote: »

    These are just some additional game suggestions I thought of and have missed out from my earlier post.

    1- GM tutorial
    Considering that ghost mode is an entirely different mode in comparison to the other modes which are self explanatory, I believe a tutorial should be made on it in lab map for example.
    Considering the ever decline in this mode, a tutorial of this might encourage people to revive the mode.
    PS - not everyone in the ghost mode community is kind enough to train or teach newer members which is why I suggested this.

    2- Mutation mode block
    I do realise that many users block a soldier when they are mutant which prevents them to be mutated.
    This is quite annoying tbh and kills the joy of the mode.
    A suggestion would be to create walk throughs for this mode or mutants.
    Example: there are many fps games where you can walk through your team mates. This would be a similar concept but restricted to this mode and only for mutants.

    3- Bonus point (BP)
    This was an old concept which existed in Z8 and got abolished later. Personally I don't see why.
    Anyways I would like to revive this concept since it was a good way for 'losers' to still be rewarded since they spent zp.
    I could expand on the prefix of how this works but I believe that everyone is familiar for the concept. In addition this may encourage people to even purchase zp like how it was before than simply wait for events. PS the BP weapons have to be exclusive like the m4 silver and AK.

    4- Ghost mode weapon selection.
    Honestly there is a time when sprayers kills a mode. There are now silenced guns available in MP so each user should be able to purchase a proper silenced gun.

    I suggest here for a limit. Like how we have knifes only mode, pistols only etc. This mode SHOULD have a silenced gun only mode. Enabling the usage of pistols and grenades.

    If this is implemented I can guarantee that GM will be revived. Me being a GM player myself.

    5- Zm4 mode
    If anyone has ever played the game left for dead, they would understand the concept. Though I'm not aware if there are copyright and so issues, this mode is very enjoyable and can be implemented as ZM4.

    The concept is where 4 members join and have to go through 3 stages for survival through a cluster of zombies. Each round they have to basically reach a safe house where guns can be picked up, medic, pistols etc.
    There will be 4 special mutants each having a special attribute.

    Basically it is a survival mode leading to escape. If this is implemented please make it that you can't take your own weapons and that you need to actually pick up the weapons in game.

    The fun of the mode is actually teamwork. Would be hell load of fun with teamspeak.


    1. +1 I had to learn to bhop by watching videos on YT. I looked it up 'cause I saw some people doing it so good I had to ask them what was that and how I could learn to do it lol
    2. +1 I'd suggested this before, to remove team collision on MM. I believe this would improve the MM experience a lot.
    3. +1 Why not? I don't think they'd bring it back though, When they removed it they explained that CFNA was the only version having the BP system and how generous they were for it. Were.
    4. +1 GM can become a nightmare if there's a sprayer on the team.
    5. +1 Ahm the old ZM1 had some maps like this but they were not a survival mode leading to escape per se. They are labelled as 'Capture' maps I believe, Biohazard is one of them. I miss ZM1 capture maps :'(
  • Ixith wrote: »
    1- I'd like that. In fact I had suggested in the past for a 'Tutorial Mode' to be made that would be like the Simulation Bot mode in a way but instead you would choose a mode such as Ghost mode, and the side you want to learn. The different difficulties could be scripted differently to better challenge players. As a ghost it'd help explain the how to conceal your sound and how to bhop and what not. As a GR it'd explain how to pin point and even have you practice pin pointing.
    Same would go for other modes. It'd take you through basic strategies and show you vantage points and what not.

    Of'd still only work in teaching people if they bother to read/listen to the tutorial commands.

    2-I'll agree with this. the blocking in mutation mode is probably one of the most annoying things. It's like the glitching...but for some reason considered legal. About the only way you have a chance is if someone has an assassin and can push get some good placement on a pushback grenade to push the soldier forward in range of a mutation spike. But that doesn't work in some scenarios either.
    I'd love to see this implemented where mutants can pass through other mutants. The only other option I can see is a new mutant that has this as an ability and is easily available. But I don't foresee that happening.

    3-Well I think BP went away due to restrictions that the Devs put onto Z8 more than Z8 just abolishing it themselves. So I don't think you'll see it return in that aspect. I will add that it was only useful for a short bit as there were only like 4 weapons you could grab. Most of everything else was temporary...although it did include temporary character items....there was a small crate bundle offering that existed on that page that was nice as well and an option to use it to buy GP. (Think the GP was in a bundle with other character items too though IIRC). I think the best chance we have of seeing extra points being dished out for ZP purchases would be if they decided to give a small amount of EP for each ZP purchase. Some people are against that though...simply because of the name factor of EP which implies it has to come from an Event. But that's a minor detail IMO.
    At the same time though we've got lots of other stuff going on now that go alongside buying ZP. Booster packs (which only apply once each month...but still it's something), bonus crates using certain pay options (aka Razer), Coupons are MUCH easier to come by so much so that getting 150 coupons now is faster than getting 100 before the change, and a lot more events that dish out a fair amount of crates instead of a few here and there.

    4-I'd like that option. A lot of people feel as though 'they bought this VIP/won this gun and they should be able to use it whenever and wherever' but meh I don't agree with that statement. It'd be like allowing those people to bring a AK VIP into a melee only match because dangit they spent money on it they should be allowed to use it wherever! Such an option like you've proposed would be available to the Hosts and enough non-ghosters host GMs that you'd still find some pubs without the option set if you really didn't want to be forced to use a silenced weapon...or you could host your own match for that matter. It's really not that big of a deal yet it really would help the GM community.

    5-Well in SOME ways they kind of had that with some of the early ZM1 maps. But it'd be nice to see it done more effectively. So I doubt it'd really be that big of a deal. It's just a matter of getting the Map Makers and Scripters to bother doing it.

    Firstly, sorry for tagging the whole comment. I am still unfamiliar how to select a particular sentence.

    1- my first point for a GM tutorial is simply because the mode is wayyy different from the other modes.
    The tutorial can be simple. Listenin to breath left and right and middle up and down, etc. There are already YouTube videos on this posted.
    Second part of the video would be bhopping. Kind of like a race course maybe to practice your turns. Nothing too fancy.

    4- Your fourth comment is partially correct. I myself create private rooms with GM people only so that I could have a good game. But I am sure you are also aware that the current GM community is dieing slowly. Nowadays if you find 14 GMrs online at a point of time it is rare. I at the most see 6 and do a 3v3.

    This is so that we can play in pubs with no worries for spray as well as practice our PP in general in the public. I. Addition I think that people will actually understand the essence of GM once this is implemented.

    And I am not creating it as a compulsory rule. The host of the room has the decision to decide on silence only guns or not. So overall it should be a win win situation. And personally I do reckon that this will improve the GM activity in general.
