Game suggestions


Here are a few suggestions (some I mentioned before and some new). Would really appreciate if a GM or a mod would give some feedback.

1- Weapon exchange.
Players who have duplicates should be given an option to exchange their weapon for say crate tickets (for ZP weapons) or option of coupon exchanges.
With GP duplicates an option of a lower coupon exchange or GP for it would be ideal. Say 40,000 GP for example.

2- Event trackers
It is a pain honestly waiting for the tracker to be updated. At times it just buffers. It would be ideal if say a separate column would be mention while in crossfire which tracks your progress.
Example: how we have the current daily mission. A similar tracker.

3- Hack reporting.
An in game option where you can report a player when the match summary pops up would be ideal.
Columns could be - player name(s), time and way of abuse.
Personally I don't like reporting because of the time it takes to save a vid, upload it and then fill in forms. I know many people will say it won't take much time, but for me it is an added task. Plus when you see n number of hacks in a day u tend to avoid going through the hassle each time.

4- Ranked matches
Though I don't play ranked, I believe a limit (rank) for joining a ranked game would be ideal. Say major and above. Would help make the mode more playable IMO.

5- GP chars
This would be a personal request, I see hardly any male chars for GP. It would be nice if some new male chars could be added for GP.

6- Event declaration
I have noticed that events are generally released after a patch. Considering that many plays are of different time zones it would be nice if the event start could be the next day. Say announcement for new event on 18th but the event starts on 19th.

7-GM playing on Friday
I personally never played with a single GM since as per my info all play in NA.
Just wondering if you guys play on UK. Since whenever I saw a stream it is in NA.
If you guys do alternate from NA To UK each week it would help keep you guys more visible to the UK community since as far as I know it is mainly with NA community that youl bond.

8- MP/Coupon weapon
Just wondering if there is any plan to change the permanent weapons for MP and coupon.
As far as I heard coupons change once a year and MP no one has a clue. Considering we earn MP and are mindlessly storing up or wasting the MP on duplicates an alternative would be nice.
PS: I noticed that youl added new temps which is wonderful in my opinion. Probably change temps each month and say permanent weapons 1nc in six months (rough figure).

9- ZM/Zm2
I personally find ZM1 to be the most original maps, specially those maps where u can't bring your own guns with you. Adding a permanent weapon for those maps like how it is in ZM2/ZM3 would be nice. Or atleast for future ZM1 maps. Considering that ZM1 is the most difficult I see less new maps being released in this mode.

Minimum of 3 plays to join Zm2 and ZM1 unlike Zm3 . This frustrates me tbh. I like to solo at times. If an option to remove the minimum number of players is available that would be nice. Waiting for someone to join really wastes time tbh.

10- Cf open
I think this is the Cfcl GM mode. No updates are given on this. Any update would be appreciated.



  • 1: +1

    2: +1

    3: +1

    4: Major is way too high. I would suggest Second Lieutenant.

    5: More GP Characters will add more variety so +1

    6: The amount of times I've missed an event because I missed the first day is insane. If they revealed the event 1 day beforehand, I wouldn't miss anything, +1000000.

    7: They usually do at least 1 game in a UK server every stream

    8: MP/Coupon weapons do need changing, coupons are so easy to get now. Also if you're talking about the MP permanent, I would say that should change every 1-2 months. 1 month for weapons that are stronger/unique, and 2 months for weapons that are average. That way the better rewards need to be worked for. Coupon weapons: Yeah 6 months would be nice.

    9: +1
  • 1: +1

    2: +1

    3: +1

    4: Major is way too high. I would suggest Second Lieutenant.

    5: More GP Characters will add more variety so +1

    6: The amount of times I've missed an event because I missed the first day is insane. If they revealed the event 1 day beforehand, I wouldn't miss anything, +1000000.

    7: They usually do at least 1 game in a UK server every stream

    8: MP/Coupon weapons do need changing, coupons are so easy to get now. Also if you're talking about the MP permanent, I would say that should change every 1-2 months. 1 month for weapons that are stronger/unique, and 2 months for weapons that are average. That way the better rewards need to be worked for. Coupon weapons: Yeah 6 months would be nice.

    9: +1

    I was reading Adrian's suggestions and reaching similar conclusions xD

    So +1
  • 1 - ZP only, then +1.
    2 - This is worse during events where rewards are given a week later, or even month. in 2017 a delayed tracker shows an embarrassment, really it does. +1
    3 - It exists but isn't enabled in this version, and I don't see why not. more hackers banned and less stress on players. +1
    4 - Major is hard to get to. -1, unless lower. (hackers are already a problem)
    5 - It could bring more variety, especially if there was a female character. +1
    6 - Yes. The problem is the new and confusing website design for the homepage. Before, you could see all announcements, constantly updated and you'd never miss it.
    Now, you have to check forums or pray that z8 actually creates an image for the homepage declaring an event. And why the heck does it lead to facebook? impressions? i wish it led to the FORUMS. bad decision z8 honestly, just make it simple. I would rather check the homepage than forums because there are too many stickies on the forum.
    this is the worst part:
    zp bonus events on homepage, but actual events on the forums. +1
    7- i don't see a problem with this, and it would bring more players in. +1
    8 - .. +1
    9 - ZM1 maps are the best, but are boring when you work for temps. this would bring people back! +1
    solo will make it even better. ZM3 is too hard to solo with broken bosses that you CAN'T escape, but ZM1, I find pretty easy.
    10 - not sure.
  • Some of these are pretty good. I especially like the idea of the weapon exchange, but it would have to have a lot of work put into it to make sure it wasn't abused.
  • Many things and suggestions are wonderful here , So +1 :)
    Some of these are pretty good. I especially like the idea of the weapon exchange, but it would have to have a lot of work put into it to make sure it wasn't abused.

    I wish our version will be first in this exchange system :)
  • nice suggestions
    i hope if they can do some of it
  • 1-I'd love to see some form of weapon exchange especially since I now own so many duplicate weapons. But as stated...such an exchange would need to be set up to prevent farming abuse. Best way I can think of that is to allow only duplicate weapons to be traded as that quickly eliminates MOST alt account event farming. Another option would be to restrict accounts that have shared the same IP address to trade weapons. That one can be worked around through middle man it's effectiveness would only be low.
    I'd also like the ability to just flat out sell GP Crate weapons even if it isn't for all that much.

    2-Event tracker could certainly use more....polish... I can foresee some issues with the tracker being ingame such as that an ingame tracker would have to be initially set up by the Devs who would then leave tools for the GMs to use to tweak settings and conditions for the tracker, and those tools would be dependent on what the GMs tell the Devs that is then say those tools are made up....they become restricted to the limitations of those settings when creating an event until they can get the Devs to add more functionality. With an unforgiving player base when it comes to event mess ups...that could be disastrous for its first few months of trials runs. That being said, even with the large database numbers and what not....surely there's a way to speed up the tracker updates?
    *side note. While it's not so much a would be nice to include a 'Time Played' section on the LogOut screen that pops up when you go to exit the game. Just like how it gives you yours kills, deaths, wins, and losses. It could dish out a "You've spent XX minutes in games today!" that would be helpful for tracking things like the weekend event while ingame in itself but is also an interesting statistic to see IMO.

    3-I think an ingame method would be nice. But finding a way to cut down on excessive abuse while allowing players who do accurately report hackers continue to do so is key. It'd be lame if it were to become a thing where every nab can report in-game any time they get frustrated over a player killing them in a mode they don't understand and thus becomes as abused as the Vote Kicking option and creates a waste of support time.
    An option here, IMO, would be a Flag system. Players could flag an account they believe is hacking. It'd take so many flags for an account to appear on a list which is accessible by say both GMs and MODs. That list would allows GMs and MODs to see if those players are online and allow them to join the room that player is in (think of it as a Naughty List that works somewhat like the friend's list maybe). They could then verify if the person is hacking ingame pretty quickly and in person. Still abuse-able but this would allow the GMs and MODs to handle it on their own time in-game.

    4-Honestly I think the only thing that will truly help ranked in terms of hackers is a constant patrol of GMs/Support that can outright ban offenders on the spot. But if we want to talk about overall improvements to Ranked....i'd say more events would be needed for it. And IMO Ranked, since it's semi-competitive, should force players to use Tourny style rules. No special guns. Just generic ones like M4, AK, AWM and maybe a few others for a LITTLE variety. But nothing like VIPs, TMP, etc etc. It seems silly to me if you have a competitive mode like this that it'd allow things that reduce the actual skill and team work needed.

    5-I could see some more GP characters. Have no problem with that.

    6-I FULLY agree here. What bothers me about their current announcement method is that if you look at the creation date's on some of the Event threads...they're days old before they get revealed. I get that maybe they haven't finalized some of the details...but final details should be done before the day of the event and it should be posted at least 24 hours before the event starts.

    7-They do tend to stick to the NA servers...I think that's partially due to the fact that even they have larger pings and thus more lag in the UK and also because generally speaking there's more empty server space to hide in, in the NA2-6. But as stated before. I believe they GENERALLY try to play 1 match in the UK servers.
    I'd like to see other improvements to the GM Stream. some of which have been stated by other players in another thread. I will say though that the locked rooms with the giving out the password on stream as a nice touch, especially with the enforcing of the 1 game per person rule.

    8-I'd like to think there's plans to change up the MP permanent soon. I'd imagine they're running into problems with what to put up due to the blowback that will happen if they put up a ZP crate weapon that's been released before, especially if it's a limited time one. But also with what's actually available as a permanent weapon. While we can say 'oh just use stuff that was previously used in the coupon section as Temporaries!' they can't just flip a switch on their end to make those permanent. It's a dev thing and they probably have to negotiate with that content is my guess. But I would like to see it.
    As for coupons....anyone who spends or does all of the events most likely has all 3 permanents by now if not a few times over. However, i'd like to see the coupon expansion go into effect first before just updating the current weapons as i'd like to think that along with increasing our coupon holding ability from 150 to 250, that doing such will open up more tiers of weapons as well.
    If we do see any change soon it'll probably be in either the August or September update...but I wouldn't count on the permanents getting changed out... (it was one of those 2 months last year when about 5 of the higher temporary items can switched out)

    9-I'd love to see more ZM maps especially once that are more fluid like some of the original ZM1s that kinda tell a story. And adding a permanent weapon as a potential reward would certainly increase the amount of people playing them, at least for awhile. I'd also like to see more ZM2 and ZM3 maps too though...
    As for allowing ZM1 to be started up solo....I'm completely down for that. Not so sure about ZM2 though since that one is a bit more reliant on teamwork or at least people who can shoot zombies and set up SOME defenses. But...if people want to try it why not...

  • 1. As already stated, it would be a lot of work, since they need to make sure to have all those systems controlled. But anyway, I agree with this, and hope this could be implemented someday.

    2. I remember when this new daily mission system was first implemented and we had some events which were added to that section (missions related to the events of those times), so at least they could be doing something similiar. For example, adding a new tab alongside the current ones in the daily mission section, which will only feature missions related to a current event. If they are multiple missions, there is a button there in the tab, that could display those missions (if it's the case).

    3. Even if it's not the solution to instantly get rid off hackers, this is something they should try at least, since we seem to be in a phase of experimenting (choosing which would be the best option to the cleansing).

    4. Major is too much IMO. Starting from Company Officer ranks would be okay for me. And like my previous statement, even if this is not the solution we might try with it anyway.

    5. There are currently some characters that are waiting to be released here. I wouldn't mind seeing some of them as GP chars, especially since some of them look really nice (for me).

    6. We need something like this already. This would even help people who don't sleep to get some. xD Also, if the problem is the early announcements wanting to be hidden until the appropriate time, then you could do something like: revealing the events related to doing missions one day before (for example this current one of mutations) and if they want to hide some things like rewards you just don't reveal it yet in the cover page (for example, if you complete all the mutation missions, you will get 10 mysterious crates at the end of the event). The mysterious crates will be revealed when you fully update the patch and the event is also currently ongoing (in which case you update the cover/picture page fully revealing the crates with the new content, etc).

    7. Due to problems related to the increased ping there, and other technical problems, they might prefer playing and streaming at NA. But yeah, implementing something like this would make they to be more connected to the whole community (both NA and UK).

    8. I've already given up with MP shop, by thinking that we were going to get some new permanent items/weapons. But yeah, as stated above, we hopefully can get a change or even a new addition alongside the YXS in the shop. I'm as well glad that temporary weapons are changing every month. I've been having fun with these last ones being released (for the old memories mainly, lol). About coupons, more than 6 months has already passed now, so they would think about it maybe by the next year? or maybe if this is implemented, we could be getting a change in the 8th month probably. I couldn't tell what factors will be affecting the coupons exchange rewards this time, but maybe they are waiting until a good amount of players get their 3 permanent weapons to start thinking about a change? only time will tell.

    9. Before I thought ZM1 should be left as it is now due to the nature of the game (start like a team, finish like a team...-even if you want to solo them-). But then I realised how ZM games are being played now, the frequency, the most popular maps and modes (being zm3 at the top probably), etc...and concluded that maybe some maps should have a limit of 2 players at least, and not 3. With 2 players you can still be playing like a team (more like a duo, ikr) and also saving a lot of time of waiting for a third player to join/start the game. And also people would be glad to join (since players tend to join games that are currently being played, more than games that haven't started yet). If the problem is Death Rally (that can be abused this way) it can still be limited to 3 players to start. Ah, and they can also keep the limit of 3 players for Final Arena map.

    About the rewards, I wouldn't mind having some permanent stuff, provided that, they don't convert the current temporary stuff into permanent (boss crates wouldn't make sense if that happens). And that being said, I just want to add that it would be nice having a new ZM1 map that is like the old ones. I'd love this to happen. :<

    Nice suggestions btw, you practically summed up all the main topics here on forums. +1 overall.

  • Ixith wrote: »
    1-I'd love to see some form of weapon exchange especially since I now own so many duplicate weapons. But as stated...such an exchange would need to be set up to prevent farming abuse. Best way I can think of that is to allow only duplicate weapons to be traded as that quickly eliminates MOST alt account event farming. Another option would be to restrict accounts that have shared the same IP address to trade weapons. That one can be worked around through middle man it's effectiveness would only be low.
    I'd also like the ability to just flat out sell GP Crate weapons even if it isn't for all that much.

    They're not suggesting trading, they're suggesting being able to basically sell a duplicate ZP gun for crate tickets, and selling a GP gun for GP.
  • Wasted my time to read all of your comments.
    And I can say only one thing. +1 overall XD
  • Some of these are pretty good. I especially like the idea of the weapon exchange, but it would have to have a lot of work put into it to make sure it wasn't abused.


    Thanks for the reply.
    I think you misunderstood on my weapon exchange idea since it involves no criteria where a user could abuse this system (via dummy accounts, or friend users)

    This is a system where simply a person who has purchased a ZP crate and won the ZP weapon can offload the item for a specific price. Example , I have a m4 custom silencer and sell it for say 20 free crate tickets or for some 'n' number of coupons.
    A GP crate where you won say a Thompson and want to sell it should be given an option where you can either receive 40,000 (estimate) or coupons (lower coupons than for a zp weapon sale)

    The idea is similar to a dismantle option- where a user can sell the item for a specific reward and is given the option to choose which reward he would like to receive .

    There is no trading between players so there should be no issue for any abuse to arise. It is simply between a user an Z8 games similarly how you purchase a crate, sell a GP item purchased in item shop etc.

  • Ixith wrote: »
    1-I'd love to see some form of weapon exchange especially since I now own so many duplicate weapons. But as stated...such an exchange would need to be set up to prevent farming abuse. Best way I can think of that is to allow only duplicate weapons to be traded as that quickly eliminates MOST alt account event farming. Another option would be to restrict accounts that have shared the same IP address to trade weapons.

    I think you also misunderstood my post like kanadian. Do view my reply to him it should be self explanatory.

    2-Event tracker could certainly use more....polish... I can foresee some issues with the tracker being ingame such as that an ingame tracker would have to be initially set up by the Devs who would then leave tools for the GMs to use to tweak settings and conditions for the tracker, and those tools would be dependent on what the GMs tell the Devs that is then say those tools are made up....they become restricted to the limitations of those settings when creating an event until they can get the Devs to add more functionality. With an unforgiving player base when it comes to event mess ups...that could be disastrous for its first few months of trials runs. That being said, even with the large database numbers and what not....surely there's a way to speed up the tracker updates?
    *side note. While it's not so much a would be nice to include a 'Time Played' section on the LogOut screen that pops up when you go to exit the game. Just like how it gives you yours kills, deaths, wins, and losses. It could dish out a "You've spent XX minutes in games today!" that would be helpful for tracking things like the weekend event while ingame in itself but is also an interesting statistic to see IMO.

    While I do accept some point to this. I do feel a simple tracker in game would solve most of the event issues faced by users. Making a similar in game tracker like the daily missions shouldnt be all to complicated ( example of the weekly or monthly target tracker for the daily missions)

    Secondly, the core need of this was to not waste time to wait for 2 hours to view it on website.
    Note: Especially for FFA/MM/ZM it is hard to keep track of the number of games u played and hence I always play 2-3 more to be on the safe side and hope when I wake up the next day that the games counted to the tally.

    3-I think an ingame method would be nice. But finding a way to cut down on excessive abuse while allowing players who do accurately report hackers continue to do so is key. It'd be lame if it were to become a thing where every nab can report in-game any time they get frustrated over a player killing them in a mode they don't understand and thus becomes as abused as the Vote Kicking option and creates a waste of support time.
    An option here, IMO, would be a Flag system. Players could flag an account they believe is hacking. It'd take so many flags for an account to appear on a list which is accessible by say both GMs and MODs. That list would allows GMs and MODs to see if those players are online and allow them to join the room that player is in (think of it as a Naughty List that works somewhat like the friend's list maybe). They could then verify if the person is hacking ingame pretty quickly and in person. Still abuse-able but this would allow the GMs and MODs to handle it on their own time in-game.

    I had made a similar post for a flagged system earlier alas it was not well supported by the community.
    This suggestion was simplify the ease of reporting.
    And even if they get more reports, that is their job to review them. To better encourage members to report hackers is the suggestion I put in place.

    4-Honestly I think the only thing that will truly help ranked in terms of hackers is a constant patrol of GMs/Support that can outright ban offenders on the spot. But if we want to talk about overall improvements to Ranked....i'd say more events would be needed for it. And IMO Ranked, since it's semi-competitive, should force players to use Tourny style rules. No special guns. Just generic ones like M4, AK, AWM and maybe a few others for a LITTLE variety. But nothing like VIPs, TMP, etc etc. It seems silly to me if you have a competitive mode like this that it'd allow things that reduce the actual skill and team work needed.

    It is true that I would prefer non VIP games etc for it to be more competitive. But again I do stress that this suggestion was not about making the mode more competitive, it was to make it more playable.

    The idea of why I never made the rank to Lt first (single gold bar) is because many have VIPs and can easily farm to that spot. Making it a tad harder say the silver bar can reduce the number of hacks in that mode due to the rank limit. And I personally feel 'Ranked mode' means u should be able to play the mode once you reach a certain rank. Though this does not solve the issue for hackers I reckon by putting in a cap for the entry the number of hacks will reduce by 70%.

    7-They do tend to stick to the NA servers...I think that's partially due to the fact that even they have larger pings and thus more lag in the UK and also because generally speaking there's more empty server space to hide in, in the NA2-6. But as stated before. I believe they GENERALLY try to play 1 match in the UK servers.
    I'd like to see other improvements to the GM Stream. some of which have been stated by other players in another thread. I will say though that the locked rooms with the giving out the password on stream as a nice touch, especially with the enforcing of the 1 game per person rule.

    If they are doing 1 game per Friday that is swell. That was bad information on my end then. But a little more activity on UK would be more welcome.

    8-I'd like to think there's plans to change up the MP permanent soon. I'd imagine they're running into problems with what to put up due to the blowback that will happen if they put up a ZP crate weapon that's been released before, especially if it's a limited time one. But also with what's actually available as a permanent weapon. While we can say 'oh just use stuff that was previously used in the coupon section as Temporaries!' they can't just flip a switch on their end to make those permanent. It's a dev thing and they probably have to negotiate with that content is my guess. But I would like to see it.
    As for coupons....anyone who spends or does all of the events most likely has all 3 permanents by now if not a few times over. However, i'd like to see the coupon expansion go into effect first before just updating the current weapons as i'd like to think that along with increasing our coupon holding ability from 150 to 250, that doing such will open up more tiers of weapons as well.
    If we do see any change soon it'll probably be in either the August or September update...but I wouldn't count on the permanents getting changed out... (it was one of those 2 months last year when about 5 of the higher temporary items can switched out)

    I honestly do hope the MP permanents do get switched atleast semi annually since I personally will stop doing the tasks due to lack of motivation.

    I would prefer it to be kept for 1-2 months as suggested by an another forumer to keep the permanents hard to get. But that will lead to many rare weapons being distributed to the community. The idea for semi annually is to just encourage people to keep earning mp.
    Note: semi annually isn't too bad since the temps can be utilized in the time being.
