Shotgun Week Related
in Suggestions
Due to server issues today on the last day, and arguably the late announcement of the event to begin with....would it be possible to extend shotgun week for a day that has stable server access again? Not even 10 games in yet and I have been disconnected 4 times and it's becoming harder to even FIND shotgun only matches due to people just quitting due to frustration. But I can't do that unless I want to throw the rest of the weeks games away for nothing...which I don't.
I think perhaps, the best way to do this would be a 'Make Up' day once servers are regained a bit of stability. I have suggested the idea of a 'Make-Up' day for events like this before and IIRC Grumpy said the GM team would look into the possibility of implementing it....but it'd be REALLY useful right now.
I think perhaps, the best way to do this would be a 'Make Up' day once servers are regained a bit of stability. I have suggested the idea of a 'Make-Up' day for events like this before and IIRC Grumpy said the GM team would look into the possibility of implementing it....but it'd be REALLY useful right now.
+1 to that. They could make a 'make up day' as you are suggesting in which anyone who missed one day max(the 8 days are included) could do what they missed in that day, so if someone missed the 1st day due to late announcement, they could do it in that make up day as well.
Or maybe they could just make it that if you missed 1 day max due to any circumstances, you would still get the ribbon, the ribbon should be for a week not 8 days after all. -
+1 to that. They could make a 'make up day' as you are suggesting in which anyone who missed one day max(the 8 days are included) could do what they missed in that day, so if someone missed the 1st day due to late announcement, they could do it in that make up day as well.
Or maybe they could just make it that if you missed 1 day max due to any circumstances, you would still get the ribbon, the ribbon should be for a week not 8 days after all.
by one or another reason there were difficulties, for me it was the late announcement i miss day 1, for other server issues, and you are right it's shotgun week. so 7 days will more appropriate. -
+1 to that. They could make a 'make up day' as you are suggesting in which anyone who missed one day max(the 8 days are included) could do what they missed in that day, so if someone missed the 1st day due to late announcement, they could do it in that make up day as well.
Or maybe they could just make it that if you missed 1 day max due to any circumstances, you would still get the ribbon, the ribbon should be for a week not 8 days after all.MrNintend0 wrote: »+2
by one or another reason there were difficulties, for me it was the late announcement i miss day 1, for other server issues, and you are right it's shotgun week. so 7 days will more appropriate.
Well, since when they do a "Make up day" for the players who missed a day or a minute, i don't think it's fair for other players who worked for these events while lot of them can't spare a few hours in some days to do the tasks.
But.. i won't hate to give a chance for some players who missed the "1st day" duo to late announcement, so +1
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