Experiencing errors again

Has anyone else have been experiencing random disconnects, host errors and errors that instantly close the game these last 2/3 days? It seems to be getting worst and its unbearable. Yesterday i had to start the game four times until I was finally able to join a room successfully.

Edit: Also these freaking breaks in between selecting options in the game are getting extremely annoying as well.


  • Not very consistently. But a couple of times in the last week maybe. My main thing is occasionally when first starting the game the game process will freeze up forcing me to kill the process. Usually happens 1-3 times in a row before I can even get to join a room but once I get into a channel it's never occurred beyond then. It mainly hits before the Log In field pops up, after hitting enter from putting login info in, or as i'm trying to join a server. But hasn't happened in awhile so meh.

    As for random disconnects haven't really had that. But did have the game instantly close on me about 2 days after a match.

    But again other than that not too much on my end. but i also haven't had TOO much time to play. usually just enough to knock out shotgun week requirements.
  • The thing is this 2hr shotgun even is killing me. 2 hours turn into 4 then 5... i keep getting fatal errors right at the end of the games that close my game. Its ridiculous.