Cheating situation

The amount of cheaters is becoming increasingly large.
Every room has at least a cheater who doesn't even try to make there cheats less noticeable.
This thread covers some ideas I have thought of which I believe might hold potential for stopping cheaters.

1. Cheaters cheat blatantly because they know they can always create a new throwaway account.
I believe that there CFNA should reserve a server for players who has bought zp with their cash and not earned from surveys or events.
I believe cheaters wouldn't really want to spend $ to access this server. Most of the CFNA community barely buys ZP.
This idea could also keep investors (ZP buyers) from quitting the game.

I have thought of the downside of this idea as it also keeps out legitimate F2P players from enjoying the game. This idea doesn't really stop cheaters,
it only protects the investors, leaving the F2P community to suffer with the cheaters.

I should also not leave out the possibilities from cheaters who are willing to pay $ to continue cheating on this server. There is a possible chance that
there will be cheaters who doesn't mind to spend $ to cheat on this server. I believe that this could be considered a penalty and potential chance for Z8 to
earn potential profit from this which they can use to invest in developing a strong cheat detection system.
If these pea brain cheaters decides to cheats they won't go scot free as currently and make a new account continue cheating. They will have to buy ZP to rejoin this ZP server.

1. Protects the investors
2. Make cheaters literally pay for their crime of cheating if they want to rejoin this ZP server
3. Potential profit?

1. The F2P community is going to suffer with the cheaters.
2. Favorites the P2P side of the community. I know every company should show concern to their investors, but the F2P side are a potential source of also becoming an investor.

Reserve a server for only accounts that has bought zp with cash. Accounts that are gifted ZP from others does not count.

2. Server validation
I really don't know the structure of how CF's client and server are programmed.
But I believe it might work like this:
CF's client sends data to server.
CF's servers receives the data and sends back out the data to the other players and updates their client.

1. I pressed [space bar]
2. My client registers that as a jump and sends the information to the CF server
3. CF server receives the information that I jumped.
4. The CF server sends information out to the other players that I jumped.
5. The other players clients receives the information and my character jumps on their screen.

I believe that the servers should validate the actions of a player to make sure they're not cheating, or if they do cheat, it won't register.
Suppose we have this scenario.

Cheater's CF is speed knifing. So the cheater's client tells the server that the player's slashing speed is 100 slashes per second.
CF's servers receives the data from the cheater's client
Checks the player's weapon. -> Is this player's weapon able to do that within that time frame? -> No? Update the other player's clients with the correct speed.
So if the speed knifer is speed knifing it wouldn't really register on other players because the server checked it and corrected it and then sent the information out to the other clients.
So the speed knifer thinks they're speed knifing, but others would only see the correct speed and only that would register to other players if they get hit.

This idea also has a flaw, if the servers were to constantly check and validate every player, it would super laggy and CF's servers aren't that powerful compared to other games.
I propose that this should be a new option under kick vote. Where any player can request the server to validate that player and their actions for X seconds. It could be for 30 seconds.
The server will start validating that suspect and if something seems "abnormal" that play can be dealt with punishment. Kick/Ban
The player who initiated the validating on the other player will not be able to do the same thing again until the next round/ or after X seconds to reduce server strain.
However other people will be able to do so.

1. I know for a fact that the kick vote system is very flawed. Players would kick legitimate players that were actually good. Cheaters would block themselves from getting kicked by
putting someone else on the chopping block to be their sacrifice. The majority of the CF community is very immoral. This idea would allow a non biased system to decide the fate of
a player fairly.
2. This makes cheaters more cautiously to cheat blatantly.
3. Protects both investors and f2p as well.

1. Servers might not be strong to validating a bunch of player's actions.
2. Laggers aren't cheaters, but they might get mistaken for one since their player actions are strange causing them to teleport around. I suppose that the server also take into consideration of the player's ping before deciding if the suspect is a cheater or just lagging. The best players might lag some times and getting banned from this idea because your laggy connection seems abnormal would be terrible.
3. There are a lot of cheats: shoot though walls, speed knife, flying, invincibility, noclip.. etc the server will have to know how to detect all of these cheats. Simply telling the server "Check for players who are speed knifing and ban them" does not work.

Have the server check a player's actions for any abnormalities

I believe this is how Runescape handles their bot detection. The server monitors and observes a player's actions and then passes judgement on them.
All of Runescape's actions are validated by the server. The only cheating done there are zero day bug attacks and botting. The only bad thing about the community there is the scamming issues.
The player's clients can't tell the server that they're hitting 100 times in one turn or make their characters move faster than other players because everything is handled by the server and they follow the rule of
"Don't trust the client".

There is a chance that these ideas might have already been thought up of by other players or the Z8 staff already.
I would like to know whether or not these ideas have any flaws that I might have missed.

Please stop telling the Z8 staff to "just fix the cheating situation" or to "buy a better anti-cheat system" because that how you become Captain Obvious.
There are so many cheaters going around, I'm sure a lot of players already flooded the GMs with reports by now. A report is only a short term fix for dealing with the cheaters since they'll just make a new account again.
I believe the Z8 staff is pretty small compared to other companies such as Rock star so they can't watch all those replays quickly.


  • I think an easier option is to make a server for "Colonel 1 and UP" meaning those noobs who hack cannot join that server. Even if they made a new account, it would take them an aweful long time to get back to Colonel 1 to join that server.

    Also this allows us to report Colonel 1 or higher Ranks mostly on that server if they hack, giving us the satisfaction of banning higher ranks rather than waste time on lowest ranks.
  • I think an easier option is to make a server for "Colonel 1 and UP" meaning those noobs who hack cannot join that server. Even if they made a new account, it would take them an aweful long time to get back to Colonel 1 to join that server.

    Also this allows us to report Colonel 1 or higher Ranks mostly on that server if they hack, giving us the satisfaction of banning higher ranks rather than waste time on lowest ranks.
    This idea wouldn't have any impact on the cheating situation at all since I believe cheaters never really reach that rank or if they do it's really rare and they might be really dumb as well to cheat with that type of account.
    This also wouldn't really protect the investors. I believe the restriction for only Colonel 1 is too tight. The server would be empty in that case.

    Figuratively it would be like making a server restricted for only GMs. The server would have no cheaters at all, but it would be really empty since not much players fit that requirement.
    The reason I believe a server for ZP buyers only is to protect the investors and make cheaters pay a fine if they want to recreate a new account that wants to join that server again.
    Most of them won't even want to buy the zp to join it. The reason I want Z8 to protect their investors is because the investors is what keeps the game going, and if they rage quit the game,
    CF loses future revenue. F2P are potential investors, but I believe only around 10-20% of new F2P players become investors. Investors also rarely cheat, since they paid so much cash to build up their account
    they know it's risky to get it banned and lose everything.
  • uhm.....why can't cf just remove broken kukri for now untill they fix it? because no other knifes work that that hak im pretty sure
  • uhm.....why can't cf just remove broken kukri for now untill they fix it? because no other knifes work that that hak im pretty sure

    Broken kukri and speed knifing is currently what the majority of cheaters use.
    It's a short term fix and if the cheat developer decides to change it to regular knife, Z8 can't remove knife.
    Im pretty sure some cheaters dont need broken kukri to speed knife, any melee can work.
  • Nice input Ninja, i've loved the idea of the "server test" vote.