Lisp Recruiting!


We are a growing PUB/CW/Scrim Clan. We're looking for active, friendly and skilled players! If this all applies to you, then you've come to the right place!

(Clan Officers Only)
All officers have [LS] in their nametag.

To join our brotherhood, there are a couple of things that are required.

1. Fill out the application when submitting an application.
Age: Country: Have Discord?(Y/N): Mic?(Y/N) Speak English?(Y/N?)

It can be answered as this: 19, USA, Y, Y, Y. or 19, USA, Yes, Yes, Yes.

2. Discord is REQUIRED to join Lisp. Mic is NOT required, but it is preferred!

3. No hacks, no glitches, exploits of the sort. We play fair and NEVER cheat.

4. Everyone treats everyone with respect. We treat each other like we want to be treated.

5. Minimum age requirement is 15 or above. K/D 1.0 or above. That's it.

6. You are to be active and be on discord when you are online. Follow all the rules and you will be a fine addition to the clan!

Add my discord with your IGN so that I know who you are.

Find me ingame for applications or post them here! [LS]Dr.Shy

*LT's have yet to be determined! We are looking for LT's!*
