Hacking report suggestion


I just read a thread on some suggestions posted for reporting hackers and wanted to give my opinion but the thread was closed. Hence here we are.

Someone had suggested an option of giving a few trusted players a ban option for monitoring rooms and banning hackers and an another had suggested an option for using red flags.

I would like to tweek this a little for simplification. Namely;

1) Members who are given the good Samaritan ribbon ( I presume are hardly any- below 50). Should be given a report abuse option in game. (This option is like add friend but it is only added for the trusted player. His buddy list. - he can see when the player is online etc.) A second option will be report to a GM.

The suggestion can help in two ways:
- the trusted player can keep a track of the player (still active or not) and resubmit the report to GM option after 2 weeks
Note: A single trusted player can report one person once in 2 weeks.

The idea is where if 5 reports are received from these trusted players to GMs then they can oversee the player and have a view of posted savings for these players.

This I reckon would reduce the workload for GMs reviewing alot of players and can focus on the main reports from these trusted players while the rest of the support team can be doing their regular job.

If you find this too much of a hastle in regard to the technicality, a separate section in the forum can be made for these members where they can add the names on a vote poll
(A closed group so no one can post except them or GMs.)
An another idea I thought of is if a selected few (5 top members) eg camel and bunni have an option where they can know if a GM is online. So they can ask in game to a GM to check a player if they are free.

I know there are alot of Grammer issues , but hey I'm at work.



  • -1

    The idea of having human to check for cheaters is very prone to biased judgement where they might lead up to using emotion to judge a player and ban a legitimate player unfairly.
    If you give someone power they have a chance to go corrupt. Not many people can handle the responsibilities of power. I wouldn't even trust a veteran player with a honorable soldier ribbon + Good Samaritan ribbon.
    A legit player might anger them once and BOOM the ban hammer falls down on them without much thought.
    Using any players to handle the work of the GMs is unfeasible. They don't get paid and because of that, I believe that they don't have CF's best interest at heart.

    This is a short term fix. Cheaters never go away, they come back with a different account. This idea falls into the category of "Hire more human staff to patrol for cheaters". This idea only slows down cheaters by like 5 minutes.
  • -1

    The idea of having human to check for cheaters is very prone to biased judgement where they might lead up to using emotion to judge a player and ban a legitimate player unfairly.
    If you give someone power they have a chance to go corrupt. Not many people can handle the responsibilities of power. I wouldn't even trust a veteran player with a honorable soldier ribbon + Good Samaritan ribbon.
    A legit player might anger them once and BOOM the ban hammer falls down on them without much thought.
    Using any players to handle the work of the GMs is unfeasible. They don't get paid and because of that, I believe that they don't have CF's best interest at heart.

    This is a short term fix. Cheaters never go away, they come back with a different account. This idea falls into the category of "Hire more human staff to patrol for cheaters". This idea only slows down cheaters by like 5 minutes.

    I don't believe you read my post correctly.
    I gave a suggestion where these trusted players can 'report' to a GM on these players. They do not ban anyone.

    In addition a GM will only look into the matter once say 10 votes come from 10 different trusted players. (Not from one)

    The power lies with the GM . It just simplifies it to look into the matter easier, over and above the current report strategy.

    And even though this is a temporary fix. Doing nothing is worse.

    Provided a GM can just view the poll submitted by these players every two weeks, it would definitely help in reducing the number of haks.

    And on the contrary members having the good Samaritan ribbon do have the cf community in their heart since they actually spend time helping other members in the community on behalf of a GM with no rewards. It by itself is a recognition.

    And even though it is possible for people to make new accounts after a ban. It would irritate the player if it happens say 2wice in 2 months. A consistent review every 2 weeks would help in this matter.
    If GMs can play Cf every Friday for a couple of hours. I don't see why they can't review the poll for 10 mins and review the videos of these players. Should take an hour max. ( And I am pretty sure there are few members with good Samaritan ribbon. 50 players for example would lead to a review of maybe 10 players in 2 weeks. Think that is about fair.)

    This small action though not permanent would lead to a step in the right direction. That is to say until a permanent fix is taken by the moderators.

  • Adrianre66 wrote: »
    I don't believe you read my post correctly.
    I gave a suggestion where these trusted players can 'report' to a GM on these players. They do not ban anyone.

    In addition a GM will only look into the matter once say 10 votes come from 10 different trusted players. (Not from one)

    The power lies with the GM . It just simplifies it to look into the matter easier, over and above the current report strategy.

    And even though this is a temporary fix. Doing nothing is worse.

    Provided a GM can just view the poll submitted by these players every two weeks, it would definitely help in reducing the number of haks.

    And on the contrary members having the good Samaritan ribbon do have the cf community in their heart since they actually spend time helping other members in the community on behalf of a GM with no rewards. It by itself is a recognition.

    And even though it is possible for people to make new accounts after a ban. It would irritate the player if it happens say 2wice in 2 months. A consistent review every 2 weeks would help in this matter.
    If GMs can play Cf every Friday for a couple of hours. I don't see why they can't review the poll for 10 mins and review the videos of these players. Should take an hour max. ( And I am pretty sure there are few members with good Samaritan ribbon. 50 players for example would lead to a review of maybe 10 players in 2 weeks. Think that is about fair.)

    This small action though not permanent would lead to a step in the right direction. That is to say until a permanent fix is taken by the moderators.


    1. Sorry if I misread your points.
    2. I agree with you that we're currently not receiving any updates regarding the increasing cheating trend from any of the staff. I also agree with you that it's better to do something than do nothing and pretend to not notice the cheaters.
    3. I disagree with you on the part of human workers. It relies heavily on the reporting system which I believe has currently flooded the staff team and is barely useful. I can go on for a pretty long rant why the report system is pretty bad.
    4. I see that you acknowledged that this suggestion is a short term fix and would have little impact on the cheating trend. I want you to understand that there are plenty of "get more human workers to check for cheaters" suggestions and this suggestion is one of the many of those.

    Making new accounts wouldn't irritate the cheaters if their throw away account gets banned. They make a new account looking forward to perhaps 3-5 days of cheating before getting banned again. Afterall I believe the community already flooded the support team with hundreds of reports.
    I believe they're willing to sit down and do nothing but make accounts for an hour and so they can have an arsenal of throwaway accounts that can take a long to ban them all.

    This suggestion has much in common with most of the other suggestions. It's a very desperate short term fix. Although I agree that Z8 has an obligation to give us an update or something to let us know they acknowledge the currently rising cheating trend.
  • 1. Sorry if I misread your points.
    2. I agree with you that we're currently not receiving any updates regarding the increasing cheating trend from any of the staff. I also agree with you that it's better to do something than do nothing and pretend to not notice the cheaters.
    3. I disagree with you on the part of human workers. It relies heavily on the reporting system which I believe has currently flooded the staff team and is barely useful. I can go on for a pretty long rant why the report system is pretty bad.
    4. I see that you acknowledged that this suggestion is a short term fix and would have little impact on the cheating trend. I want you to understand that there are plenty of "get more human workers to check for cheaters" suggestions and this suggestion is one of the many of those.

    Making new accounts wouldn't irritate the cheaters if their throw away account gets banned. They make a new account looking forward to perhaps 3-5 days of cheating before getting banned again. Afterall I believe the community already flooded the support team with hundreds of reports.
    I believe they're willing to sit down and do nothing but make accounts for an hour and so they can have an arsenal of throwaway accounts that can take a long to ban them all.

    This suggestion has much in common with most of the other suggestions. It's a very desperate short term fix. Although I agree that Z8 has an obligation to give us an update or something to let us know they acknowledge the currently rising cheating trend.

    While I do respect your viewpoint.
    My idea does indeed come under the concept of human workers. The core idea of this suggestion still focuses on stream lining the reports.

    Example: 1 player from the general community submits 10 reports. This would mean atleast 500 reports a day possibly and hence alot of reports which need to be reviewed by the support team and hence the delay in action on their end.

    In addition some of these reports are duplicates and are some are just hate reporting. Which leads to the additative work for the moderators.

    By giving priority to these reports submitted by key trusted people. Reviewing it 1nc in 2 weeks will lead to a better prompt reaction on z8 staff. Pluss the reports won't be additative and can help in saving time for them as well.

    And I know this a temporary solution but I feel it will be effective will little effort required in the time being.

    And I do agree that hackers can keep creating alts and keep hacking after they get banned. But to a certain level a hacker will stop after say 6-7 accounts get banned. It is the idea of keeping on creating seperate IDs which will lead to him stopping.

    And I know some might still continue and keep hacking but some might stop as well simply due to the sheer frustration.

    And then again I would like to add, if anyone wants to cheat any Tom **** or Harry will do it if they truly want to.
