
Is there going to be a MOTG 2018 if possible?


  • I don't know why you're asking this now, but the hint is in the name of the contest.
  • Jefe963 wrote: »
    I don't know why you're asking this now, but the hint is in the name of the contest.

    The earlier the better I suppose and what contest?
  • I sure hope so. We will not know for sure until we are closer to that time though.
  • I sure hope so. We will not know for sure until we are closer to that time though.

    Well the sooner the better gotta be patients I suppose and whose going to be incharge of hosting it?
  • They'll probably wait until the last week of February to announce it and expect everyone to get their teams together within a week and not have any real good idea dates or expected in times for the matches.

    But for real. I'd like to see that done better...announce that there will be a MotG tourny a month ahead of time and that players should start getting their teams together. (and place obvious rules for who's allowed in and what not. that way there's no room for people to QQ when a team mate they didn't thoroughly check into gets the entire team disqualified). Then at least 1 week before registration ends dish out EXPECTED day and times. Registration should end. Then have a week for setting up the confirmed date/time and then verify it works with everyone. All entrants should know at least 1 week ahead of time the final schedule that way they can plan accordingly.

    That seemed to be one of the big issues I noticed last time. Remember seeing people wondering what the rosters were like the NIGHT before.

    but anyways...I'd like to think that as long as the game is still up and people playing it...that they'll still hold a MotG tourny (and regular event too hopefully...) I'd imagine it's possible they'd stop if say the next time they only get 1 or 2 teams interested...but as long as the rewards are promising enough and it's announced with enough time to form teams...then i'd say they'll get enough teams to keep it going.