2 questions about 2 ribbons
1st: Why doesn't final arena count towards the "like a bawss" ribbon?
I believe it's fair to say that 1 clearance should equal 1/1000 of the clearances needed for the ribbon.
2nd: Does anyone know of a list or can compile one which contains all the weapons that count towards the "real men wear pink" ribbon?
I believe it's fair to say that 1 clearance should equal 1/1000 of the clearances needed for the ribbon.
2nd: Does anyone know of a list or can compile one which contains all the weapons that count towards the "real men wear pink" ribbon?
I always thought it was silly that Final Arena didn't count as well. seeing as you had to fight MULTIPLE bosses in it....but meh.
As for Real Men Wear Pink ribbon...
pretty much any gun that has 'Pink' in it's name counts...so stuff like
M4A1 Pink
AWM Pink
Dual Desert Eagle Pink
MP7 Pink
but also a few other guns count. One I know for sure is the
M4A1-S-Spring Flowers
So that's some of them...i'm sure others would be able to help finish the list. (pretty sure one of the axes counts. Like the Lotus Axe, or Rose Axe, or something.) -
1 - Probably because Final Arena can be cleared in 7 minutes if you have a full AA team. The other modes with 30 or 31 waves will by default take longer due to the time delay in mobs spawning and the sheer number of rounds.
2 - Some others that count:
It's been confirmed Axe Rose count. No confirmation whether Axe Lotus count but I'd assume it would. M4 Spring (original) can confirm also count.
Only thing other thing I'd say is that the Valentine guns do NOT count. -
Thanks guys. It's a shame that only one other pink weapon can be obtained at the moment.RiceTurtle wrote: »1 - Probably because Final Arena can be cleared in 7 minutes if you have a full AA team. The other modes with 30 or 31 waves will by default take longer due to the time delay in mobs spawning and the sheer number of rounds.
Well, you're right about that, but consider how easy it is to clear almost any other map with 4-5 AA-12s. Even though it's time consuming it's easy as hell to clear them. -
D.E-A Flower Power also counts towards the ribbon too as i recieved the ribbon only owning MP7 Pink, M4A1 Spring Flowers and that D.E-A Flower Power.
I would pressume that, if the D.E-A Flower power counts towards the ribbon, then in theory, the M4A1-S Flower Power, AK-47 Knife Flower Power and their recently released Dual Mag varients of these skins should also count. -
I always thought it was silly that Final Arena didn't count as well. seeing as you had to fight MULTIPLE bosses in it....but meh.
As for Real Men Wear Pink ribbon...
pretty much any gun that has 'Pink' in it's name counts...so stuff like
M4A1 Pink
AWM Pink
Dual Desert Eagle Pink
MP7 Pink
but also a few other guns count. One I know for sure is the
M4A1-S-Spring Flowers
So that's some of them...i'm sure others would be able to help finish the list. (pretty sure one of the axes counts. Like the Lotus Axe, or Rose Axe, or something.)
Ak47 Cherry blossom counts too also dont forget the DE.pink Crystal (50 Ribbons) -
claire9822 wrote: »D.E-A Flower Power also counts towards the ribbon too as i recieved the ribbon only owning MP7 Pink, M4A1 Spring Flowers and that D.E-A Flower Power.
I would pressume that, if the D.E-A Flower power counts towards the ribbon, then in theory, the M4A1-S Flower Power, AK-47 Knife Flower Power and their recently released Dual Mag varients of these skins should also count.
I'm fairly certain that all of these count for the ribbon, but cannot confirm because everyone that I know who has them already had the ribbon before getting them
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