1Million ZP for All ZP, GP, BM, EP, VIP weapons For 7Days

It would be nice if you can buy all z8games items, characters and weapons for 1Million Zp for 30days including,

1. All Z8games characters
2. All Items in shop ZP/GP items and weapons
3. All ZP/GP Blackmarket Weapons
4. All MP/EP weapons and items
5. All VIP weapons and items

And you can call this a "30 Days Millionaire" Booster Pack

These rich kids can say no to these offer:-)

And will benificial to all of us.

1. Zp buyers = can have all the weapons they spent a lot in BM but still didn't get it

2. Z8game = will boost their profit in no time.

3. Non-zp buyers = they just can expect if Z8games boost their income by doing this, it would make them happy to make more EP and free crates events!


  • morcskie wrote: »
    It would be nice if you can buy all z8games items, characters and weapons for 1Million Zp for 7days including,

    1. All Z8games characters
    2. All Items in shop ZP/GP items and weapons
    3. All ZP/GP Blackmarket Weapons
    4. All MP/EP weapons and items
    5. All VIP weapons and items

    And you can call this a "7 Days Millionaire" Booster Pack

    These rich kids can say no to these offer:-)

    And will benificial to all of us.

    1. Zp buyers = can have all the weapons they spent a lot in BM but still didn't get it

    2. Z8game = will boost their profit in no time.

    3. Non-zp buyers = they just can expect if Z8games boost their income by doing this, it would make them happy to make more EP and free crates events!

    First, 1 million ZP is way too high. That's $800.
    Second, 7 days of weapons is almost useless, especially for $800.
    Third, I'm sure that not even the people that have 7 RPKs just for zombie mode would buy this.

    Bad idea -1
  • Ok then make it 30days. Some spent more than 200k Zp for a certain BM weapon and ends up winning nothing.
  • I don't think this is something we are willing or planning to do to be honest. One million ZP is a large sum of money and I believe if anything that is being sold for 1 Million it should be much more valuable.
  • I agree with Grumpy.
    I probably wouldn't even pay 1million ZP for a perm. I'd probably continue to take my chances on the black market. Of course I am one of the luckier players here and have had won a lot of things and would venture to say with 1million ZP a person would likely win a few if not even close to a dozen permanents. I think IF there is to be a buyout option on crates for permanents it should be less than 1million even. But if we're strictly speaking temporaries then I honestly think we have plenty of temporary options for MOST weapons. And special events like this Summer Samples and occasionally placing stuff in the MP mall temporary works just fine for that as well. I don't think VIPs should be available as temporaries at a whim either. For special offers on occasion, sure. I could maybe see tossing out some temporary forms of characters. But most characters that cost ZP...don't cost that much ZP, to the exception of the VIP Characters. And if you could just 'rent' special characters that you'd normally have to play, say ZM, to get...then those characters lose their special feel when you win one.

    Finally, I THINK OP is suggestion a pack of EVERYTHING to be offered as temporaries for 30 days....not just 1 or 2 items with an individual pricetag of 1million ZP. To which I'll say it's impossible to have EVERYTHING in your storage currently as far as i'm aware. There simply isn't enough room in the storage database. And honestly, most players, especially those willing to pay that much..., wouldn't go for such an offer. Maybe a few would...but most players just want a few specific things and in that case...i'd say MOST people would try their black market luck in hopes of winning stuff permanently then spend all that money for 30 days of fun.

    MAYBE a large sum of GP for 30day ZP skin temporaries would be more fitting. For example...say I really wanted to win a COP UGS but instead won 1million GP when I spun those crates. There could be an option to put say 1,000,000 GP into a 30 day temporary version (which could only be purchased once). The Offered Temporaries could be switched up occasionally as well. Say a special Offer GP based mall. This could give players with TONS of GP and who already own all the GP crate weapons something to put their stockpiled GP towards as well. I'd also toss in the idea that the corner stone item in such a GP Mall would be a VIP Knife (a VIP version of the regular default melee). It'd have LIMITED perks and a VERY HIGH GP cost. But it'd give strictly GP players something to look forward too, and save up for, as well.

    still don't foresee any of this ever being a very feasible idea.
  • Well said bro. I surrender... But still, your 1million GP idea is great. I wish they make an option in any ways from my idea either ZP or GP and in any price that suits them best.

    Since you can never get ahold of the main Crate weapon as temporary unless you won it for permanent. All of the temporary weapons that you can win by trying to get the main weapon are already in Zp market. And you can't even try BM weapons unlike all the zp/gp weapons in shop.

    So if they make a bundle of BM Zp weapon for a limited time, maybe all the players that has a bad luck winning that weapon are willing to buy a temporary of it instead.
  • hmm I am not sure though that people will pay 1 Million GP for a single skin for 30 days, not to mention that there aren't many people with 1 Million GP on hand to begin with.
  • -1 bad idea if u have all of this money then when u will find the time to play with all of this weapons within 30 days?