Ranked FFA ~ issues

-NA servers don't operate, it doesn't even search. [SOLVED]
-UK servers do search, but as they count up from 0 to 16, the game says "failed to connect" and kicks everyone out near the end. [SOLVED]
-For high ranked players such as myself, we are separated from every other player in game, and placed into our own little "world", by world I of course mean group... And since there are limited high ranking players we are stuck and can't find a game. I've been trying to play for nearly an hour now, and this is what I've gathered.

Normally I'd post this in the Bugs thread but, I'd say its a more pressing issue, seeing as today is the only event day... (for the mods who will probably complain)

And lastly, this isn't much of a hate thread, I'm just letting the GMs know the problems as they may not know them.
I'd like to ask everyone to share any new problems they discover, lets keep at no hate.

Example of my high ranking issue.

