Improvements for "Ranked Matches"

Alright guys, I have a few suggestions which might help improve Ranked Matches for everyone. Share your opinions and feedback if you wish so.

  • Auto-Kick players who are AFK in-game for more than 1 minute.

  • If a player leaves the game, they should be banned from playing that certain Ranked Mode e.g. 24 hour ban or 3 day ban. Take this some sort of a cool down because players who leave end up making the whole team lose. This can be lifted if they decide to come back to that specific game and stay to the end. If not the 24 hour ban takes affect.

  • When a player leaves a game, might it clear on the Ranked Match screen if they want to join back or to abandon the game instead of having this intrude button. This button can be a separate button or remove it all together. Sometimes, players get DC or some kind of error so they should be able to join back even if they close the game client and then re-open it.

  • Restrict the weapons used on Ranked Matches and make it follow CFS rules. This allows more oldschool competition rather than everyone using VIPs since anyone can use VIPs and get kills these days.

  • Increase the amount of people that you can invite. For example, for TDM Ranked Matches, increase the limit of friends you can play together to 3 or 4. Because in the room, there are 16 players.

  • Show Player Rank on the loading screen like it used to be or show it at the end of the match. So players can see what rank everyone is.

  • Add Escape and Ghost Mode to the list of Ranked Modes.

  • Calculations for Rank for Ranked Matches needs to be changed. It's crazy how if you lose one match, it ends up making the last 4 wins useless since the bar goes down really far.

  • When a player leaves a game, replace the player with a bot until he or another player joins. Bots can be controlled by other team members if they die during the round.

Those are some improvements which I think will make Ranked Matches more competitive and better, aside from removing the hackers but you will never be able to remove hackers 100%.


  • Let me work those off one by one.

    1. If they really want to AFK, they'll just use some kind of bot which makes them move every now and again. So this feels more like a band aid solution to a gaping wound.

    2. That Suggestion sounds alright. Although imagine someone DCing out of sheer coincidence right before the end of the Game. The Round ends, and boom. 24 Hour to 3 Day Cooldown. Might be a bit overkill.

    3. I dunno, I'll abstain on the removal of the intrude button.

    4. I've always wondered why every gun was fair game in Ranked Matches. Wouldn't really be mad about that change.

    5. That has the disadvantage of people stacking EVEN MORE in their favor, you could have 3-4 Powerhouses with you at all times, and the round would be pretty much over. It's fine how it is.

    6. Sure, why not.

    7. I'm all for Ghost Mode. Escape Mode? Heh.

    8. I can't really speak to how the calculations work, so I'll abstain on commenting.

    Overall, it's a lot of stuff that has been asked for before, But that certainly doesn't make em' less valid.
  • i agree but about invite friends
    i think they should remove it because some players invite hackers to get easy win
  • It does kick pretty fast, there is even a countdown for u.

    I'd love to see other modes. No vips would be awesome too.

    The calculations is kinda okay at least in FFA and TDM. Ex I lost more TDM games yesterday than I won but I still managed to climb to gold 4

    Own suggestions:

    Improve ranked ques/rooms logic. Sometimes there is like 3 ques with 4/16, 2/16 and one room with 13/16 and no one can start a game. Even if the 2 first rooms get despand they still can't enter the room with 13 players.

    Make it possible to start a room with less players. I don't want to deranka cus I can't find a game with enough players for 2 weeks. If u waited more than 5 min make the room autostart. ( I've waited more than 20 min sometimes when it was 15/16 )
  • I kind of agree with Preset on these.

    1-Like Preset said, people would like AFK Bot or at the very least just tap their mouse here and there to prevent it from kicking them. But also like Virus stated it already does kick and it'll give a countdown on that screen. (I had my alt in a match yesterday doing the event and had to idle a bit while I did something with my main and that countdown came up). Maybe they could implement a spectator spot for GM's/Ranked Moderators to join in randomly, stealthily, and unannounced. Then if they see anyone breaking rules/appearing to idle they could handle it. While it wouldn't be automatic and would depend a higher power joining and seeing these things happen it could potentially limit it a bit and it'd allow them to catch AFK botters and the what not.

    2-I kind of agree there should be some kind of larger punishment for a person leaving a team match....I also see Preset's point. Disconnects in this game happen way too often and it'd be completely unfair to get disconnected from a match and banned from ranked for awhile because of that. I find it annoy enough as it is when you're playing in a ZM room and get disconnected and then can't join back because "You've already failed this mission". This would be more devastating IMO. Perhaps if it happens multiple times within a time period it could issue the ban and the times before the ban it just increases your de-ranking rate.

    3-If this were to get implemented then it'd make the issue that was pointed out with disconnects on #2 not quite as bad. I'd agree that people who disconnect/leave a ranked match should absolutely have first rights to rejoin a the match they left/disconnected out of. Perhaps a Rejoin Option and the Intrude could be present. Intrude for jumping in a game which no longer has the right amount of people which could help a team who has a teammates who abandoned them as well. Along that line perhaps an Emergency Ranked Notice can be given to friends of those playing in Ranked when one of their friends teammates leaves a match. something like "You're friends need you in Ranked (mode) in (server/channel)! They're a man down!" And if a Friend comes to help the friend could get a slight bonus or doesn't risk the chance of de-ranking due to the results of that match. Then the Rejoin would be present as long as the match you left/disconnected from still needs players to fill the spacing and that your name should be listed for whichever side you were on as well to ensure you get put back onto the same team you left. But if you don't rejoin for whatever reason...then you face the penalty of abandoning your team.

    4-Absolutely. IMO RANKED matches should have per-determined bags for everyone to use. Something like:
    Bag1: M4, Deagle, Axe
    Bag 2: AK, Deagle, Axe,
    Bag 3: AWM, Deagle, Axe
    Bag 4-7 would be variations of what's allowed. Perhaps another option would be a 'Tourny Rules Storage. Only weapons that fit Tournament style rules would be listed and then you would fill out Tournament Bags with those weapons. These Tournament bags would of course be used in Ranked and perhaps specialty modes/map options in the future as well. (say a Tourny Rules option that can be turned on like Snipers Only/Melee Only)

    5-Not sure how I feel about that since I honestly don't play ranked enough to really care about this part. x]

    6-I don't see why not.

    7-Absolutely. It could POTENTIALLY help to revive those modes a bit too. Even more so if the hackers that plague Ranked normally are dealt with more often to the point where the majority of Ranked games are completely clean. (I might be inclined to play Ranked a bit more if these two were added to Ranked and had clean games.)

    8-No clue on this. But sure.

    I'm going to agree very heavily with Virus's statement on improving the Room Ques for Ranked. One of the biggest turn off from Ranked mode I have is that it takes FOREVER to get a game started. I don't get on CF to wait in a lobby (usually) I get on to play the game. I can understand it taking awhile if no one is playing ranked but like stated I've seen a fair few complain about multiple rooms of the same type of Ranked being Qued and none of them getting all of the needed should naturally join some of those Ques together and start a match.
    But ultimately there needs to be a way to keep interest in Ranked so that LOTS of people play it every day and thus people can more easily get in Ranked Games. But to do that, Ranked Hackers must be dealt with and there probably ought to be an on-going incentive/event(s) that are constantly going on during the Ranked Season and not just at the beginning and ends of a season.
  • ***killsss wrote: »
    i agree but about invite friends
    i think they should remove it because some players invite hackers to get easy win

  • abel95 wrote: »
    • If a player leaves the game, they should be banned from playing that certain Ranked Mode e.g. 24 hour ban or 3 day ban. Take this some sort of a cool down because players who leave end up making the whole team lose. This can be lifted if they decide to come back to that specific game and stay to the end. If not the 24 hour ban takes affect.

    I don't agree with this one, players that crash are registered as "left as their own choice" sorta thing, and I'm 100% sure each and everyone of us here crashes at least once a day, because this server runs on a potato battery.
    So what you're saying is when people crash and don't make it in time to re-join, they should receive a 3 day ban?
  • ghoster1 wrote: »
    I don't agree with this one, players that crash are registered as "left as their own choice" sorta thing, and I'm 100% sure each and everyone of us here crashes at least once a day, because this server runs on a potato battery.
    So what you're saying is when people crash and don't make it in time to re-join, they should receive a 3 day ban?

    It could be extended so the ban comes in affect if they leave 5 rooms in a short period of time and the ban is for that specific Ranked Mode, so they be able to play other Ranked Modes.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    It could be extended so the ban comes in affect if they leave 5 rooms in a short period of time and the ban is for that specific Ranked Mode, so they be able to play other Ranked Modes.

    Ok, I'll propose another problem then.
    The system should be able to differentiate between "crashes" and "rage quits". For example if a player leaves, and the player receives a Host Error, they are deemed "not guilty" and do not lose any rank for their loss.
  • ghoster1 wrote: »
    Ok, I'll propose another problem then.
    The system should be able to differentiate between "crashes" and "rage quits". For example if a player leaves, and the player receives a Host Error, they are deemed "not guilty" and do not lose any rank for their loss.

    Even if it was possible to have such a system in our game, players would start to abuse it. All they have to do is turn off the internet connection which means no loss in rank.
  • I'd really like to see an easy to use in-game player reporting option for hackers, idlers, etc. It should take the place of the kick voting tab and have the same pulldown options to choose from: Hit escape > Player reporting > Reason for report (hacking, glitching, bug, insulting/swearing, idling). These reports would go straight to support in real time and since ranked mode is so infested with hackers i'd even suggest having the in-game ranked mode reports go to the top of the hacking report que that support can sort through. All of the OP's suggestions really hinge on ranked being clean, because we've already seen that ranked mode is dying out because of the hacker stigma related to the mode.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I'd really like to see an easy to use in-game player reporting option for hackers, idlers, etc. It should take the place of the kick voting tab and have the same pulldown options to choose from: Hit escape > Player reporting > Reason for report (hacking, glitching, bug, insulting/swearing, idling). These reports would go straight to support in real time and since ranked mode is so infested with hackers i'd even suggest having the in-game ranked mode reports go to the top of the hacking report que that support can sort through. All of the OP's suggestions really hinge on ranked being clean, because we've already seen that ranked mode is dying out because of the hacker stigma related to the mode.

    I agree with this and +1 For Ghost mode.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I'd really like to see an easy to use in-game player reporting option for hackers, idlers, etc. It should take the place of the kick voting tab and have the same pulldown options to choose from: Hit escape > Player reporting > Reason for report (hacking, glitching, bug, insulting/swearing, idling). These reports would go straight to support in real time and since ranked mode is so infested with hackers i'd even suggest having the in-game ranked mode reports go to the top of the hacking report que that support can sort through. All of the OP's suggestions really hinge on ranked being clean, because we've already seen that ranked mode is dying out because of the hacker stigma related to the mode.

    No no no. All that would do is delay "real" hacking reports and take even LONGER for support to see your replay.

    If you played CS:GO you know how easily this system is abused lol. (except they have overwatch but we don't so still an issue)
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    No no no. All that would do is delay "real" hacking reports and take even LONGER for support to see your replay.

    If you played CS:GO you know how easily this system is abused lol. (except they have overwatch but we don't so still an issue)

    Like people can't abuse the reporting system right now? I think we can all agree there is a serious hacking issue in ranked mode right now and this would be a fairly simple way for it to be resolved. If people abuse the system then add an infraction based system to it like they do in CFAL, but change it a little: if you report too many people that are legit then you will eventually lose the ability to report AND kick in public matches.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    Like people can't abuse the reporting system right now? I think we can all agree there is a serious hacking issue in ranked mode right now and this would be a fairly simple way for it to be resolved. If people abuse the system then add an infraction based system to it like they do in CFAL, but change it a little: if you report too many people that are legit then you will eventually lose the ability to report AND kick in public matches.

    I likes this idea +1
    But there is nothing wrong with the current report system, the process of banning a player is just too slow. I mean a flying hacker shouldnt be around for weeks/months...
  • I've spent a thousand + on vips. I wanna be able to use them at all times. The only thing that needs to be changed is their anti cheat.
  • I've spent a thousand + on vips. I wanna be able to use them at all times. The only thing that needs to be changed is their anti cheat.

    I mean I kind of agree with you but it's Ranked. It's suppose to be competitive-ish which means everyone should be on the same playing field gun wise honestly. MAYBE doing a VIP room option vs a normal option but all that would do is split the player pool for starting rooms up. You can literally use your VIP anywhere else still though.
    Not like you have to worry because again this would all need to depend on a stronger anti-hack movement to happen in the Ranked section anyways. Otherwise the effectiveness of any changes to ranked are a moot point.
  • Ok, this is gonna take me some time...
    abel95 wrote: »
    Alright guys, I have a few suggestions which might help improve Ranked Matches for everyone. Share your opinions and feedback if you wish so.

    • Auto-Kick players who are AFK in-game for more than 1 minute. Agree. Having a player just sitting in spawn is not gonna help me get my rank up before season 3 ends.

    • If a player leaves the game, they should be banned from playing that certain Ranked Mode e.g. 24 hour ban or 3 day ban. Take this some sort of a cool down because players who leave end up making the whole team lose. This can be lifted if they decide to come back to that specific game and stay to the end. If not the 24 hour ban takes affect. I'm gonna have to say no to this one. I get a LOT of errors and disconnections atm and I can't seem to find a way to rejoin my ranked match! Pressing the Intrude button shows me a log saying something like 'you need to wait XX minutes to play ranked again cause you left a match' but I played with a guy called HOT who was lagging like hell and disconnecting every 2 minutes and he still gets to rejoin the matches I win for the team. RIP me.

    • When a player leaves a game, might it clear on the Ranked Match screen if they want to join back or to abandon the game instead of having this intrude button. This button can be a separate button or remove it all together. Sometimes, players get DC or some kind of error so they should be able to join back even if they close the game client and then re-open it. PLEASE, a REJOIN button is a must! +111111111

    • Restrict the weapons used on Ranked Matches and make it follow CFS rules. This allows more oldschool competition rather than everyone using VIPs since anyone can use VIPs and get kills these days. I'm not a VIP user, but I can't agree with this a 100 percent. If someone buys a 100 bucks weapon in a game, I'd say he should get to use it wherever he wants (its only fair imo). If I were to make a suggestion about this, I'd say that there should be an OPTION for a GP only ranked match. Or as someone suggested, having pre-fixed bags on ranked (also as an option, not mandatory)

    • Increase the amount of people that you can invite. For example, for TDM Ranked Matches, increase the limit of friends you can play together to 3 or 4. Because in the room, there are 16 players. Agree. Actually, I'd love to play with a team of 5. If its a competitive match, I'd like to bring my A-team with me! I'm not losing my rank 'cause of some asdflkasjd guy who cant hit the broad side of a barn at point blank range. Ranked should be about skills, strats and teamwork, and not everyone you get paired with has a set of those.
      'FFS I said B! GO BBBBBB **The bomb has been defused** nvm...'

    • Show Player Rank on the loading screen like it used to be or show it at the end of the match. So players can see what rank everyone is. Agree, I want to know if I'm gonna get REKT by a 7 ping VN guy before having my hopes up lol!

    • Add Escape and Ghost Mode to the list of Ranked Modes. Sure whatever, I don't play those modes anyways. Knock yourself out.

    • Calculations for Rank for Ranked Matches needs to be changed. It's crazy how if you lose one match, it ends up making the last 4 wins useless since the bar goes down really far.
    Hmmm I don't know what to say about this one as I don't quite grasp how the ranked system works in this game. I know how other games uses the ELO chest system and those are ok I think. As far as I've seen it, I've lost and won pretty much the same amount most of the time in ranked matches so no further comments.

    Those are some improvements which I think will make Ranked Matches more competitive and better, aside from removing the hackers but you will never be able to remove hackers 100%.
  • iAnarchy wrote: »
    I'd really like to see an easy to use in-game player reporting option for hackers, idlers, etc. It should take the place of the kick voting tab and have the same pulldown options to choose from: Hit escape > Player reporting > Reason for report (hacking, glitching, bug, insulting/swearing, idling). These reports would go straight to support in real time and since ranked mode is so infested with hackers i'd even suggest having the in-game ranked mode reports go to the top of the hacking report que that support can sort through. All of the OP's suggestions really hinge on ranked being clean, because we've already seen that ranked mode is dying out because of the hacker stigma related to the mode.

    Also, This.
  • Want to say sth
    Isnt it unfair to make ranking depends on win or loss
    It depends on ur luck , if u join a good team u win
    The past 3 days i played 10 games and ended up losing 7 of them although i had positive kdr or even 2 in TDM

    Ranked FFA is so fair that it depends on ur own efforts
  • Want to say sth
    Isnt it unfair to make ranking depends on win or loss
    It depends on ur luck , if u join a good team u win
    The past 3 days i played 10 games and ended up losing 7 of them although i had positive kdr or even 2 in TDM

    Ranked FFA is so fair that it depends on ur own efforts

    TDM and FFA is ok, i lost more games than i won in TDM and climbed from gold 1 to gold 4. KDR doesnt matter but kills/ace/mvp does. ex I lost my last TDM today but i was ace so my bar barely moved.

    (SnD is way harder than TDM and FFA and could use a boost.)
  • Want to say sth
    Isnt it unfair to make ranking depends on win or loss
    It depends on ur luck , if u join a good team u win
    The past 3 days i played 10 games and ended up losing 7 of them although i had positive kdr or even 2 in TDM

    Ranked FFA is so fair that it depends on ur own efforts

    I also experience the same issue in Ranked S&D. My team has countless of players who do nothing but wait to get killed so the game gets finished quicker. In other Shooter Games, you are allowed to invite 4/5 friends (5th being you) to join with you in Ranked. You won't win S&D Ranked unless you work as a team.

    I prefer FFA Ranked aswell since it's only you who has to do the work in order to get a good rank.
  • A lot of idea here to expand the ranked concept.

    About the vip : well i don't really see the big advantage between my fury and my ak camo lol but i totally understand this will. To punish the investors isn't fair btw, but i can be very seduced by a second "GP mode" with predefined bags.

    But, imho and in the actual situation, the more fair for all will be a ping filtering. To avoid lag shield when you play with a decent ping.
    How many times i watched reports without understanding what i've done wrong and how a player can survive to an entire mag of G3A in the head. mouse ? hitboxes ? cheater ? lag shield ? all in one ? I'm sure that i'm not the only one to become crazy in these situations. Specially when it's competitive, with rank, and that you have to slalom between the hackers ^^
  • I would like to add another idea for Ranked Matches (S&D).

    • When a player leaves a game, replace the player with a bot until he or another player joins. Bots can be controlled by other team members if they die during the round.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    I would like to add another idea for Ranked Matches (S&D).

    • When a player leaves a game, replace the player with a bot until he or another player joins. Bots can be controlled by other team members if they die during the round.

    That's a great idea! Playing a 4v5 is not an easy task. Adding a bot you could control would solve the mission person issue you mentioned.
  • abel95 wrote: »
    I would like to add another idea for Ranked Matches (S&D).

    • When a player leaves a game, replace the player with a bot until he or another player joins. Bots can be controlled by other team members if they die during the round.

    This would be great except the bot would be taken over by whoever dies first each round which is usually a noob :(
  • Nice suggestion but what about hackers ?
    • IGN Ezio
  • 1. yes for 3 minutes, why? maybe i pressed start and went to grab a drink or do something really fast
    2. yes, but try to recognize network issues and don't punish those.
    3. YES
    4. YES
    5. YENO, only for TDM.
    6. YES
    7. YES
    8. YES YES YES

    Can you please get hired if you are not already?
    On a serious note, people crying about VVIP are just pu**ies that can barely aim with the best weapon within the CFS rules, the AK. I believe in a competitive environment there should be these rules since they are also applied in the competitive scene. Thank you and very good suggestions.
  • I agree with those +1 and i would want just to add the wave mode too, i really dont know why they removed it, its a prrety dead mode and would revive it a little, and +9999999 to add ghost mode.