Mouse/Dpi help

Hey guys so im new to this game and im still trying to find my settings for me but idk what i should set my mouse dpi to i see a lot of players using 400 dpi. So is there like a certain number i shouldnt pass when making my dpi? Im a rifler and i care about my aim precision so idk what dpi i should can you guys give me some help?


  • It's 100% preference. Mathemathically the higher the DPI the better, but that doesn't mean that higher is better for YOU.

    I would start experimenting and see what fits you the best. When it comes to mouse accuracy, the mousepad you use matters equally as much as the mouse itself, provided it doesn't come with a sensor which can't handle fast movement.

    For the record, I'm using 1100 DPI and 0 in-game. ^^
  • I use the deathadder. But people say you should stay between 400-800 idk ive tried 400, 500 550 with 1-5 sens in gamr it just feels so slow to turn but it allows me to stay accurate which i like
  • Those who say that are talking about their own personal preference. They cannot prove that lower is better, because it's not, and it never will be because the higher the DPI, the more dots are being calculated on your mousepad which in turn means less skipping and less consistency issues.

    However, once you learn and master your own settings, it doesn't matter what they end up being, because in the end, it's always down to muscle memory.

    Because you said that you use the Deathadder mouse, what you could do then instead is to have 2 different settings at once. When you need to aim slow, you use #1, and when you want to aim slightly faster, you can enable #2 via a hotkey on your mouse. This would allow you to have best of both worlds, is it ideal? No, but as always, in the end it comes down to muscle memory. If you use #1 more than #2, you're going to play better with #1, because you've dedicated more time learning #1, that's how that works.

    Alternatively, you could only use #2 if you need to faster turning, because it wouldn't be that difficult to get used to, it's about the same learning curve as learning to use push to talk while focusing on something else.
  • knskater95 wrote: »
    Mathemathically the higher the DPI the better

    That's not 100% true.

    Higher DPI = Faster aiming/turning
    Lower DPI = Easier and more accurate aiming

    Generally a lot of professional players on FPS games play with lower sensitivity to make it easier for them to aim for the head, and in general.
    The higher your sensitivity, the smaller the movements you have to make with your arm/wrist. This makes it harder to make small adjustments to your aim. Obviously it's fantastic for turning fast for checking corners and killing someone behind you.

    This is coming from someone who used to play 3000 DPI/50 sens, and now plays 800 DPI/5 Sens.

    This video is pretty helpful. It's not CrossFire, but it's good at explaining nonetheless.
    Some of the settings aren't available in CrossFire, you can ignore those.
  • i use 500 dpi with 9-10 in-game sensitivity. its completely up to how comfortable it is for you as well as if you play on your forearm or wrist