Rework the kick vote system

The kick vote system needs a rework, though I'm not sure what can be done, so I've come up with a couple of ideas.

Perhaps make it so if a player doesn't press F11 or F12, they don't count in the overall vote (The accept number may need tweaking)? The amount of times I've seen a kick get denied (And thus the hacker still playing) because people haven't bothered to press anything is dumb.


Maybe give veteran players more power in the vote system? Below is an example, though there are probably other ways of doing it.

Say for example Harry and Linda have been playing for 2 years. This would give them 12 points each.
Bill, Tony, and Frank have just joined, so they start with 10 points.
I've been playing for 8 years, so I have either 18 points, or possibly it caps at 15. I'll leave it to others to balance the points.


I have seen Bill using an aimbot, so I try and kick him. His friends Harry and Linda say no, and press F12. Of course Bill automatically says no. That's 34 points (10+12+12).
Tony and Frank want to see the hacker gone, so they press F11. I also automatically agree as I started the vote, and that makes 35 points (10+10+15). Even though the vote is 3-3, the players voting yes have more points, so the kick is accepted.
(Could display a percentage so it doesn't confuse players e.g. Yes: 51% ¦ No: 49%)

The numbers would need tweaking, and it doesn't look perfect, but it might help. I hope. Maybe people without honorable soldier get 1-2 less points?

This could potentially be a solution, and although I can see some of the veterans abusing it, I'd like to think that most of them would use it properly.

Either way it's better than being almost unable to play due to people running round with thompsons shooting me through walls while I bhop 50 miles away.


I'm not salty at all... Honest...

Edit: The reason I start the numbers at 10 is so the oldest players can at most contribute 150% (Up to whatever the cap will be, in this case 15) of a players vote. If it was single digits, even playing for a single year would double someone elses vote.


  • +1. Anything that stops people from kicking me because I refused to give the weapons I paid for.
  • You also got people that will kick the MVP in order to steal that spot. Or I've seen one side of a team an entire clan then someone in that clan joins the other team and kicks someone to help there clan win the game for the recent events or take the MVP spot (which is dumb, how much more exp do you get for that). It is what it is.... and you can't kick in FFA and MM. Would be better to just prevent the hackers in the first place.
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    Would be better to just prevent the hackers in the first place.

    Not possible unfortunately.
    If someone wants to cheat, they'll find a way.
    Look at the most popular FPS game on PC out there now. It's run and owned by the biggest gaming platform out there, and yet they still have cheaters.

    Since getting rid of them isn't going to happen, the next best thing is improving the odds/way in which they get kicked out of games.