Ranked Season 3 Ending "Event Request"Revive Before it Ends!

Ranked Season 1, 2 and 3. Season 3 is ending and very soon. Event Request!


Ranked Season is in it's final stage and not long left.

  • Season 1 Started December 2015 and Ended June 7th 2016
  • Season 2 Started June 8th 2016 and Ended December 7th 2016
  • Season 3 Started December 7th 2016 and Ended June 7th 2017

Schedule has put Ranked Season 3 at the end season stage and we are in the last month of this season. So I suggest the following event to return to revive and allow players to get the last chance to gain the required rank they wish to gain.

Old event "Rotten Rank" was based on 20 Wins in TDM, Wave, S&D for EP and it revived Season 2 at the end of the stage "last month".

I have changed Wins to Games, as it would be more difficult to gain Wins since hacking issue remains. However this shouldn't discourage us from trying to get minimum ranks required and should not prevent us from taking part in an EP or MP event regarding Ranked Season 3 at the end stage. This is why I changed it from Wins to Games!


****Event should Return and Remain as Games not Wins!*****during this event, GMs must play on alt accounts at random times in TDM, S&D and FFA
***allocate a GM in S&D, one in FFA and one in TDM. They need to play during this week event as final stage for Season 3.***

Post I made is EP but can also be Crates or MP not picky, just want ranked revived for our end stage soon!
If you care leave +1, if you are afraid of hackers, well at least I made it games and you can just play for event rewards or simply don't play!
