Spawn Time

When I'm playing SnD I get spawned when its already over a minute into the round and sometimes the enemy team is already at base, could you add some kind of set time where once it's past you can't spawn and have to wait until that round is over.


  • For the first 30 secs anyone can enter and play without waiting till its 2:00 mins after that you have to wait for the next round
    If the enemy rushes to your base it's not the game's problem I guess, you can ask them not to rush if you want :P
  • I don't mean about them rushing and me just happening to spawn at the wrong time, it's the spawn timing.I mean rounds start at what 2:26 or 2:30 spawning between 1:20 or 1:30 marks sometimes is not right. You can even tell you spawned late when both of the teams have taken loses and your team already planted.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    I don't mean about them rushing and me just happening to spawn at the wrong time, it's the spawn timing.I mean rounds start at what 2:26 or 2:30 spawning between 1:20 or 1:30 marks sometimes is not right. You can even tell you spawned late when both of the teams have taken loses and your team already planted.

    Oh so you are saying that you spawned at 1:30 or 1:20 OK that would be weird and I wouldn't like it either , maybe it's a bug I mean it never happened to me
    So I recommend you to send a support ticket
  • Honestly, in my opinion on this matter.....If you're not spawned in at the START of the shouldn't be allowed to spawn in until the next round. Because while the 'cut-off' for the current spawn in system is like 30 seconds into the round (so 2:00 remaining) if you have any lag in the system then that turns into later into the round up to the point people are spawning at 1:30 mark even as stated by OP. This is also more likely if it's the first game you've entered in for that log-in session of CF.

    But if they did the cut off at the start of the round then it'd be much less likely that someone would spawn so late and instead, if someone had joined at the start of a round and it counted them as 'in' then the latest they'd spawn would likely be before the 2:00 remaining mark.

    And it really is annoying when people late spawn...A) if you're rushing and you run into a base and they spawn and you kill them....the late spawner gets mad and more novice players accuse you of hacking because in their mind the round just started so how are you already there. B) same scenario but due to them just spawning they tank or you're just beyond the spawn point when they do spawn...and ultimately they get a cheap kill on YOU.
  • OK I just remembered an error (I don't know if that a glitch and any one can do or it's an error) that allows you to start the round but not appear in map at all , happened to me once.
    Tell me if you want to know how it happened :P