Melee tournament?

Earlier [GM]JuiceBox said he was interested in continuing the melee tournament that people signed up for here and went on to say that:
"Hmmm. I'm gonna ask the wife if I can host this tournament. I should be able to do it from home.

Everyone that's currently signed up is still there, but no more signups.

Format will be changed to FFAs, rather than 1:1.... cuz I don't have a lot of time haha.

Prizes are as follows:

First Place: 120 crates of their choice --> only from currently available ones
Second Place:70 crates of their choice --> only from currently available ones
Third Place: 40 crates of their choice --> only from currently available ones

Time change: Saturday, May 6, @ 23:00- 24:00 --> NA2 CH9.

I'll compile the players that have signed up thus far.

Again, I'll have to ask the wifey first.... so please stay tuned. Thanks!"

I just wanted to know if JuiceBox is still planning on hosting this or if it is called off altogether.
