Toxic behavior

So I join a SnD game, kill a high ranked guy who has 'roman' in his name and must have belonged to the clan that has those 'Un' abbreviations in them, and whose team consisted of all his clan mates. So he points out that I have 140 ping, which I actually have in UK servers, usually less, and he assumes that I'm a Muslim and calls me pig and uneducated. One of his clan mates makes a remark that he loves kebabs. All this time I'm wondering these guys must be very educated.

All this toxic and nauseating behavior just because I killed someone in one round when I joined the room, and not to mention my team was losing with 1-11 against that team. The guy who pointed out my ping himself had around 80-90 ping. This just shows what kind of upbringing these people must have had, I can't imagine what sort of abuses they must have gone through during their childhood, to become so unnecessarily aggressive and toxic in their lives, that they get so angry by getting their virtual char killed in an online game by a person who has just joined the game. Needless to say I found this ordeal very entertaining.


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