ZM Weapon idea

I've been working on a weapon that could a ZM based one, seeing as I am a huge fan of ZM. I'm not necessarily posting the idea as something to be taken seriously (unless it somehow garners support?).

My favourite weapon design by far is the XM8. I love how it looks and its stats aren't the worst. I use it on ZM for fun sometimes, but I thought it would be cool to design a new XM8 that would be useful for ZM. I've been working on it for a while, and I'm almost done a rough/refined version of it.

As a ZM weapon, I would call it the XM8 Trapper, and here would be some info on the gun.

Out of ZM
- +5 bullets
- Slightly tighter weapon spread
- Fast reload

- Vastly superior ammo count: instead of 35, the XM8 would turn into an MG that has 135 bullets using a C-mag
- Tighter weapon spread (as most ZM weapons have this feature for ZM)
- Extra damage to zombies
- Faster reload

The main reason I called it the Trapper is due to its special ability
- A special RMB charge attack in which the player shoots a mine that acts like a combination between the claymore and Plasma Shocker. It explodes when a zombie crosses over it, and if it survives, it slows them down for 5 seconds, give or take a few seconds. The charge bar would fill slightly faster when the player kills zombies, and each time the bar is filled, the player would receive 1 mine to shoot out of the XM8, with the maximum amount to store being 2 mines in reserve.

Like I said, I'm working on the design of it, and this is only an idea for a weapon and mode I really do like. I've put a bit of thought into it, but any suggestions would be appreciated! I'd like to hear what you guys think of something like this!
