Can you earn a perm stuff playing ZM 1, 2 and 3?

In my experience playing all 3 modes no matter the difficulty, both type of boxes you choose at the end after clearing them(expect for some ZM that doesn't let you choose box like the ZM3), blue print and it's item which are for 3/7 days?
I'm a bit disappointed about that because my team(to all players who played and cleared with me) and i were doing hard to earn those ZM coins to finally get a 7 days(from blue print).

I first thought collecting 60 AA-12 Buster Infection weapon piece on ZM 3 will let you get a perm of this but no it's just a 15/30 days.
I mean i see no point of playing any ZM because playing on harder difficult takes some time.

Well at least it has so fun about this mode.
