Grade A level 1 badges reward

We deserve a permanent rewards for achieving these badges not just a 90 days items
The temporary ak gold,awm red should be permanent instead of 90 days only


  • Even though I agree with having permanent rewards for the Grade A lvl 1 badges, I disagree with the rewards you are proposing.
    The AK gold was a coupon gun back in the day, and trust me, it wasn't as easy to get coupons then as it is now.
    The awm r.d was and still is a ZP crate, for which a lot of people, including me, have spent real money to get it. Don't you think it's unfair to us who got it through a ZP crate, for you to get it for free? Also I don't need a second awm red dragon.
    It would be a +1 from me if you had suggested that we get a perm reskin(a nice one hopefully), not these actual weapons.
  • 90 days is enough as rewards. If they were permanent, everyone would farm the badges for these rewards.
    The badge system is kind of out dated right now, so the rewards available are not as worthy as they once were back in the day. If anything, updated rewards which last the same length as current would be a better idea, to make them more appealing. Weapons such as AWM R.D and AK-47 Gold back in the day, were weapons to be sought after, whereas these days, most players prefer the newer looking skins or the VVIP variants.
    Maybe newer weapons such as 90 Day AK-47 Ares, AWM Liquid Metal, D.E Royal Dragon and similar variants would be more appealing. These are just quick, of the top of my head ideas for what rewards could be replaced with.
  • imo i think replacing the rewards is not gonna happen be cause there are players already achieved these rewards

    changing the temp rewards to permanent rewards is easier and they might actually do it like what they did with the 2 years shovel red and now its permanent
  • lxYzl wrote: »
    imo i think replacing the rewards is not gonna happen be cause there are players already achieved these rewards

    changing the temp rewards to permanent rewards is easier and they might actually do it like what they did with the 2 years shovel red and now its permanent

    Shovel Red Dragon reward for 40 coupons is a lot harder to get and requires a lot more time to obtain than badge rewards. Going back to my previous statement of people abusing the badge system and farming it for the permanent rewards, players could no life farm them and get these "permanent badge rewards" within less than a week, whereas 40 ribbons could take months to obtain. Even 20 ribbons for an M4A1-Custom Crystal will take a lot longer then the badge system.