Some ideas and Suggestions to make Crossfire great again

I been playing cf for a while -almost from the beginning of 2013-, and i noticed that somethings need to be Upgrade d to the next level
like the crosshair system it too limited, there is no option to change the crosshair size as you like nor its shape,plus that the mouse senisivetiy can only be changed to regualar numbers (like 2,10) when it should be also changable to real numbers (like 1.25,4.34).
And i think the game mechanics are a bit un-real, for example that Ak47 recoils alot, and when you single fire a spot,the shots your Character fired are scattered (like all around the world)
,and try to tune down the Character's movement a bit, because they are a littie too fast.. and for pistols the Desert eagle when spammed,it fire like an automatic rifle. every player just spam DE most have slower fire rate to play with DE you have to be skillful not just spam and prey to get the shot right
and now for game mechanics they is something is not right we all know in all fps games when you move left and right or just moveing to some right and shot at wall the bullet won`t hit the right spot where you aiming at but here in crossfire players just moveing with non stop and shots while moveing and still hit 100% try it by your self move and shot at something the bullet will hit that 100% i think it most be fixed i hope that you agree on some of my opnions..give your feed ASAP,and thanks.


  • I'll agree that the crosshairs is very limited. It'd be nice to have a few more options for crosshair shape and even color. However, the Size issue is probably limited due to how the crosshairs gets visually largers or smaller based on the guns accuracy and the things that effect that accuracy.
    I also agree with mouse sensitivity. And to further that I know a lot of people want to see them completely revamp the polling rate for mouse as well. Because as it is CF is stuck in the dark ages with that.

    Now when it comes to game mechanics...the ones you've mentioned I don't see changing or would want to change due to the fact that, that's what makes CF...CF (in some sense of that anyways)....and they've been like that for a looooonnnngggg people are used to it and doubt they'd change it for just a single version of CF. We don't want CF to be just another CoD or other similar FPS game. (I mean we're already like super similar to some of the others)

    I'd like to see them make the damage reg great again myself. So many times you'll shoot a person and see blood...but do no damage. Sometimes it's bad enough you can empty most of, or even all of, a clip into an enemy and do little to no damage. While it often happens when you're shooting laggers it also happens when shooting at people who have good ping value as well just not as bad. I've also noticed that shooting at someone while they are 'air-bourne' (aka jumping down from something) and the chances of your shots regging are cut fairly drastically even if the game shows you as hitting with blood splatter.
  • Now when it comes to game mechanics...the ones you've mentioned I don't see changing or would want to change due to the fact that, that's what makes CF...CF (in some sense of that anyways)....and they've been like that for a looooonnnngggg people are used to it and doubt they'd change it for just a single version of CF. We don't want CF to be just another CoD or other similar FPS game. (I mean we're already like super similar to some of the others)

    don`t you think some pistols need lower fire rate a bit players just spam to get the kill there is no skill in that
    also moveing while shooting nonstop and still hit the target that is so low and op and for ak47 recoil i think they should change that like it was before
  • yes i agree with you i think they should support more higher mouse polling rate like 1000 and 500 we are in 2017 damn -.-