Old ribbons return

Greets users and staff

Few months ago the Gm's brought back some old ribbons such as zombie week ribbon and the Iron man ribbon . I just tought that it could be nice if they brought back another old ribbons instead of adding new ones or dealing the QQ about how they add ribbons so rarely

Feel free to ask on this thread what old ribbons you would like to see back based on your personal request :)

Here what I miss:
"Shut gun week"
"Crossfire games 2016"
"Summer warm up"
"Crossfire 2.0"
"Operation mayhem"
"Theater of war"
"Crossfire summer games 2012"
Add d.e crystal pink to the "real men wear pink" ribbon
Bring back the santa hat as a GP crate for the "Christmas comes but once a year" ribbon
Let players the privilege to restore the "Honorable soldier" ribbon (to all players not only to those who lost it due to some error)


  • It would be nice to see the return of any old ribbons that were previously released. (Only if they haven't been rereleased in the past). Give players one last chance to obtain them if they missed out last time for various reasons. Though, I disagree with a few things you mentioned.

    - Honorable Soldier ribbon shouldn't be given back to players who lost it (Unless they're are special reasons to give it back due to errors etc)
    - Santa hat as GP crate would make those who spent ZP for it during Xmas 2015 Boxing Day sales kind of disappointed.
    - Santa hat shouldn't count towards "Christmas comes but once a year" Ribbon and there's plenty of events to get Xmas crates, to win a permanent Xmas weapon to obtain this Ribbon"
    - D.E Pink Crystal does count towards "real men wears pink" Ribbon. (Confirmed by YoungAngie)

    They are bringing out new ribbons frequently which is really nice, but I do agree that seeing some old ones rereleased one last time would also be a nice thing for us players who missed out of them.
  • I need all of these you mentioned above.I barely have any ribbons
    +1 to thread
  • +1
    I agree ! But the CF 2.0 Ribbon was for the opening of CF 2.0, so I disagree with bringing it back.
  • makoreahi wrote: »
    "Shut gun week" Yea I think this one should be a once yearly ribbon IMO. Same with Sniper and Pistol week ribbons. I wouldn't mind seeing a Melee Week Ribbon as well (considering those ribbons fall under the room option weapon modes melee would fit well I think...)
    "Crossfire games 2016" No. It only fits well with the 2016 Olympics as that's what the event was paired with. The only way I see this ever coming back is some 'Blast to the Past' event or something....but even though I too need this ribbon, I don't think it'll ever be re-released and don't really think it should. Better luck in 2020 if we're still around. (or maybe 2018 Winter Olympics related Ribbon?)
    "Summer warm up" I don't have a problem with this one coming back honestly. but it'd be paired nicely with other early or pre-summer events.
    "Crossfire 2.0" The only way I'd see this coming back is alongside a new main patch that changes some of our core system rewards....as those could be seen as part of an on-going CF 2.0 updating process. So if we have a system change like the new BM or Mileage shop in the future along with map/weapons/characters/other content that makes use of the updates features and textures...then it'd be okay. But it shouldn't just be randomly brought back.
    "Operation mayhem" Maybe...would have to be in the month of May though of course. lol
    "Theater of war" If I remember correctly this came about originally with the Dinner Theater ZM map? If so then I could see it coming back like how they brought the one ribbons back with the Ribbon Harvest event.
    "Crossfire summer games 2012" pretty much repeat what I said for the 2016 one. lmao
    Bring back the santa hat as a GP crate for the "Christmas comes but once a year" ribbon i'm going to disagree here. A) the ribbon description says 'Christmas WEAPON' and B) So many people have already dropped money just to win an Xmas weapon so that they could get that ribbon. It'd be a slap in the face to dish it out for GP. Probably irks enough people as it is that Christmas crates have been fairly commonly given out as Event Rewards.
    Let players the privilege to restore the "Honorable soldier" ribbon (to all players not only to those who lost it due to some error)They've been considering the option of allowing players to request this ribbon back. However, I believe the general consensus was that IF people are to be allowed to get it back...it should be 'hard' in a sense. Meaning...if you messed up before...you need to work and show your dedication on being honorable in order to get the right to have the Honorable ribbon back.

    put my thoughts in red in the quote.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    put my thoughts in red in the quote.

    I agree with you on almost all views

    Why not, only came once and 2nd time final chance would be great for the following;
    • "Shut gun week"
    • "Operation mayhem"
    • "Theater of war"
    • Pistol Weak
    • "Crossfire 2.0" Maybe Anniversary to CF2.0 ribbon and give players EP that have it already for taking part in Anniversary for CF2.0

    Sorry but Olympics means Olympics which comes every 4 years and should remain that way regarding this ribbon. As you can see 4 years between Summer and Olympic 2016 and each 4 years is made new Ribbon Associated with that Olympics, so I don't think we should get the same ribbon and as some said 2020 :)
    • "Crossfire games 2016"
    • "Crossfire summer games 2012"

    As for Summer Warm up, Well I have it but if it should come back, it would be nice to make it with maybe the Suggested Event I posted. It would be good for Summer Warm up Games 2017, link below.
    • "Summer warm up"


    Add Pink D.E, well if it isn't already it should be, any Pink guns, pistol etc even Coupon Pink MP7
    • Add d.e crystal pink to the "real men wear pink" ribbon

    NO, should remain zP Christmas Win, during Xmas time.
    • Bring back the santa hat as a GP crate for the "Christmas comes but once a year" ribbon

    Honour, no issue for those who had unforeseeable Xtrap error "Without previous investigation" should have chance to gain it back. As for hackers, no way they should ever get it back, even if they didn't hack for period of 2 years etc. If they was banned by GM and proof of hacking in past its "NO, NO, NO Second Chance Sorry! You don't Deserve it!"
    • Let players the privilege to restore the "Honorable soldier" ribbon (to all players not only to those who lost it due to some error)
  • i like how everyone is calling it 'shut gun' instead of shotgun. lol maybe we can get the Shotgun Week Ribbon back AND a new Shut Gun ribbon for the lulz?
  • Ixith wrote: »
    i like how everyone is calling it 'shut gun' instead of shotgun. lol maybe we can get the Shotgun Week Ribbon back AND a new Shut Gun ribbon for the lulz?

    They brought back the Sniper week Ribbon, so I'd like to say we could expect to see shotgun week and maybe even pistol week ribbons making a return in the future 0.0
  • I was going to suggest making an event for limited ribbons, but with all the ribbons we have been getting recently, I just didn't.
    I personally would like to see any of these ribbons brought back cause I'm missing most if not all of them. Even if they didn't, I'm cool with what we have been getting so far and I think it will continue. :)
  • Ixith wrote: »
    i like how everyone is calling it 'shut gun' instead of shotgun. lol maybe we can get the Shotgun Week Ribbon back AND a new Shut Gun ribbon for the lulz?

    Lmao, that's what happen when we Copy and Paste others "plagiarism" :) also gets you to misspells :D GG