
Good evening,
a while ago a rumor spread that CF will be dying along with the release of CF 2.0, While this is (almost) proven wrong, it made me think a bit about how to improve the already existing and beloved version we have, now you have to understand that some of these suggestions have already been suggested in other forms, but i'll be clearing all angles here also some of these suggestions might seem silly but still, they count.

1. a marketplace: BOHOOO Marketplace... Z8 doesn't gain money, what a load of bull... no no, if a simple percentage cut was applied, e.g. i'm selling my DK Ultimate Gold for 50k zp, a simple 10% cut is applied automatically to that purchase, no that doesn't mean you have to pay 55k for it, i just receive 45k instead of 50k on that sale, Z8 has a cut, items will gain rarity depending on how the players deem them worthy and how Z8 reacts for it's drop rate.

a marketplace will allow a few nice things, for an example, gambling, yes i said gambling, don't act innocent, you've opened tons of crates already, isn't that gambling? k then,

2. competitive rules: perhaps have pre-made bags for that? not even on the ground, just bags dedicated to competitive matches allowing the REGULAR M4A1/AWM/AK-47/Desert Eagle - adding those as buy-mode and having a dedicated economy to such competitive matches will be more than fun (Example from another FPS game that runs on a dedicated economy system) -
You may ask why... this way your team of 5 won't be sniping as 5... you'll have variety of weapons, and it'll increase the competition a bit more :)

3. More communication: we're lacking communication in this game, it could be because of the huge amounts of non-English speakers and it could be other reasons, for an example no voice chat in a FPS game, FPS games usually mean the players doesn't have enough time to communicate or type, voice chat is a perk we should have, also clan wars are the closest thing we have to a clean competitive match, but if you're dead, you can't communicate with your team? that's messed up and needs to be changed.

4.silly suggestion really, left hand weapons are messed up, fix them: is Razer really happy to see their logo in reverse? so not cool. i'd like to be able to see my skin correctly even if i have my weapon on the left hand.

P.s. some of you might flame me for the fact that i have copied some features that are already in other games, but hey, CF China now has arms race and a CRAZY map that looks exactly like this other map, i can't remember it's name... dot stew... dads do? kung foo? OH... Dust2.
Note that i only suggest these things because i want this game to improve as i've started here and i intend to carry on.


  • 1. a marketplace:
    Hell yeah, this is something that'd really change the game and make it fun again. For added security measures just in case your account somehow gets stolen and to prevent the thief from selling your weapons, the game can ask you for your security answer every time you try selling a gun. Could also add a minimum rank of 2nd LT and minimum ZP of 5-10k so that people don't just swap their guns from their alts to their mains for like 1 ZP each.

    3. More communication:
    I agree about not being able to type in clan wars after you're dead, it defeats the whole purpose. But then again it's pretty easy to just hop on ts mumble vent discord etc and you don't have to listen to random egys screaming during pubs =D

    also about the De_dust2 thing... I always thought Blackwidow was our Dust2? if you think about it they're really similar
  • They could just set number of limited transactions.. on 3 or 5 and that would be fine imo
  • TheThrid wrote: »
    Good evening,
    a while ago a rumor spread that CF will be dying along with the release of CF 2.0, While this is (almost) proven wrong, it made me think a bit about how to improve the already existing and beloved version we have, now you have to understand that some of these suggestions have already been suggested in other forms, but i'll be clearing all angles here also some of these suggestions might seem silly but still, they count.

    1. a marketplace: BOHOOO Marketplace... Z8 doesn't gain money, what a load of bull... no no, if a simple percentage cut was applied, e.g. i'm selling my DK Ultimate Gold for 50k zp, a simple 10% cut is applied automatically to that purchase, no that doesn't mean you have to pay 55k for it, i just receive 45k instead of 50k on that sale, Z8 has a cut, items will gain rarity depending on how the players deem them worthy and how Z8 reacts for it's drop rate.

    a marketplace will allow a few nice things, for an example, gambling, yes i said gambling, don't act innocent, you've opened tons of crates already, isn't that gambling? k then,

    2. competitive rules: perhaps have pre-made bags for that? not even on the ground, just bags dedicated to competitive matches allowing the REGULAR M4A1/AWM/AK-47/Desert Eagle - adding those as buy-mode and having a dedicated economy to such competitive matches will be more than fun (Example from another FPS game that runs on a dedicated economy system) -
    You may ask why... this way your team of 5 won't be sniping as 5... you'll have variety of weapons, and it'll increase the competition a bit more :)

    3. More communication: we're lacking communication in this game, it could be because of the huge amounts of non-English speakers and it could be other reasons, for an example no voice chat in a FPS game, FPS games usually mean the players doesn't have enough time to communicate or type, voice chat is a perk we should have, also clan wars are the closest thing we have to a clean competitive match, but if you're dead, you can't communicate with your team? that's messed up and needs to be changed.

    4.silly suggestion really, left hand weapons are messed up, fix them: is Razer really happy to see their logo in reverse? so not cool. i'd like to be able to see my skin correctly even if i have my weapon on the left hand.

    P.s. some of you might flame me for the fact that i have copied some features that are already in other games, but hey, CF China now has arms race and a CRAZY map that looks exactly like this other map, i can't remember it's name... dot stew... dads do? kung foo? OH... Dust2.
    Note that i only suggest these things because i want this game to improve as i've started here and i intend to carry on.

    1)While I think most players would love to see some form of Market Place/Weapon Trading....i think if it ever'll be in a way the players don't like or feel is too restrictive. In your example you say Z8 will stay make money...however, what's not being accounted for is the fact that people will buy weapons they may spin hundreds upon hundreds of crates to get. For example...say someone really wants the AA12 Buster....why spend 100k ZP for a chance to win it when you could buy it from someone else for 50k ZP with Z8 only removing 5k ZP from the ZP pool. Now ultimately, yes someone had to spin for that AA12 buster but it still means less people spinning overall. In other words...right now they have a lottery profit which can yield high profits but hurts the optimism of players using it. where as a trading system, of most kinds, introduces a more stable but likely less's biggest benefit is where it'd make players more optimistic about their ability to get a perm weapon which could go a long way in encouraging people to spin and others to just buy off the lucky ones.
    That being said...regardless of their profits...if a system were to get implemented I still feel as if people shouldn't be allowed to sell to their Alts and that only duplicates should be trade-able. The duplicate only rule would solve most issues with a trading system...but of course would also be one of those restrictive rules a lot of players wouldn't like.
    I'd also argue there should be a minimum sell value of 50k on most items and maybe even higher on more valued weapons.

    2)I agree with a competitive rules thing. Even if it was it's own mode 'Competitive mode' where you're given pre-set bags based on normal competitive rules. The competitive mode would also negate any armor and force generic male character models. I think a lot of people would enjoy something like this. It should also have the option to do Competitive S&D and Competitive FFA IMO.

    3)I'll agree with this too....but the voice chat MUST be able to be turned off and limited within a room. I don't want to join a pub match to hear random languages curses getting screamed by 10 year olds. As for the clan war not being able to talk to them. I some ways I get it....dead men tell no tales eh? but...this is a game and it's fun to talk when you die. I mean what else are you gonna do. lol

    4)I never use the left hand so never really noticed. But I'd agree with this....but highly doubt it'll happen as it's a rather minor aesthetic that would require them to go back through and redo quite a few skins. Mind long as they have the files for such it shouldn't take THAT long. especially if the devs were to task 1 person to the job and tell that person to do 3-5 a day for the next X amount of days. and just implement them in patches as they can.
  • 1. a marketplace:
    Hell yeah, this is something that'd really change the game and make it fun again. For added security measures just in case your account somehow gets stolen and to prevent the thief from selling your weapons, the game can ask you for your security answer every time you try selling a gun. Could also add a minimum rank of 2nd LT and minimum ZP of 5-10k so that people don't just swap their guns from their alts to their mains for like 1 ZP each.

    3. More communication:
    I agree about not being able to type in clan wars after you're dead, it defeats the whole purpose. But then again it's pretty easy to just hop on ts mumble vent discord etc and you don't have to listen to random egys screaming during pubs =D

    also about the De_dust2 thing... I always thought Blackwidow was our Dust2? if you think about it they're really similar

    it's the exact same thing, the tunnel, catwalk, the way you can enter A, B, mid approach is a bit different but still the exact same thing xD even the damn spawns :P
    Nikola_H wrote: »
    They could just set number of limited transactions.. on 3 or 5 and that would be fine imo

    Nah nah nah that'll be awful, a limited marketplace is way too boring.
    Ixith wrote: »
    1)While I think most players would love to see some form of Market Place/Weapon Trading....i think if it ever'll be in a way the players don't like or feel is too restrictive. In your example you say Z8 will stay make money...however, what's not being accounted for is the fact that people will buy weapons they may spin hundreds upon hundreds of crates to get. For example...say someone really wants the AA12 Buster....why spend 100k ZP for a chance to win it when you could buy it from someone else for 50k ZP with Z8 only removing 5k ZP from the ZP pool. Now ultimately, yes someone had to spin for that AA12 buster but it still means less people spinning overall. In other words...right now they have a lottery profit which can yield high profits but hurts the optimism of players using it. where as a trading system, of most kinds, introduces a more stable but likely less's biggest benefit is where it'd make players more optimistic about their ability to get a perm weapon which could go a long way in encouraging people to spin and others to just buy off the lucky ones.
    That being said...regardless of their profits...if a system were to get implemented I still feel as if people shouldn't be allowed to sell to their Alts and that only duplicates should be trade-able. The duplicate only rule would solve most issues with a trading system...but of course would also be one of those restrictive rules a lot of players wouldn't like.
    I'd also argue there should be a minimum sell value of 50k on most items and maybe even higher on more valued weapons.

    2)I agree with a competitive rules thing. Even if it was it's own mode 'Competitive mode' where you're given pre-set bags based on normal competitive rules. The competitive mode would also negate any armor and force generic male character models. I think a lot of people would enjoy something like this. It should also have the option to do Competitive S&D and Competitive FFA IMO.

    3)I'll agree with this too....but the voice chat MUST be able to be turned off and limited within a room. I don't want to join a pub match to hear random languages curses getting screamed by 10 year olds. As for the clan war not being able to talk to them. I some ways I get it....dead men tell no tales eh? but...this is a game and it's fun to talk when you die. I mean what else are you gonna do. lol

    4)I never use the left hand so never really noticed. But I'd agree with this....but highly doubt it'll happen as it's a rather minor aesthetic that would require them to go back through and redo quite a few skins. Mind long as they have the files for such it shouldn't take THAT long. especially if the devs were to task 1 person to the job and tell that person to do 3-5 a day for the next X amount of days. and just implement them in patches as they can.

    dead men don't respawn as well but we do xD honestly i think info is quite important to have during a CW...
    also the reversed skins are so annoying, you don't even wanna see >.<
    IF they do infact add the competitive pre-made set and rules, i hope we'll be having fair clean games? i guess? no? ok.