Banned ranked cheaters

After a cheater gets banned ( I guess some do get banned, ones which I've reported mostly don't ), he keeps the ranked/competitive rank. That's not okay. After all the pain that cheater caused, he still steals all the rewards from a legit player who could have taken that spot.

remove rank


  • every week, every month i see those posts like u, we all mad from the ranked already, but all u can do for now, send ticket, even if ur replay for me will be like, i did send +10 tickets, the answer from me will be send another ticket, cause there are alot hackers, just keep send tickets again and again and they will be banned soon if they are
  • Mabohoho wrote: »
    every week, every month i see those posts like u, we all mad from the ranked already, but all u can do for now, send ticket, even if ur replay for me will be like, i did send +10 tickets, the answer from me will be send another ticket, cause there are alot hackers, just keep send tickets again and again and they will be banned soon if they are

    true , :)
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