Make slaughter tickets for zm3
Hello Gm's
Like we have slaughter tickets for zm1 and special keys for zm2 can you please make something similar for zm3?
Make some new cards for ZM3 and contain into them aa buster and tesla.I've always been more lucky with those "zm tickets" rather than capsules and to be honest it p1ss me off to play zm3 over and over again for a temporary version of those guns
Damn will take forever to get the like a boss ribbon with only the temporary free kac from zm2 U_U
Like we have slaughter tickets for zm1 and special keys for zm2 can you please make something similar for zm3?
Make some new cards for ZM3 and contain into them aa buster and tesla.I've always been more lucky with those "zm tickets" rather than capsules and to be honest it p1ss me off to play zm3 over and over again for a temporary version of those guns

Damn will take forever to get the like a boss ribbon with only the temporary free kac from zm2 U_U
Well, technically the Weapon Parts thingies you obtain in ZM3 for the AA12 Buster infection is the gimmick of ZM3.
I'd like to remind ya aswell that ZM2 and ZM3 do NOT count for the "Like a Baws" Ribbon. Aswell as Final Arena and Death Rally for ZM1.
And even 1 Match of ZM3 on Expert or Nightmare has a chance to yield a very good MG for ZM. -
Slaughter tickets work on ZM1, ZM2, and ZM3. It's not a ZM1 feature. If you want more Slaughter Ticket rewards, they'll definitely release more. They just released new Slaughter Ticket rewards in January.
Also, ZM3 is already pretty extensive and rewarding IMO, I'm sorry you don't enjoy playing it. It provides a ZM damage increase attribute that applies to ZM1, ZM2, AND ZM3. There's a permanent Persona Blade that is fairly easily obtainable. You get the option of using different classes, that makes the mode interesting. -
RiceTurtle wrote: »Slaughter tickets work on ZM1, ZM2, and ZM3. It's not a ZM1 feature. If you want more Slaughter Ticket rewards, they'll definitely release more. They just released new Slaughter Ticket rewards in January.
Also, ZM3 is already pretty extensive and rewarding IMO, I'm sorry you don't enjoy playing it. It provides a ZM damage increase attribute that applies to ZM1, ZM2, AND ZM3. There's a permanent Persona Blade that is fairly easily obtainable. You get the option of using different classes, that makes the mode interesting.
I didn't know the ZM3 attributes also work in ZM1 and ZM2? I have the Persona Blade but I don't even know how I got it. I just realized yesterday tha t it didn't have the time limit. How did I get this? What other permanent weapons can be won in ZM without spending $100s of dollars? -
I didn't know the ZM3 attributes also work in ZM1 and ZM2? I have the Persona Blade but I don't even know how I got it. I just realized yesterday tha t it didn't have the time limit. How did I get this? What other permanent weapons can be won in ZM without spending $100s of dollars?
You can win perm weapons in ZM2 and ZM3. The other perm weapon from ZM3 is the STG-44, which everyone gets by default for completing a ZM3 game (not sure if it's Nightmare only as I have only played Nightmare mode).
Each ZM2 map (Shipyard, Battleship, and Shattered Station) has perm items that do not require ZP. I don't know the list off the top of my head. When you're in game, just start a ZM2room and click on "Reward List" to see all the rewards. They're not easy to obtain, though. Smaller chance than Black Market in my opinion. There are also perm items that do require ZP (the "key" rewards). -
RiceTurtle wrote: »You can win perm weapons in ZM2 and ZM3. The other perm weapon from ZM3 is the STG-44, which everyone gets by default for completing a ZM3 game (not sure if it's Nightmare only as I have only played Nightmare mode).
Each ZM2 map (Shipyard, Battleship, and Shattered Station) has perm items that do not require ZP. I don't know the list off the top of my head. When you're in game, just start a ZM2room and click on "Reward List" to see all the rewards. They're not easy to obtain, though. Smaller chance than Black Market in my opinion. There are also perm items that do require ZP (the "key" rewards).
Some ZM2 give out perm characters like "character Elite" etc -
Well, that's the interesting part of this ribbon. That it coult take forever to get it, although it actually takes effort and time, and just by getting better weapons won't let you reduce the time you need to get these clears (at least not significantly).
Your best bet for now is to use the AA12 Buster Infection (that is relatively easy to obtain in ZM3). -
RiceTurtle wrote: »You can win perm weapons in ZM2 and ZM3. The other perm weapon from ZM3 is the STG-44, which everyone gets by default for completing a ZM3 game (not sure if it's Nightmare only as I have only played Nightmare mode).
Each ZM2 map (Shipyard, Battleship, and Shattered Station) has perm items that do not require ZP. I don't know the list off the top of my head. When you're in game, just start a ZM2room and click on "Reward List" to see all the rewards. They're not easy to obtain, though. Smaller chance than Black Market in my opinion. There are also perm items that do require ZP (the "key" rewards).
STG-44 gun zm3=clear nightmare for the first time u clear it
persona perm=if u lucky u can get that perm knife from boss number 12=crystal box shinny blow=not easy mode, normal or up mode, easy u dont get the box
shipyard zm2=u get perm crap knife for free if ur lucky > only 1 saw him win it and did ss was golden-light
battleship zm2=u get swat elite char if ur lucky for free > not sure but i think golden light got this to
Shattered Station zm2=u get star elite char if ur lucky for free > well im 1 of those lucky who got it along with that StreX and some other 2, when all of us the 4 did left the base health up thatn 75% in the first days of this map released in the flag event of cfgames2016 -
adigagever92 wrote: »I think what OP meant is that's he' really wants buster but very unlucky with crates (really glad I'm not the only one) and asking our omnipotent admins to put this gun into slaughter ticket so he can get it much easier
Yes this ^RiceTurtle wrote: »Also, ZM3 is already pretty extensive and rewarding IMO, I'm sorry you don't enjoy playing it.
I like ZM3 but it kinda sucks when I get kicked 75% of the games because of my rank and when I finally manage to join a room 80% of the game I waste on waiting for revive -
RaminoLo wrote:4446857
I like ZM3 but it kinda sucks when I get kicked 75% of the games because of my rank and when I finally manage to join a room 80% of the game I waste on waiting for revive
But you can't kick in ZM3
Or at least not in ZM1 and 2 for what I know.... -
I like ZM3 but it kinda sucks when I get kicked 75% of the games because of my rank and when I finally manage to join a room 80% of the game I waste on waiting for revive
That's exactly what he just said.
waiting = wanting
sadly i got this thing that let me see some word different sometimes, when i focus alot, i call that thing that happened to me to see them different
(3ama eltashaboh = Blindness of similarity = عمى التشابه) -
Well it's not as crazy as it sound at first thought.In CF china they already have Tesla in slaughter tickets
xD nice 1
I hope they will add this slaughter ticket at next week update or at least when they add new ZM map which I assume won't take longer than few weeks/month + -
RiceTurtle wrote: »What the heck! That win rate is amazing...
I think that's because in CF china you can only win the " best weapon" for 30 days. (that's what I once read tho)
Also note it doesn't say in the chat that this person won a rare weapon
EDIT: maybe it does, but i can't really read what it says -
I think that's because in CF china you can only win the " best weapon" for 30 days. (that's what I once read tho)
Also note it doesn't say in the chat that this person won a rare weapon
EDIT: maybe it does, but i can't really read what it says
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