remove the kick in wave mode

Low lvls cant play wave mode they always get kicked
Why don't you let them have fun
Play as medic ; all players want HP and you do your best
And when they die get kicked
Play as commando ; 2 players want attack damage 2 players want HP
End up getting kicked
Play for 30 with average score still get kicked
All who play wave node play to win not for fun


  • you know....i've never really had a problem with being kicked in wave mode....but maybe that's because I never play it because it's a cancerous mode 90% of the time. And by that I mean it's almost impossible to find a Wave match where balance option isn't turned off and one side is stacked with level 30 fully gemmed players and the other side already has 2 level 1s who know nothing about how wave mode works. But yea if you use classes like Medic/Commander you get whined at for not doing exactly what another player on your team would have done if they bothered to use the class (like always sit by to heal JUST that person) or you get QQed at for using a class like jugger or shock. Pretty much...your only safe class bet to not get QQed at is the Blaster RPG one. Which gets spammed so often it's not even funny. You could luck out with fuzzy I suppose.

    Then of course, when you do die it takes 4 score and 7 years to respawn, which I to a degree a needed mechanic within the game to give the opposing team a chance to do damage to towers/base though honestly without the need of the Mortar....but when you can play an entire 30 round FFA match in the same time it takes you to respawn...well RIP.

    at the end of the day...i'm indifferent if the kick vote gets removed from wave. So i neither support nor not support your motion. Maybe if wave was more playable in general i'd have more of say to this.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    Maybe if wave was more playable in general i'd have more of say to this.


    The mode has a lot more issues than kicking to worry about.
  • Not sure if I can agree to this. If someone is purposefully being unhelpful, I'd like to be able to kick them. It is after all a team based mode.

    If you want to level up, try playing S&D or TD first. That's what I did until I became level 30. That and it let's you experience different cards without being stuck with one the entire game.