Russian chat
Your argument is invalid, McDonald staffs in Germany can speak English if they choose to, there is no rule that staffs can't speak English in Germany.
Tencent is developing the game at the moment and to add any language into the game isn't just that easy you know??? There is a reason why Z8 can't do much about the game, because Z8 isn't the developer. You can say Tencent being a Chinese company is favouring the Chinese language and comunity. Deal with it if Tencent doesn't implement other languages into the game.
Your ego is huge. MUhahahahahahah. -
MidoIsLegend wrote: »You know.. you don't have to translate nor use a translator. You can just do like Egyptians. They 'Transliterate', typing Arabic in English letters.
Sometimes, I chat with Russian friends in game in Russian using English letters. It's not that difficult!
Example: Kak dela?
Doupraya ytra.
kharoshaya igra.
mne nravitcya CF.
I'm sure if you guys put rules for such transliteration, it will be pretty much easy to type that way and read it quickly. Just write what you pronounce in English letters.
If you can't find a match for a letter, then try to transliterate it in another way, like translating the letter 'х' to 'kh'. Or do like Egyptians and use numbers for such specific letters
I mean there are many different ways to speak in Russian without the need for a Russian keyboard.
I understood what you want me to write ... but you method is not convenient. The truth is a lot of Russian and English letters are the same.... But some do not all russain Letters АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ
Some users Think Equated Russian and Arabic .. it s not tru.. Russian speaks 1\6 part of the world. In arab langyage speak less 2% world! -
I understood what you want me to write ... but you method is not convenient. The truth is a lot of Russian and English letters are the same.... But some do not all russain Letters АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ
Some users Think Equated Russian and Arabic .. it s not tru.. Russian speaks 1\6 part of the world. In arab langyage speak less 2% world!
I'd love for you to cite where you got that info. Because 1/6 of the world is A LOT of people like over 1 billion. And from what i've looked up is also incorrect. Not only is it not that many but Arabic is higher. Especially in terms of Natively spoken.
But at the end of the day...we're looking at CF:NA/UK not the world. If you take the languages that are natively spoken in the regions that make up NA and the come down to really three main languages most likely...those being English, Spanish, with a touch of French thanks to that weird part of Canada. So...if I was making a game aimed at that population....i'd focus on the most used one...then implement support for the others. However, in our current state of player base ME players who generally speak Arabic are the largest part of the player base and Russian players while i'm sure there's a good few aren't anywhere near as numerous. Top it off there IS a version of CF that is dedicated to the Russian area....and i'd like to think it supports the Russian langauge as the main language on it's servers......meanwhile there is no CF:Middle East, at least not yet, and therefor all those other players have no version of CF that uses their language. If were were to add any'd be to Arabic...but quite frankly I don't think it's needed as this is CF:NA/UK and it's suppose to be dedicated to people from those regions....that and the fact that it's possible that some day there might be a CF:ME so why instate language support for Arabic here if they'll get their own version of CF in the future?
So....i'm sure you can make do. and if you really want to use your language...well set up a teamspeak or voice chat of some kind with your friends and talk away. but ingame text chat should be left alone IMO. If anything they need to work on that silly chat filter of theirs that is near useless and only blocks words that aren't bad because people wouldn't expect those words to get blocked but know the way around the filter for the 'bad words'.
Ultimately it would have been wise to have a CF: International version that has multiple language support and servers spread across the world*. Such a version would have been greatly beneficial to regions which don't have their own dedicated version and would also likely keep the areas that do have their own dedicated version from having to deal with the problems that arise when you mix normal ping with massive laggers due to ping along with the language barrier that prevents a large portion of the player base from really understanding much.
*International servers would be kept out of countries with their own dedicated version and servers of course. But would require special licensing i'm sure. Though we'll never see such a version of CF as there's already so many versions AND it's probably too late in the CF Life-cycle to include such a version. -
Speaking your own language around other people who don't, is a selfish act. it makes you annoying and you should be permanently chat blocked. This game is a great way to learn English like it has done for me, but if you're too dumb or lazy to learn, you shouldn't talk at all.
I know I'm a bit late on this...
That being said just want to ttake a moment to appreciate the fact that Egyptians/Arabs always become the apart of the topic, even if the main post had nothing to do with that.
Also this is meant to be a UK version, so why can't I use my pound sign ("£") in game?
And no there shouldn't be any other letters or characters that aren't English. -
I understood what you want me to write ... but you method is not convenient. The truth is a lot of Russian and English letters are the same.... But some do not all russain Letters АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ
Some users Think Equated Russian and Arabic .. it s not tru.. Russian speaks 1\6 part of the world. In arab langyage speak less 2% world!
I know the Russian alphabet very well, writing them all wasn't really needed :P
However, I'm telling you that there are different methods to use for transliterating such letters and I've mentioned you some of those ways, just try to re-read my post and think again of such ways i'm offering you.
I mean if Russian will be allowed, then each and every player shall ask for allowing a keyboard for his language too. This would be a one hell of a pain in the neck!
Are you even able to imagine a public chat box with Turkish/Arabic/English/Chinese...etc? Hell NO
As for the second part of your post, Ixith has already replied to that and I won't argue it anymore -
BloodClarts wrote: »I know I'm a bit late on this...
That being said just want to ttake a moment to appreciate the fact that Egyptians/Arabs always become the apart of the topic, even if the main post had nothing to do with that.
Also this is meant to be a UK version, so why can't I use my pound sign ("£") in game?
And no there shouldn't be any other letters or characters that aren't English.
I would like to know that too... I don't want to have to type "pounds" every time when I can just use shift+3. If I'm quickly typing at the start of the round, those extra few key presses could be the difference between me living and dying from someone rushing. -
Tencent is the developer now, they made a deal with SmileGate a few years ago that allow Tencent to develop and release whatever they want. SmileGate only owns the game at the moment and Tencent do all the developing, thank Tencent for the VIP not SmileGate.
Like knowledge of an admin? Where did you hear that from?
Public knowledge as public as it can be
On that page you'll find out which version invented VIPs (not Tencent..) and even how the first VIP looked like.. -
Public knowledge as public as it can be
On that page you'll find out which version invented VIPs (not Tencent..) and even how the first VIP looked like.. -
Did you really expect someone like me to look at VVIP section of things? And FYI no I don't read every article in CF Wikia.
I didnt read 1600 articles either but if I was interested in the topic "who invented VIPS" I'd look up info about the first VIP weapon we ever got, that's all. -
can't tell whether it's VIPs or ppl like you that are ruining the game...
so I'm just making a guess
If you were a good guy you would've never lost your MOD in the first place. After all, you were recommended/brought up by [MOD]AznBankaii who's a friend of yoursyou told me this yourself please don't be telling me it's not true Mr. IPhotoshopMyWinnings.
If you were a good guy you would've never lost your MOD in the first place. After all, you were recommended/brought up by [MOD]AznBankaii who's a friend of yours
you told me this yourself please don't be telling me it's not true Mr. IPhotoshopMyWinnings.
Correction I stepped over my broundries as Mod hence I lost my mod, at the same time I wasn't particularly treated "fairly".
Aznbankai was not the only one, I was friends with him wayyy before he became mod so please don't assume incorrect information like you usually do mate..
unlike a lot of ppl I've given more to the community than most and not many ppl acknowledged it.. but I don't brag about it because I do it for the community not the fame. Unlike you who spends half his time trying to make others feel inferior and complain about how things are unfair..
please just stop being a child and just grow up, be helpful to the community.
P.S. - if you look at half my winnings I've posted I've said they're photoshopped
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