This Potato needs a clan.


well... as the title states, I have need for a clan. A bit about me I guess:
-I mostly play SnD, GM and TD modes. However, I do enjoy the other modes every now and then
-Speak mostly fluent English (unless my brain goes full potato)
-I do have a mic, headphones and TS3 (can download other VOIPs if required)
-Don't mind tryouts if required.
-UK server ping: 25 to 35 (depending on which place I find myself)
-Current KDR: 1.92 (see below for profile link)
-former IGNs: SexyAughAugh/Auugh (since it is an old account and only came back 2 months or so ago)
-currently in the Eluvian clan, which has a lot of cool people, however, I am looking for a clan which does
clanwars/scrims a bit more often.


Please don't contact me if your clan does not mostly consist of players with sub 100 ping on the UK server.

Thank you for bothering to read this.

