Room Option's

please could you implement a new option for room ((eg pistol, knife,sniper)) sort of thing but for PING as follows: 100 150 200 ping limits any one over them and thay get auto kicked out of the room or just not let in to start with.
I am getting very fed up with watching people teleport there way across the map, or shooting some one who vanishes.

Also how about been able to exclude a few maps from the "random maps" on all modes, such as a limet of 2 or 3 maps maximum for exclusion.


  • In the past I reject this
    But actually we need this so +1
    But instead of exclusion of some poor players ,,Why not think of a solution to their problem?
    Server M.E ?
    Dont say license ,, Z8 can do that :)
  • I think this item is greatly needed so +1 from me. Everyone would be able to use it to limit people they don't want to play with. So in all rights it's fair.

    As for Zezo's mention of the ME server, you're right they COULD do it...but it'd take them a lot and yes that would require the license which ISN'T completely up to them. We'd all like to see the ME region get their own servers/Version. But things like this take in the meantime the ping limiting item would be a lovely thing. Might even be enough to bring back some older NA and UK players that quit because it's near impossible to play a pub room without laggers. Meanwhile the ME players and other regions that hate playing with low ping players can restrict NA/UK people out if they want to too. I think more people would be happy with this than without.
  • I don't get people complaining about laggers in-game I mean, have you ever played while watching like 3 netflix movies at the same time? Have you experienced how is it to play with 200 ping? Just FYI, PING represents the ammount of time it takes info from your location to get to the CF servers then back to your location as a response. Thus, having a high ping plays in BIG part AGAINST you, not against people with lower ping.

    Having this in mind, how can you guys, with less ping than other players, who register shots 'faster' than other players, still complain about laggers? Who cares if they stagger a bit? Just shoot them again, that's what I do and I do just fine! Or are you so miserably bad at this game that they actually get to kill you before you kill them?

  • nelson28 wrote: »
    I don't get people complaining about laggers in-game I mean, have you ever played while watching like 3 netflix movies at the same time? Have you experienced how is it to play with 200 ping? Just FYI, PING represents the ammount of time it takes info from your location to get to the CF servers then back to your location as a response. Thus, having a high ping plays in BIG part AGAINST you, not against people with lower ping.

    Having this in mind, how can you guys, with less ping than other players, who register shots 'faster' than other players, still complain about laggers? Who cares if they stagger a bit? Just shoot them again, that's what I do and I do just fine! Or are you so miserably bad at this game that they actually get to kill you before you kill them?

    Having lower ping vs people with 200+ ping those with low ping never register first, unless I read what you wrote wrong xd. On the 200+ ping side we already registered to them but on the lower ping side they haven't yet registered yet which is why they always reg first. That's why you see people(low pingers) dying behind walls before they even peek them. And about shooting them they literally have two armor one from shop and their lag lol they just eat bullets.
  • I agree 100%.

    It is like the high ping player is not there when i shoot, because it takes so long for the infomation of them moving to get from them to server to me.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    Having lower ping vs people with 200+ ping those with low ping never register first, unless I read what you wrote wrong xd. On the 200+ ping side we already registered to them but on the lower ping side they haven't yet registered yet which is why they always reg first. That's why you see people(low pingers) dying behind walls before they even peek them. And about shooting them they literally have two armor one from shop and their lag lol they just eat bullets.

    You clearly read it all wrong, sigh.

    I'll explain again... Time goes one way only, forward. You are telling me that those whose info takes MORE time to get to the server than you get the server's answer BEFORE you do? That doesn't make any sense. Saying that is like saying you got drunk before drinking your beers. Failing a test before finishing it. Pooping your lunch before you had your first bite. Is it clear now? Need an example?

    Ok, example:

    You live on the 2nd floor of a 6 floor building, your friendly neighbour Ali lives on the 5th floor of that same building. The mailman arrives and delivers mail at the reception desk and they call you both to get it. There's no elevator and you both have to walk down the stairs to the reception desk. Who gets to read his mail first, you having to walk down only 1 floor, or your friendly neighbour Ali having to walk 4 floors down to reception?

  • nelson28 wrote: »

    Ok, example:

    You live on the 2nd floor of a 6 floor building, your friendly neighbour Ali lives on the 5th floor of that same building. The mailman arrives and delivers mail at the reception desk and they call you both to get it. There's no elevator and you both have to walk down the stairs to the reception desk. Who gets to read his mail first, you having to walk down only 1 floor, or your friendly neighbour Ali having to walk 4 floors down to reception?


    I feel this is a flawed example. As the way it seems to work with CF is by worst common denominator. By that I mean....using your example...

    You both get called down to get your mail. You make it down first but you're not allowed to get your mail until your friendly Ali neighbor also gets there, while you're waiting for them to get there, your unfriendly neighbor Steyr TMP shoots you down and desecrates your corpse.

    My reason for saying it's like that....a low pinger can shoot a high pinger 9001 time...and do VERY low damage if not 0 damage. Meanwhile 90% of the time when a high pinger shoots it does damage to the low pinger.

    Regardless of the issues, it disrupts the smooth flow of gameplay.
    Introducing the Ping Limiting item won't hurt anyone really but it'd go a long way for the community on multiple fronts.
  • I even wrote "unless I read what you wrote wrong" lol

    But yeah what Zal said.

    "You are telling me that those whose info takes MORE time to get to the server than you get the server's answer BEFORE you do?"

    Ofc if their info takes longer to register to server they have yet to register for the low pinger hence dying behind walls or them eating bullets because they have yet to register, of course a person with less ping will die because he has already registered to server and the high pinger has an advantage. I do understand the whole ping situation regarding ping issues since I mostly play SnD and 3/4 of the team is over 200 ping.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    I feel this is a flawed example. As the way it seems to work with CF is by worst common denominator. By that I mean....using your example...

    You both get called down to get your mail. You make it down first but you're not allowed to get your mail until your friendly Ali neighbor also gets there, while you're waiting for them to get there, your unfriendly neighbor Steyr TMP shoots you down and desecrates your corpse.

    My reason for saying it's like that....a low pinger can shoot a high pinger 9001 time...and do VERY low damage if not 0 damage. Meanwhile 90% of the time when a high pinger shoots it does damage to the low pinger.

    Regardless of the issues, it disrupts the smooth flow of gameplay.
    Introducing the Ping Limiting item won't hurt anyone really but it'd go a long way for the community on multiple fronts.

    That's where you are mistaken pal. At no point your are put on hold for their answer, its first-come, first-served. Responses are independent because CF doesn't have a lag compensator as other online games. And you can ask any GM for that yourself, it's just common sense.

    You wanna know why you get rekt'd when they hit you? You know, when you hit a lagger, that's your reg on them so, they get the hit at times only when their hitbox matches their seems to be location. BUT when they hit you, all their lagged bullets comes in bursts after some time and hence, they rekt you. But that's like the dumbest thing that could happen to you as they'd have to see you, spray you down (for a while! 'cause they are lagging) and then they reg and you 'suddenly' die. It wasn't sudden, you just were an easy target, even for a guy who sees everything +200ms after you do.

    oSasuke*** wrote: »
    I even wrote "unless I read what you wrote wrong" lol

    But yeah what Zal said.

    "You are telling me that those whose info takes MORE time to get to the server than you get the server's answer BEFORE you do?"

    Ofc if their info takes longer to register to server they have yet to register for the low pinger hence dying behind walls or them eating bullets because they have yet to register, of course a person with less ping will die because he has already registered to server and the high pinger has an advantage. I do understand the whole ping situation regarding ping issues since I mostly play SnD and 3/4 of the team is over 200 ping.

    Again, you are wrong. When I talked about an answer I meant an answer to THEIR actions, not yours. It's THEIR actions that takes longer to register, not yours on them. If you shoot them, they will die with a delay of your ping, lets say you have 50ms ping. You shoot, there's a 50ms gap between your LMB been clicked and the server 'registering' YOUR shot. AND after those 50ms, he dies. In your case, that's how it works.

    Now lets talk about their case as you didn't seem to get it even after a very simple example.
    When THEY shoot you, there's a gap of +200ms between their mouse been clicked and the server 'registering' their shots on you, hence taking them longer to kill you, more than it takes you to kill them anyways. And since CF can only register one outcome of an enfrentation, who do you think it's gonna win? nvm it's the guy who regs first (the one with lower ping.)
    That's why you see people with a lower ping than yours shooting mid air on prison and killing you regardless, their info just got faster to the server, he lands first on his pc and shoots, but on your side they are still mid air when you got hit.
  • I'm lazy to try to get this guy to understand.

    +1 from me decent idea.
  • [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    An overall ping restriction on the server itself might not be possible, as you know ping technically changes every second and if at the moment you clicked on that server your ping was 1ms higher you won't be able to join.

    Ping restrictions on rooms are more feasible through an item i believe but it is not available in our version yet. We can ask to have it as a trial, we'll see.

    Who remembers that?
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    I'm lazy to try to get this guy to understand.

    +1 from me decent idea.

    Oh don't bother, I know exactly what you mean. The thing here is that it's just wrong :)
  • some times its servers issues so you need to manage the problem first then you can talk about this