blue screen

how to fix "Blue Screen Error 0x00000124"
i get it while opening the game
detail :
BCCode: 124
BCP1: 00000000
BCP2: 8569E024
BCP3: B6002000
BCP4: C0000145
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1


  • Blue Screen errors are usually to do with your operating system or computer hardware. Try running a program called WhoCrashed, it will usually tell you what caused the blue screen.

    A quick google search tells me that 0x00000124 is usually CPU related, and could be due to overheating.
  • I also got sometimes a Bluescreen while XIGN was loading


    This message box came up then, when I pressed OK I instantly got a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED Bluescreen. When I ignored it, it came after 15-20sec instead. However, adding the CF folder to the exclusions in my security utility fixed this...

    You should also try this, maybe it will help. It came when XIGN almost finished loading.