Skiller Player Looking for New Clan

Hey guys,
I'm EightBaii, looking for a new clan. I'll provide some info, and then list my requests for the clan:

Nick: EightBaii
Age: 19
Location: Montreal
Guns: Scar-L, AWM, Deagle, Flashbangs
Activity: I was really inactive over the summer, but I hope to be active a few hours a few days a week over the coming year. However, be warned that I'm in University and I DO have to study, so it will be on and off. Usually afternoon (noon - 5 PM), and evening (after 9 PM) eastern.
Previous Clans: InCollege (disbanded), Serenity (Disbanded)
KDR: just over 2.0
Have a mic and ventrilo, can download teamspeak, but it sucks.

Must be a MATURE clan, I won't tolerate racism, unwarranted hackusations, or any other garbage.
Must scrim a fair amount. This is why I want a clan.
Would appreciate a vent.
Must be skilled, and don't give me any "ZOMG we're number 5!" I don't care about your stupid rank, just be skilled.
Not too big, not too small. Over 30 members is too big, under 5 is too small.

I'm willing to try out, just leave a description of your clan and I'll check you out and apply if I'm interested.

