is farming allowed ?

Hi there
Is farming allowed
Don't say yes because you farm
Don't say no because you hate people who farm
Farming allowed yes or no
If yes ...whats the punishment
If no... Don't you think its unfair


  • It's not against the rules, but it is frowned upon.

    It's only punishable if you use 3rd party applications to assist you. Like bots.
  • The following is based on GM replies and interpretations and is subject for verification by actual game staff...

    -Farming in general (like for rank) appears to be okay but is frowned upon by the community.

    >Farming by means of using 3rd party programs/scripts to aid in your farming is NOT allowed. 3rd party programs are strictly prohibited.

    >Farming events is extra frowned upon but the enforcement of such seems dependent on a few factors:
    A)Is the event competitive? (See previous events such as CF Games 2016 and the Sheep mode event where farmers were, supposedly, removed during and after the event)
    B)Are there a set amount of rewards or are the rewards potentially unlimited? (See current events for Limited Prize events. and compare to an event such as the HeadShot event. The current events, no matter how much you farm,...will have an ultimate end result of a max of 25 crates&75K EP [though we're only gonna hit 60k EP]. Where as on the headshot event one could have farmed hundreds if not millions of EP quite easily thus considered taking advantage of the system.)

    That being said....if you farm, be prepared for potential consequences. While it may be at it's base, 'allowed' it's frowned upon and farming events, especially competitive/unlimited reward ones will likely be viewed as taking advantage/abusing the nature of the event and will likely result in action being taken be it removal/disqualification from the event to even being banned.

  • lol.Ixith
    i am bad at English
    But what i guess your answer
    Is yes and no at the sane time
    i am confused
  • jymytjhyhh wrote: »
    i am bad at English
    But what i guess your answer
    Is yes and no at the sane time
    i am confused

    More or less, yes that's what I mean. But at the end of the day...if you want to be safe, i'd stick with a 'no it's not allowed' due to the fact that there are indeed times/events where it can get you in trouble even if you aren't using a 3rd party program.
  • That and don't "event farm". If you're just farming to get EXP, I doubt the GMs will care. But if you're farming for an event prize, then that is against the rules.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    The following is based on GM replies and interpretations and is subject for verification by actual game staff...

    -Farming in general (like for rank) appears to be okay but is frowned upon by the community.

    >Farming by means of using 3rd party programs/scripts to aid in your farming is NOT allowed. 3rd party programs are strictly prohibited.

    >Farming events is extra frowned upon but the enforcement of such seems dependent on a few factors:
    A)Is the event competitive? (See previous events such as CF Games 2016 and the Sheep mode event where farmers were, supposedly, removed during and after the event)
    B)Are there a set amount of rewards or are the rewards potentially unlimited? (See current events for Limited Prize events. and compare to an event such as the HeadShot event. The current events, no matter how much you farm,...will have an ultimate end result of a max of 25 crates&75K EP [though we're only gonna hit 60k EP]. Where as on the headshot event one could have farmed hundreds if not millions of EP quite easily thus considered taking advantage of the system.)

    That being said....if you farm, be prepared for potential consequences. While it may be at it's base, 'allowed' it's frowned upon and farming events, especially competitive/unlimited reward ones will likely be viewed as taking advantage/abusing the nature of the event and will likely result in action being taken be it removal/disqualification from the event to even being banned.


  • They have difficulty banning hackers, with actual proof lol . Goat herding/Farming well that's another story.
  • Farming in any way should be punishable as it then motivates those to attempt to farm events. However proving farming is another matter. Since there are no rules that prevent Rank farm, players would be safe. However I am against it, as I stated before. Motivates event farming and A.f.K and Bot use, scripts etc.
  • No one can answer you with yes or no.
    Farming events aka abusing them is bannable. ;)
    Farming for exp (without macros/bots/3rd party apps) isn't illegal (yet).