VIP guilt.

VIPs are great and all...

but lets be real for a sec, they get boring after a while.

Here's the thing though - I have a handful of ZP guns that I love to use on occasion, and often times I find myself going back into my inventory to switch out my items for different sets depending on what mode i'm doing.
I have 7 bags and often times the VIP primaries I own just end up sitting in bags 5,6, and 7 collecting dust.
I rarely use them in game and when I do, its typically because I get a bit tired of watching EGYs scramble for my stuff.

SO every time I consider taking them OUT of my bags to make room for other fun guns to use, I end up guilt tripping myself into putting them back INTO my bags because, hello, I paid for them and I get an advantage just for them being present / on my person.

I'm I the only one that guilt trips myself when I don't have my VIPs on me? :P
feedback is appreciated


  • I do this all the time

    +1 gms should fix this problem
  • VIPs are for nooooobies who can't aim str8.

    yeah I get that feeling sometimes too which makes me regret buying vips because I don't use them.
  • Can I relate to guilt tripping myself when I don't have a VIP in my Bag because I have so many?


    ...It appears as though I know not of the problem you speak of.

    Although I guess I can agree that one would think it's a bit wasteful, I guess?
  • can't say I share the guilt trip feeling, but I do feel the same on a lot of the other aspects you brought up. For example...I keep bags 5-7 with my VIPS in them leaving bags 1-4 for my ZP guns. About the only times I turn to my VIPs anymore is when everyone else is using them or when i'm tired of a gun hunter (or 3...or 5...or...well you get the point) hovering around me until I die and then instead of shooting at the enemy that killed me...picks up my gun for a whopping 5 seconds tops before they too die because they didn't even do anything about the enemy. But I like getting the EXP bonus and even more importantly the other perks like ammo boost and ZM points etc etc. And it's not that I don't like those guns mind's just my ZP ones are generally more fun.

    so yea...only reason I really make sure they stay in my bags is for the perks. Otherwise i'd probably fill bags 5-7 up with the rest of my ZP BM stuff usually with only occasionally putting in the VIPs or at least limiting it to 1 bag of VIP stuff generally.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Can I relate to guilt tripping myself when I don't have a VIP in my Bag because I have so many?

    ...It appears as though I know not of the problem you speak of.

    Although I guess I can agree that one would think it's a bit wasteful, I guess?

    RIGHT? the wastefull-ness. Idk how the people who buy like 7 of every VIP out there arent bothered at all by the fact that they cant carry them all. It seems wasteful.

    Then again, I can see the advantages of "stacking" VIPs to get ungodly amounts of ammo on SMGs and pistols thanks to the perks. but still tho.
    That feeling of missing out on bonus XP and GP just because you don't have a gun on you kinda sucks.
  • I have 6 tommys sitting in my storage which I rarely use.. its w.e though.
  • I have 6 tommys sitting in my storage which I rarely use.. its w.e though.

    and that somehow doesn't bother you at all? That you are missing out on bonus XP, GP, AAAAAAAAAAAAND ammo perks?

    How do you do it, man?
  • ugh not really.. I bought them after I got marshal & I already got like 5m gp which is enough for me and I when ever I do randomy use my tmp I put em on but thats pretty rare
  • They were handy once a time ago, and I still remember why I got each one. Like many, I bought the VIP guns for their perks, but as time went on, I outgrew the perks, and this actually gives greater meaning. I guess it helps that I don't actually want EXP, too.
    • My very first VIP was the Jewelry. Before AA and Tesla owners were rare, that extra life meant a lot. Now, with the AA, if I die it's usually on purpose (i.e. dying at boss rounds for the AA's right click).
    • I bought the M4 Predator because I couldn't parkour in HMX, and needed that higher jump to get to certain places. Plus the right click melee is very handy. Now I'm better at parkour, so I don't ever use the M4 anymore (I'm still pretty bad, though, compared to pro's I've seen .__.).
    • I bought Viper for the faster speed in ZM, the kick, and the look of the character. I used it for about a year before I won Aurora. No team damage (grenades and more importantly, it protects against airstrikes in WAVE mode) + flash guard protection outweighs the use of my Viper. Plus the Aurora looks much sexier imo.
    Anyway, there's a similar story to all of my VIPs. I just don't need them anymore 0.0 Why feel guilty? They had their time to shine, and they were never wasted. All those times it helped you in the past got you to where you are now. If anything, they simply have a special place in your CF memories now, and that's worth a little more than extra place in your bags, imho.
  • I have many VVIP weapons currently and I think there will be more, I know many people in this community have more VVIPS than me, but what they think should be way same, in different modes they choose different sets, but they won't feel it is a waste for not being able to use all VVIP weapons in their storage.
    IMO spin ZP crates in black market is more a waste, especially when you fail a lot.
    I am not fan of Black Market, that's probably the reason why I like purchasing VVIPs.

  • Well,There will always be ppl like those.
    I used to buy VVips just to earn Exp/Gp to achieve the Marshal rank.
    Therefore i play with ESL Weapons , It's doesn't matter tho, They will always follow and beg you.
    Just ignore them & they'll leave you alone.
    Trust me,I get about 40 50 friend request each day just because of this.
  • I'm keeping all 4 VIPS equipped without any guilt. Why? Because I wasnt lucky enough to win ZP permanent versions of them. And none of them are brokenly OP like the M4 vips.

    The Barrett is just like the Barrett skins (except the hmx damage but i dont play hmx anymore), the axe and kukri are just 2/4 perm melees I have for 4 bags and the rpk I bought when I didnt own any perm MG except the ones in item shop, and I love even the normal RPK (an ak47 with a drum mag,cmon lol, if only the ak47 sniper-the dragunov- had full damage I'd use that aswell...) so it's staying there + its ammo boost in zm is quite usefull, I can put my perm MG3 on bag 4.

    edit: ayyy 4000th post
  • I have the same feeling which make me hesitating alot to remove it from bag and put a normal or zp guns
    How to fix it simple
    I have suggestion to add profiles which each one with its bag weapons when I need to play with vips I choose vip profile or whatever
  • ExtazyLazy wrote: »
    Well,There will always be ppl like those.
    I used to buy VVips just to earn Exp/Gp to achieve the Marshal rank.
    Therefore i play with ESL Weapons , It's doesn't matter tho, They will always follow and beg you.
    Just ignore them & they'll leave you alone.
    Trust me,I get about 40 50 friend request each day just because of this.

    I feel you in so many ways
    jymytjhyhh wrote: »
    VIP cause unfair gameplay
    No it don't, Free TMP's does,and jelly kids that are clearly underage,not to mention the laggers, hit reg ect ect. Keep that in mind.
  • thirty_OT wrote: »
    and that somehow doesn't bother you at all? That you are missing out on bonus XP, GP, AAAAAAAAAAAAND ammo perks?

    How do you do it, man?

    Dont worry i use to do the same exact thing. but sooner or later you'll realize its taking up space and u want 6 bags filled with fun guns and only have maybe a full set bag of VIP (primary, secondary and melee) just cause hey bonus.

    Then i got to the level i wanted and i honestly dont care about exp i dont eve use my 8 VIPs :/
  • ExtazyLazy wrote: »
    Well,There will always be ppl like those.
    I used to buy VVips just to earn Exp/Gp to achieve the Marshal rank.
    Therefore i play with ESL Weapons , It's doesn't matter tho, They will always follow and beg you.
    Just ignore them & they'll leave you alone.
    Trust me,I get about 40 50 friend request each day just because of this.

    Main reason I keep 1/2 my bags filled with VIPs. No guilt in having M4's in there either (unless Im in a 1 v 1, in which case e8)

    There are much funner guns to use, but when people start complaining even when I DONT use VIPs(just cuz they see VIP next to my name) thats when I whip them back out. Skill is all that matters. If they think they're losing because of a VIP, I won't try to change their mind.
    No it don't, Free TMP's does,and jelly kids that are clearly underage,not to mention the laggers, hit reg ect ect. Keep that in mind.

    free TMPs to every Tom, BERNICE, and Harry who has a mouse with a working left-click button is no good for CF
  • JayZJQZJQ wrote: »
    I have many VVIP weapons currently and I think there will be more, I know many people in this community have more VVIPS than me, but what they think should be way same, in different modes they choose different sets, but they won't feel it is a waste for not being able to use all VVIP weapons in their storage.
    IMO spin ZP crates in black market is more a waste, especially when you fail a lot.
    I am not fan of Black Market, that's probably the reason why I like purchasing VVIPs.


    25? srsly? And you're calling me lucky for winning Iron hammer-frost!! :"D
    Gimme an M4 OB for my Iron hammer and we'll be fine. :D
  • vip is annoying! Even though i own like 13
  • [size=+2]
    VIPs are just a surely obtainable item instead of gambling with your money on the blackmarket, You could spin over 200$ and win nothing but yet you can get a better overpowered item permanently + its perks for 80$. But i do agree with you, they're useless and i don't equip them that much. [/size]