Daily Mission and Dog Tag Rewards Revived!

We have had many times Suggestion in the past about Daily Missions and Dog Tags rewards. All agreed that they need to be changed especially that 500 GP as no one bothers when they see it.

So let's revive it as GM are more active in the Forum Sections. Below is what I think would make a perfect replacement for the current Daily Mission and Dog Tag system. As I can't remember when was the last time I even bothered to exchange the Dog Tags. must be over 1 year go since I touched Dog Tags.

--Daily Missions--

*500 GP needs to be replaced by 500 EP per Daily Mission.
*Or 1 Random crate "older" crates.
*Or 2 GM crate
*1 "Free Crate Ticket" as some suggested!

--Dog Tags--

*Temporary Weapons needs to be replaced with any of the following items.

*5 Zombie Mode 2 Special Keys
*5 Random Crates
*3 "Free Crate Tickets"

My Preference for Daily mission is** 500 EP** Reason 500 EP per day can give any one a chance to purchase the type of crate they want from EP shop, say 2 days of mission collected 1,000 EP and has more value than 500 GP

Dog Tag Preference is ***3 "Free Crate Tickets" This has value and makes players complete every day mission and gives them reward that they can choose the type of crate to use "Free Crate Ticket" **on the Plus side it wouldn't need changing ever.

Support this Guys, so we can get change soon as possible.


  • +1

    I doubt they'd agree with any of this requests but they surely are good ideas!
    I'd happily complete my daily mission for a 500 EP reward :P
  • We have had many times Suggestion in the past about Daily Missions and Dog Tags rewards. All agreed that they need to be changed especially that 500 GP as no one bothers when they see it.

    So let's revive it as GM are more active in the Forum Sections. Below is what I think would make a perfect replacement for the current Daily Mission and Dog Tag system. As I can't remember when was the last time I even bothered to exchange the Dog Tags. must be over 1 year go since I touched Dog Tags.

    --Daily Missions--

    *500 GP needs to be replaced by 500 EP per Daily Mission.
    *Or 1 Random crate "older" crates.
    *Or 2 GM crates

    --Dog Tags--

    *Temporary Weapons needs to be replaced with any of the following items.

    *5 Zombie Mode 2 Special Keys
    *5 Random Crates
    *3 "Free Crate Tickets"

    My Preference for Daily mission is** 500 EP** Reason 500 EP per day can give any one a chance to purchase the type of crate they want from EP shop, say 2 days of mission collected 1,000 EP and has more value than 500 GP

    Dog Tag Preference is ***3 "Free Crate Tickets" This has value and makes players complete every day mission and gives them reward that they can choose the type of crate to use "Free Crate Ticket" **on the Plus side it wouldn't need changing ever.

    Support this Guys, so we can get change soon as possible.

    I agree with this. At the very least the rewards on these need SOME kind of change....i'd like it to be change that the players would find useful though.

    Daily Mission rewards:
    I like most of what you stated for this. I'd take the 500 EP over GP...though I still like my overall idea for rewards on this...
    >My personal viewpoint on how the rewards SHOULD be for the daily mission is
    -EXP some days like it already is. 5000 exp is decent though maybe changing it by basing it on the rank of the player would be better. 3 days of the week
    -the 500 GP should be removed and be replaced with 'Daily Mission Crates' these would be like GM crates but have different things in them. 2/3 days in the week
    - 1000 EP OR 1 Free Crate Ticket. This would bring back the possibility of winning something permanent like when we had the seasonal crates in the DM rewards before but this would allow us to choose our own crates to a degree which would a seasonal crate wouldn't be given out like crazy and thus stay seasonal. 2/3 days (maybe weekends? Friday-Sunday?)

    As for the Dog Tag rewards. I'd agree with that. I also agree with the 3 Free Crate Tickets being the preferred option out of the bunch but i'd put my 2nd pick at the 5 Random Crates myself.

    As for the reasoning this is needed, I completely agree with. Currently the only time I do the Daily Mission is if it happens to line up with something I plan on playing or if it's a simple one and is for 5000 EXP. Not a chance that i'll ever do the 12 Mutations or 4 Wave wins for 500 GP....especially when I don't do those ones for 5000 EXP. But if the DM rewards were to get changed into something as stated...then I'd consider doing even those missions.
  • nelson28 wrote: »
    I doubt they'd agree with any of this requests but they surely are good ideas!
    I'd happily complete my daily mission for a 500 EP reward :P

    Never Say Never. The more your thoughts and suggestion are voiced and is backed by the majority community the higher the chance of implementation.
    Ixith wrote: »
    I agree with this. At the very least the rewards on these need SOME kind of change....i'd like it to be change that the players would find useful though.

    Daily Mission rewards:
    -the 500 GP should be removed and be replaced with 'Daily Mission Crates' these would be like GM crates but have different things in them. 2/3 days in the week
    - 1000 EP

    Yeah I noticed your view regarding 1,000 EP for DM :D, but I found it a bit excessive for the reason that if you was to do DM for 30 days that would give you 30,000 EP on top of other events etc. But 500 EP same Figure as 500 GP :P Daily Mission is more reasonable and it means say you done your daily, you could save 15k at least giving you 15 crates purchase. But still who wouldn't take 1k EP xDDD but to make EP and crates more exclusive and hard to get 500 EP would be reasonable.
  • Yeah I noticed your view regarding 1,000 EP for DM :D, but I found it a bit excessive for the reason that if you was to do DM for 30 days that would give you 30,000 EP on top of other events etc. But 500 EP same Figure as 500 GP :P Daily Mission is more reasonable and it means say you done your daily, you could save 15k at least giving you 15 crates purchase. But still who wouldn't take 1k EP xDDD but to make EP and crates more exclusive and hard to get 500 EP would be reasonable.

    That's why I state it should be only 2 or 3 days of a week at best. Which is about how often we got the 1 Seasonal xmas crate when those were in the DM in the past as well. And since 1k EP = 1 (lower end generally) crate it'd be about right. And if they only do it on 2-3 days on weekends then you're looking at 8-12 days a month generally so only 8,000-12,000 EP a month at best. And sure that's a decent amount of EP but it's also not a lot...as stated that's not THAT many crates even at the 1k EP price. But nonetheless 500 EP is certainly a lot better than 500 GP and would be happy with that as well.
    2*52=104 days of it in a year so 104,000 EP in a year or 156,000EP a year if 3 days a week. Seems like a lot until you consider it's over the course of the entire year spread out a little at a time. I mean this month alone We already have a shot at a total of 75k, though we'll only get 60k, and then there's bound to be another event with a chance at EP after the next update as well. so on a per month basis if you consider that one player might hit 50-100k EP from events this would put it at a reasonable fraction of that and be the equivalent of 1 Crate per Daily Mission on days it's given out ;p

    Let's just hope for SOME kind of change to DM and Dog Tags soon...and then hope that it's for the better. x]
  • Ixith wrote: »

    Let's just hope for SOME kind of change to DM and Dog Tags soon...and then hope that it's for the better. x]

    Hope is always good. Would be perfect for March update :)
  • We have had many times Suggestion in the past about Daily Missions and Dog Tags rewards. All agreed that they need to be changed especially that 500 GP as no one bothers when they see it.

    So let's revive it as GM are more active in the Forum Sections. Below is what I think would make a perfect replacement for the current Daily Mission and Dog Tag system. As I can't remember when was the last time I even bothered to exchange the Dog Tags. must be over 1 year go since I touched Dog Tags.

    --Daily Missions--

    *500 GP needs to be replaced by 500 EP per Daily Mission.
    *Or 1 Random crate "older" crates.
    *Or 2 GM crate
    *1 "Free Crate Ticket" as some suggested!

    --Dog Tags--

    *Temporary Weapons needs to be replaced with any of the following items.

    *5 Zombie Mode 2 Special Keys
    *5 Random Crates
    *3 "Free Crate Tickets"

    My Preference for Daily mission is** 500 EP** Reason 500 EP per day can give any one a chance to purchase the type of crate they want from EP shop, say 2 days of mission collected 1,000 EP and has more value than 500 GP

    Dog Tag Preference is ***3 "Free Crate Tickets" This has value and makes players complete every day mission and gives them reward that they can choose the type of crate to use "Free Crate Ticket" **on the Plus side it wouldn't need changing ever.

    Support this Guys, so we can get change soon as possible.

    I agree. They need to change it up to keep it interesting.
  • We have had many times Suggestion in the past about Daily Missions and Dog Tags rewards. All agreed that they need to be changed especially that 500 GP as no one bothers when they see it.

    So let's revive it as GM are more active in the Forum Sections. Below is what I think would make a perfect replacement for the current Daily Mission and Dog Tag system. As I can't remember when was the last time I even bothered to exchange the Dog Tags. must be over 1 year go since I touched Dog Tags.

    --Daily Missions--

    *500 GP needs to be replaced by 500 EP per Daily Mission.
    *Or 1 Random crate "older" crates.
    *Or 2 GM crate
    *1 "Free Crate Ticket" as some suggested!

    --Dog Tags--

    *Temporary Weapons needs to be replaced with any of the following items.

    *5 Zombie Mode 2 Special Keys
    *5 Random Crates
    *3 "Free Crate Tickets"

    My Preference for Daily mission is** 500 EP** Reason 500 EP per day can give any one a chance to purchase the type of crate they want from EP shop, say 2 days of mission collected 1,000 EP and has more value than 500 GP

    Dog Tag Preference is ***3 "Free Crate Tickets" This has value and makes players complete every day mission and gives them reward that they can choose the type of crate to use "Free Crate Ticket" **on the Plus side it wouldn't need changing ever.

    Support this Guys, so we can get change soon as possible.

    500 EP(and/or crate(s)) isn't bad, indeed. They should do that. As they know many players don't complete daily mission. I don't blame them.
    Keep it(=daily mission) interesting and fun.
  • bed9997 wrote: »
    500 EP(and/or crate(s)) isn't bad, indeed. They should do that. As they know many players don't complete daily mission. I don't blame them.
    Keep it(=daily mission) interesting and fun.

    Well old GM noticed the trends in Doing and not Doing Daily missions after changing 500 GP to 1 Random Crate, I believe it was GMJuice and I am sure they noticed Daily missions was done Daily because of that. So improving Daily Mission and Dog Tags as I suggested will only increase the active community and a Happy Users = Loyal Users. #500 EP Win Win no need to change crates Daily rewards ever. Doing Missions keeps other modes more Active as DM changes most times. Example don't like Wave mode but #500 EP I would do Wave :)
  • Oh Camel this is super idea's u rocko all the time, when i see u guys and Abel u are the 2 of the best of all time with idea's and helping others, im glad just to see u guys here doing ur bests all the time, its like u and abel are enemies and its like who will show the best in him self and her self, we are away alot far from u guys u and abel, lel i already suck alot and failing
    for sure +1 agree, i could say +more than that already but :D it will not make it better already more than that
  • Mabohoho wrote: »
    Oh Camel this is super idea's u rocko all the time, when i see u guys and Abel u are the 2 of the best of all time with idea's and helping others, im glad just to see u guys here doing ur bests all the time, its like u and abel are enemies and its like who will show the best in him self and her self, we are away alot far from u guys u and abel, lel i already suck alot and failing
    for sure +1 agree, i could say +more than that already but :D it will not make it better already more than that

    I appreciate the support, but I can assure you there is no competition. Any ideas that I or any one comes up with, will benefit me and the rest of the community.
  • I appreciate the support, but I can assure you there is no competition. Any ideas that I or any one comes up with, will benefit me and the rest of the community.

    I know that there are no competition but for me its or at least my brain think it is :D i think diff u know already, thats why most time i say more than others, and ur welcome to support u anytime, u 2 are guys of number 1 in the forums already
  • I really like most of your recent suggestions and your work in forum in general. You do put serious effort indeed to help the community. As for the dailies/ dogtag suggestion here, I definitely agree with 500 ep part, hope the GMs take these ideas in consideration