here some Suggestion's

here some Suggestion's
first of all i want to say hi!
I was playing crossfire 7 years ago! i realised something??
the supply box's in the mutation mode never changed?.. lol
the (MP5),(M90),(THOMPSON),(RPK) and (M60) never changed if you don't want to change it just change the skin it will be fine ? any change will be good
we need some new weapons in the supply box crossfire updated every 2 weeks for 9 years ?
we see new's every update and every second ? we need like kac chainsaw , M249 MINIMI SPW
we need more ammo for the SMG and MG weapons in ZM and mutation mode
that's about the supply box's
here some about hackers and cheaters what if you allow us to report them from the game will we playing
i can report him in ranked or any map that will be fast report and easy for us and you?
in the ranked match we see a new addition in map's but we need festival too. we want to vote for this map too

and what about decreasing ping in UK servers ? our country poor in the network so what we could do ?
and crossfire is the best FPS game here in Egypt ! so you have to work for that

why League of Legends didn't have hackers! why want crossfire be like League of Legends! please understand us we need crossfire to be a fairly game

im a person playing crossfire for 6 hour's per day! and you make one vent every week or 2 week that's make me bored! not only me but most of players
we need more event we don't ask for more free items or prize's we want to do something meaningful not only leveling up.
and we asked for events for vip players only vip players can do it?


  • and what about decreasing ping in UK servers ? our country poor in the network so what we could do ?
    and crossfire is the best FPS game here in Egypt ! so you have to work for that

    you poor and cant buy internet , so its not egypt problem !
    i have a good network and my ping was always 69~71 but after alot of patches a problem happened and they do not want to recognition the problem or even try to solve !
    and sure we have high ping because uk servers located in UK ! also they dont care about egypt :)
  • you poor and cant buy internet , so its not egypt problem !
    i have a good network and my ping was always 69~71 but after alot of patches a problem happened and they do not want to recognition the problem or even try to solve !
    and sure we have high ping because uk servers located in UK ! also they dont care about egypt :)

    im not poor i didnt talk about my self i talk about all players sure they will want to have fun like you by the way my ping is 67 !! before the last patch so dont look for only your self? there is alot of players cant pay a good internet but they want to have fun! -_-
  • im not poor i didnt talk about my self i talk about all players sure they will want to have fun like you by the way my ping is 67 !! before the last patch so dont look for only your self? there is alot of players cant pay a good internet but they want to have fun! -_-

    so why you say our country poor in the network ?
    and again they dont care about us :)
  • the supply box's in the mutation mode never changed?.. lol
    the (MP5),(M90),(THOMPSON),(RPK) and (M60) never changed if you don't want to change it just change the skin it will be fine ? any change will be good

    +1 More Random Weapons in MM / HMX Weapon Drops, Ammo Packs

    here some about hackers and cheaters what if you allow us to report them from the game will we playing

    -1 for In game Report whilst playing ***Reason -1 because we will have many false reports as the player will not spend time reviewing replay, thus will increase time GM view reports due to pile ups and false reports.***
    and what about decreasing ping in UK servers ? our country poor in the network so what we could do ?

    Unfortunately GM cannot do anything about Egyptian ping, moving the server closer is not feasible. Adding new Server in Middle east that requires Company in Middle east to obtain license and you have Government laws and other contracts, policy and reliable third parties. Those third parties would need to make the request, until then you would have to do with what you have unfortunately. However improving UK host might make your ping more stable but there are other factors that affect your ping. House hold Bandwidth, ISP, Location and any other outside interference.
  • so why you say our country poor in the network ?
    cause it is the true if it was rich why most of players play in computer shop !!
    lets hope they care for us ?
  • -1 for In game Report whilst playing ***Reason -1 because we will have many false reports as the player will not spend time reviewing replay, thus will increase time GM view reports due to pile ups and false reports.***
    not any player can report lets make it who higher general major? or any high rank and you have only tow report per day if one not true and the player isnt hack the second will remove from reporting vote like kicking vote..
  • not any player can report lets make it who higher general major? or any high rank and you have only tow report per day if one not true and the player isnt hack the second will remove from reporting vote like kicking vote..

    No matter how they limit use of In game "Whilst Playing" report. My View has and will always be the same before that, the whole Report System "Feed Back and Viewing" needs to change.This is my Suggestion how the Report System should change before trying to Add Report into game. Below my previous opinion and suggestion regarding this matter.

    This is bad idea alone, as we know it takes GM a long time to go through the reports and In Game Report System will double or triple the time it takes to review reports as many report based on one random kill or kills that cannot be explained. What we need is a system that allocates points on each report. The higher the point is the higher report is pushed up the list to get viewed. So those silly reports that are only reported once or twice will stay bottom list and well known hackers that has been reported by many players would be pushed to the top list. Examples below of such a system.

    * Red zone - reports in this zone needs to be viewed as priority
    *Green zone - reports that has few players who reported same player few times.
    *Yellow zone - low reports of that player stays none priority.

    This system will organise based on how many times that player is reported in that day or week. Players that have been reported less are left low priority and major hackers that have been reported by many players in that week will be placed in Red zones priority to review them. This would of worked great for ranked season when many players reported same hacker over 10 times same day.

    System that adds points based on how many times this player been reported in that week will be placed priority zone to review. Unlikely legit player to be reported over 10 times same day etc even so at least highest reported players are viewed first legit or not. Will be faster than the old system as it doesn't distinguish who is priority or not at he moment.

    Feedback Discussion on Reports Previous thread
  • lol best mutants for me is mutant knight, the suply box is totally different which leads that mode for me to be the best mutant mode ever, we dont need those box all time, but after increase in lvl's u get more ammo and again and again, and supply box is being used by sold or mutant, its like they both are the same kind, i suggestion u to make ur mutant knight is ur main mutant if u will play mutnats