We will stop playing ranked match until its fixed

Hey all
How are u today? <3
First of all, im making this new topic while i know alot of GM's and MOD's for sure dont agree with this topic, but i see others saying in some comments? how we know and make sure u guys did ban those h@kers? i dont know if its true if u ban them or not, maybe my thinking is, even if u ban them they will crate new acc and they will h@k again, so u guys didnt do something or u guys did give up sadly about those h@kers? game is not that fun with them when u dont get chance in ranked match and u cant even kick them and even if we can kick them some others dont want to agree to kick them, so whats the best option we do here, leaving playing ranked match, thats the answer or at least this is my answer already even for now, when the new ranked match start on i was going good untill after my 10 matches of sd, then i got almost ranked gold already (im trying) but trying is not enough when those new ranked games i start every time there are h@kers and last game i try to play it again ended like 0/7 already or 0/6 not sure, anyway, i think its fair to all cummunity or most of them to agree to stop playing any ranked match, cause the h@kers are still out there, and at least those h@kers in sd, cause i didnt play ffa or td much, so i dont know about the 2 of them, so i hope this suggestion is not being closed or disagree about ranked match, cause like i got that last time that score, i was before that match saying like (lets try 1 ranked match after alot time, maybe they fix the h@kers inside the ranked match) but ended with that score
Even if this suggision is closed or disagree by all or something, its still the same for me, that im not playing ranked again, until i hear my friends saying its fixed from those h@kers
Thanks all, with my respect


  • Okay, is the word hackers really filtered on the forums or something?

    Can you fix your post so it's at least 4 separate paragraphs?

    Sorry... I just can't read this as it is 0.0
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    Okay, is the word hackers really filtered on the forums or something?

    Can you fix your post so it's at least 4 separate paragraphs?

    Sorry... I just can't read this as it is 0.0
    hmm, if u have better less words, can u send them to me in private better? thank u, i suck already
  • Mabohoho wrote: »
    hmm, if u have better less words, can u send them to me in private better? thank u, i suck already

    Okay, the tl;dr version:

    Mabo would like public confirmation when hackers have been banned.
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    Okay, the tl;dr version:

    Mabo would like public confirmation when hackers have been banned.

    hmm my topic here is simple, that u guys agree with me, for now to only stop playing anyranked match, thats what i was meaning
    i know i can leave the ranked match and rejoin and then leave again and i get 0 kills and 0 deaths, but that adds -2 loses to me, which i dont want to add more loses to my profile, if u could remove that u get -2 loses i would not suggestion this already, even with not -2 loses, its a time i waste in ranked match then if i find they are h@k i need more time to leave and rejoin and leave again +the time i was before i knew he h@k, its alot of time that was lost already
  • Dont worry weiwei i dont force any1 read my things, thanks again for ur replays, or any1 who replay with respect, i just need true people like u to comment here with respect, thats all i need
  • Mabohoho wrote: »
    hmm my topic here is simple, that u guys agree with me, for now to only stop playing anyranked match, thats what i was meaning
    i know i can leave the ranked match and rejoin and then leave again and i get 0 kills and 0 deaths, but that adds -2 loses to me, which i dont want to add more loses to my profile, if u could remove that u get -2 loses i would not suggestion this already, even with not -2 loses, its a time i waste in ranked match then if i find they are h@k i need more time to leave and rejoin and leave again +the time i was before i knew he h@k, its alot of time that was lost already
    Well, this is a suggestion forum for recommending improvements to the game. Telling people to not play Ranked isn't a suggestion for improving the game, it is more like avoiding the issue. Does that make sense?

    For example let's pretend someone thinks ZP crates are too expensive -
    A suggestion would be: Make ZP crates cheaper
    Avoiding the issue would be: Dont buy ZP crates, they are too expensive

    A suggestion should offer a solution :3

    -edit- Also, I bolded the part of your reply that was the main point. You should have something like this at the beginning of all of your long posts :o Sometimes I think you go around and around in a circle. 0.0
  • Nobody already plays ranked so I dont think there is anyone to stop playing it except hackers.
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    Well, this is a suggestion forum for recommending improvements to the game. Telling people to not play Ranked isn't a suggestion for improving the game, it is more like avoiding the issue. Does that make sense?

    For example let's pretend someone thinks ZP crates are too expensive -
    A suggestion would be: Make ZP crates cheaper
    Avoiding the issue would be: Dont buy ZP crates, they are too expensive

    A suggestion should offer a solution :3

    -edit- Also, I bolded the part of your reply that was the main point. You should have something like this at the beginning of all of your long posts :o Sometimes I think you go around and around in a circle. 0.0
    sometimes? omg its not sometimes, its most time, i know that i repeat saying the same thing alot times, reapeting+ saying more info, and info could be just more words and not that needed lel, i just remember this thread so i did check it out now
    'NOT wrote:
    dot;4436196']Nobody already plays ranked so I dont think there is anyone to stop playing it except hackers.
    lel i see ya

    GM's or Mod's, im sorry, could u plz close this, i should not make this, i apologize again for this suggestion, the reason i suggestion this that i want my acc have those perm grande gold and the perm flash gold, but i dont need them anyway, im starting to feel like i want all zp things for free, but whats matter about the friend that i lost lately, that friend did give me advice which is those zp things or ribbon is not important, what important to have best friends to supput u, and to have fun with, with zp things or with out zp things, we all gonna be fine in both ways, what matter is enjoy what ever u have 60 ribbon or 10, i dont care about them anymore, best friends what matter, omg why im saying this here, i guess here im again talking about real friends again, i miss u my friend, hope me and u can meet and fix what done between us, soon
    thanks again all