ZM3 Defense Changes

Hi, I want to gather opinions on some ideas for changes towards ZM3, particularly the Defenses, that popped in my mind.

So to start:
Sentry Turret: It's killer already...but the ability to pick it up and move it would be epic. Maybe for balancing reasons the player might move a little slower when picking up the sentry.

Restoration Flag: A full level flag is great for healing large amounts of HP....if you're in the circle and nothing is striking you. Which means it's fairly limited to between rounds and during key spots of boss battles (particularly the flying boss, is where it can be useful since that boss is easy in terms of avoiding damage.) so my suggestion here is to make the flag, when placed, heal across the entire map. So as long as it's placed it doesnt matter where you get healed. Currently if you're right up on it all you do is draw enemies to it and sitting still in that little space is going to get you killed which is the opposite of what you want when you're trying to heal. However, clearly this means the flag will need a new balance. Perhaps a slightly longer cool-down period and slightly less HP recovery. Similarly another option could be to make it so that the closer to the flag the more HP you'll recover on each heal time. Thus making a benefit to stay nearby.

Plasma Shocker: This is the one that needs the most attention. Currently it's useless. I see no effect on bosses and it's rate of fire so to speak is so slow that it only hits like 1/5 enemies that come near it if that. So my suggested change is this: make it so the plasma shocker shoots out a plasma wave anytime an enemy gets near it. This wave would do low amounts of damage say 200 MAX. This would would be in all directions creating a circle around it, but would have a limited range as well. On top of that it would still slow down enemies. It could keep it's rate of fire at this point. But most of all...make it effect bosses.

If that's not possible for the shocker...then perhaps a faster rate of fire would make it more worth it for enemy groups. And then make it effect bosses as well.

Claymore: Honestly not sure what to suggest on this one at the moment. Along with the shocker i've only used this one a couple of times so i'm not as well versed in it's pro's and con's. I do know it's more useful than the shocker by a long shot because it allows even the lowest level of players to deal okay damage to bosses. But still pales in comparison to the power potential the turret has. My best suggestion here would be to give it the ability to make enemies that survive it's blast, but were hit by it, to take slightly more damage for a short duration of time.

Drone: Drone's are handy little things...they may not be power houses like the turrets but they move around the player freely. However, i get somewhat annoyed when the drone isn't shooting anything because it's following me the entire time. I think it'd be epic if we had an option, even better if it was ingame, of switching between 'Aggressive and Defensive' stances. Defensive stance would be behavior like it currently follows it's player around shooting anything that comes near them. However, the Aggressive stance would have it flying away from the player to engage any enemy out there.

So that's my input....I know arguably some of these things would make ZM3 easier but I believe ways to balance the buffs are possible while still providing better usability to the Defense items.
Anyways let's gather some opinions!


  • Who cares about the defences? We just need a Haranbe nerf! ;-;
  • Jefe963 wrote: »
    Who cares about the defences? We just need a Haranbe nerf! ;-;

    Don't be so rude to him...
  • Jefe963 wrote: »
    Who cares about the defences? We just need a Haranbe nerf! ;-;

    well if the defenses worked slightly different you wouldn't need that Harambe nerf! For example...if plasma shocker was useful and effected bosses it could slow him down pro-longing the time he sits in turret fire thus maximizing turret damage to him.
    If the flag acted like in my suggestion then it'd be more useful for keeping you alive against his assaults as well.
    Drone's would be would have more versatility so that even if you're running for dear life and far from the boss your drone could still do some damage.

    So consider it an anti-harambe update to the defense systems all the while making some of them actually useful instead of most everyone just sticking with turret all the time. :P
  • I agree with the movable turrets, plasma wave and the Aggressive and Defensive stances for drones, but for the claymore i think it's fine as it is, HP flag would be so overpowered if it healed all across the map and the 5 players used it you would hardly see someone dies, however this makes it easier to clear the map even for players who don't know what to do to play it well, and i think the point of it is to use tactics and know how and when to use them to get a nearly easy clear, and it is not meant to be easy, but nerfing mr.harambe would be fine.
  • 3bassy wrote: »
    I agree with the movable turrets, plasma wave and the Aggressive and Defensive stances for drones, but for the claymore i think it's fine as it is, HP flag would be so overpowered if it healed all across the map and the 5 players used it you would hardly see someone dies, however this makes it easier to clear the map even for players who don't know what to do to play it well, and i think the point of it is to use tactics and know how and when to use them to get a nearly easy clear, and it is not meant to be easy, but nerfing mr.harambe would be fine.

    I'd agree if the flag were to keep it's high restoration amount at top level then it'd become incredibly OP. However, some re-balancing would probably make it more in line with the others. As I stated sacrificing the amount it heals be it per heal tic and/or the amount of time it sits out healing. And it's cool down could be increased so that you can't use it as often. I think doing that would re-balance it well enough as everyone would be more likely to benefit from it's healing but at the same time it wouldn't heal as greatly. This would mean it becomes more useful in more applications but doesn't become too OP. And as far as having multiple flags...they'd have to time it just like they do already as 2 healing flags currently even with over lapping heal zones don't heal you only get the effect of one. And the more flags that are in the group the less damage you're dealing to knock out bosses, due to less sentries/drones/claymore which isn't ideal.