Killshot Crusade [Jan 18 - Jan 24]
i play from 10.00 AM to 8.00 PM where EP ?
You need to complete all task to receive all the rewards and EP.
Complete 10 hours of play time
Complete 30 minutes of play time in 4 different days
Win 20 S&D Games
Complete 10 Wave Mode Games
Complete 10 Mutants vs. Ghosts Games.
Considering today first day of the event, no way you completed all task, hence login and play 30 minutes on 4 different daysbut yeah check the tracker.
snip3snip3 wrote: »Tracker says
We were unable to retrieve your data at this time. Please try again later.
i've counted i'm predicting this for myself atm.
mutant vs ghosts 10 games
wave 6 games
Snd wins 16
we'll see when the tracker functions again.
Thank you for the prompt reply
are you able to send in a ticket with a screen shot of the error please? -
[GM]LaTosca wrote: »I was talking about 1 game -_-"
Oh... that makes more sense!
Even so, it depends on how good the players are on each team. I know one time where one game lasted up to 40 minutes just because the players on both teams were very good. -
Oh... that makes more sense!
Even so, it depends on how good the players are on each team. I know one time where one game lasted up to 40 minutes just because the players on both teams were very good.
yeah i could see that x) first time i played wave mode, it took me almost 30 minutes.
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