Ozx Gaming recruiting

Sup everyone. Some of you may know me as BaKeD. I was in the clan Snow from closed beta all the way to the end of Open Beta. Snow died awhile back, so I quit the game. Just comming back, a little rusty, but I'm working on shaking that **** off

Anyways, Ozx Gaming is currently looking for any good players out there who know how to scrim, because I'm not willing to teach anybody anything. Yes we will be entering every tournament that we're able to, along with practise scrimmages and such. So I've seen that clans and clan requirments have changed a little since I left. But whatever, I'm keepin` it old school.

-ventrilo + microphone
-experience on the professional scene
-game smarts (good at clutch situations etc.)
-must hold your own weight in games
-xfire would be a plus, but it's not really necessary
-do not hack. seriously.
-must use m4, ak, or awm. no other guns.
-please do NOT rage on ventrilo when you die, it's annoying.
-preferably 15+, but I can make exceptions to this.
-no alts. I want you to have decent gp and **** like that.

What I'm looking for:
1(good) main awm.
6 rifles.

my xfire = sargem.
If you feel you've met the requirments, then you can hit me up on xfire or post on this thread.

