60 Ribbons - PRIZE
The reward for 60 ribbons is needed since there is a few people reaching this landmark. As for 70 ribbons, I believe at the moment, it's not necessary.
I do believe they should also change the 30 ribbons reward since 10k GP is not longer worth anything to anyone. -
I do hope our 60th ribbon reward is much greater of a prize, compared to the prior rewards. That Pink D.E Crystal for 50 ribbons was not a good gift for such hard-work and loyalty, along all these 7+ years. A permanent dragon skinned weapon for 60 ribbons sounds fair for the most loyal over achievers. Z8 should consider it, respectively.
I do hope our 60th ribbon reward is much greater of a prize, compared to the prior rewards. That Pink D.E Crystal for 50 ribbons was not a good gift for such hard-work and loyalty, along all these 7+ years. A permanent dragon skinned weapon for 60 ribbons sounds fair for the most loyal over achievers. Z8 should consider it, respectively.
I'd like to order a Barret M82A1 Royal Dragon please. I don't have cash, do you take ribbons? Oh that's great, here take my 60 ribbons.
GG -
While I certainly agree that there should be something special for the People that reached the 60 Ribbon Mark, it probably is rather hard to come up with something satisfactory for all parties.
I was thinking along the lines of an M4A1 Red Dragon (Was that released over here?) or perhaps using one variant of the Noble Gold Weaponry for either the 60th Ribbon Milestone or the 70th. -
I'd like to order a Barret M82A1 Royal Dragon please. I don't have cash, do you take ribbons? Oh that's great, here take my 60 ribbons.
Only the extravagant investors don't agree. I and many do agree we deserve something INSANE. It took us around/over 2555 days (7+ years) to get 60 ribbons (most who still don't have it, like myself lol). It's the very least we deserve. Our time is money technically, so yeah.. we definitely needed a great gift not a dull one for all this hard labour.While I certainly agree that there should be something special for the People that reached the 60 Ribbon Mark, it probably is rather hard to come up with something satisfactory for all parties.
I was thinking along the lines of an M4A1 Red Dragon (Was that released over here?) or perhaps using one variant of the Noble Gold Weaponry for either the 60th Ribbon Milestone or the 70th.
Sounds good, but I'd still prefer a dragon skin weapon (like the imperial dragon versions xD with bling) or an ultimate gold one, we deserve the best there is (excluding VIP's of course) if we reach 60+ ribbons. -
Only the extravagant investors don't agree. I and many do agree we deserve something INSANE. It took us around/over 2555 days (7+ years) to get 60 ribbons (most who still don't have it, like myself lol). It's the very least we deserve. Our time is money technically, so yeah.. we definitely needed a great gift not a dull one for all this hard labour.
Sounds good, but I'd still prefer a dragon skin weapon (like the imperial dragon versions xD with bling) or an ultimate gold one, we deserve the best there is (excluding VIP's of course) if we reach 60+ ribbons.
I'm actually agreeing that's why I was suggesting a gun that I want to be the 60th ribbon reward.
No you don't want M4A1 Red Dragon, cuz it's not that rare gun anymore. A year or two back, the GM's did an event where literally thousands of people won thousands of Royal Dragon crates. I think it was the water park event where you received one Royal Dragon crate for 30 kills for a period of 2 day7, but there was no limit to how many crates you could win. People (mostly egys) farmed this event literally to the point where each farmer had more than 20,000 crates. All they had to do was create 1vs1 rooms and farm the kills. Not to mention countless people won M4, Kukry, and Mauser Royal Dragon through that event. Plus I think that gun's skin is not as detailed as some of the recent guns that I like, like AK47 Imperial Dragon's for instance. -
Well, since everyone is wishing, I'll tell my wishes too :P
I do believe that we should get a sniper, MG or a shotgun (since we already got a pistol, rifle and a melee for the previous tiers).
I'd love it to be a pretty re-skinned Barrett for a sniper, M240B Tesla for an MG or AA-12 Buster for a shotgun.
I know we can only wish tho, and Z8 got other plans for us -
Well, although 10k GP for 30 ribbons isn't much and it should be "boosted" to 100k GP to match the currency at this moment in time, as everyone can get 100k GP easy. So far we have had a Permanent Rifle (M4A1-Custom Crystal) for 20 ribbons, A permanent Melee (Shovel - Red Dragon) for 40 ribbons and now a permanent secondary (D.E Pink Crystal) for 50 ribbons, that's like a full bag just from ribbons. So, why not to finish it off, add a permanent Wide Grenade in there? 0.0
If that doesn't satisfy everyone enough then as others have said, a permanent M82A1 Barrett - Royal Dragon would suit everyone and it's not like everyone would be running around with one, as 60 ribbons would be time consuming to get.
All we want is something permanent and unique, even if it is just a reskin. As mentioned by me in previous threads, I'd love a chance of a permanent D.E Crystal (Custom Crystal Skin) or even a Sterling Magma SMG. -
I'm actually agreeing that's why I was suggesting a gun that I want to be the 60th ribbon reward.
No you don't want M4A1 Red Dragon, cuz it's not that rare gun anymore. A year or two back, the GM's did an event where literally thousands of people won thousands of Royal Dragon crates. I think it was the water park event where you received one Royal Dragon crate for 30 kills for a period of 2 day7, but there was no limit to how many crates you could win. People (mostly egys) farmed this event literally to the point where each farmer had more than 20,000 crates. All they had to do was create 1vs1 rooms and farm the kills. Not to mention countless people won M4, Kukry, and Mauser Royal Dragon through that event. Plus I think that gun's skin is not as detailed as some of the recent guns that I like, like AK47 Imperial Dragon's for instance.
My sincere apologies. It's hard to tell through text, what people really mean at times.
I am glad you agree and yes, your right, we deserve something awesome and unique, that many players don't have, out there. -
i hope the prize for the 60th ribbon will not be such a let down like it the prize for the 50th ribbon (deagle pink for me ). i was waiting to be at least deagle gold but i got pink. de-camo is far better then de-pink and i have 3 of those and 1 xmas.but let's hope it will be better.
My sincere apologies. It's hard to tell through text, what people really mean at times.
I am glad you agree and yes, your right, we deserve something awesome and unique, that many players don't have, out there.
I made that post that way because I thought it would useless to hope for something like that, and I'm still far from getting even the 50 ribbon rewards, let alone asking about a 60 ribbon rewards, but still I'd like to see some grand weapon there as a reward. -
I would like to see a version of mauser, for example mauser gold which was added in game only as prize for rixty cards, I'm good even with NIGHTWOLF's M14EBR even tho I have another 2 versions already. If they add any barrett I would probably still use my barrett vip...
claire9822 wrote: »Well, although 10k GP for 30 ribbons isn't much and it should be "boosted" to 100k GP to match the currency at this moment in time, as everyone can get 100k GP easy. So far we have had a Permanent Rifle (M4A1-Custom Crystal) for 20 ribbons, A permanent Melee (Shovel - Red Dragon) for 40 ribbons and now a permanent secondary (D.E Pink Crystal) for 50 ribbons, that's like a full bag just from ribbons. So, why not to finish it off, add a permanent Wide Grenade in there? 0.0
Perm Wide Grenade :O Although I doubt that would happen, I would totally be game for it.
Personally, I think if a grenade (or any item) was to be the 60th ribbon reward, it'd make more sense for it to be a ribbon exclusive grenade rather than a pre-existing item such as the wide grenade. Having 60 ribbons is no small achievement, so I think it deserves a new and unique item (even if it's just a reskin).
Well, anyway, I just hope it's not a disappointing item 0.0 -
RiceTurtle wrote: »Perm Wide Grenade :O Although I doubt that would happen, I would totally be game for it.
Personally, I think if a grenade (or any item) was to be the 60th ribbon reward, it'd make more sense for it to be a ribbon exclusive grenade rather than a pre-existing item such as the wide grenade. Having 60 ribbons is no small achievement, so I think it deserves a new and unique item (even if it's just a reskin).
Well, anyway, I just hope it's not a disappointing item 0.0
Thats true yeah, as relating to Andrews post (Can't multiquote on mobile Q.Q) as weird as it may sound, why not a permanent Wide Grenade - Crystal 0.0 Suits both ideas and I think it would actually look pretty awesome! -
I like the idea of a permanent grenade via Ribbons. It could even be a Ribbon Grenade and have a CrossFire Support Ribbon (ya know like how pink ribbons are for breast cancer and other colors represent other causes/things?) of course that'd require a whole new item altogether....so less likely to happen probably...but a neat-o idea IMO. And while I would personally thoroughly enjoy a permanent wide nade and think it'd be quite the motivation to hit whatever ribbon count...I think a lot of people would QQ about wide nades once more people hit the spot and get it. Wide Nades are quite OP afterall. A permanent normal nade is something fairly special in of itself.
I mentioned posts before, that we deserve something insane, like a really cool Dragon skinned Weapon, but I totally forgot about Grenades, lol. I wouldn't mind if we had a permanent Snow/Xmas/Wide Grenade for 60 ribbons, nice idea guys.And while I would personally thoroughly enjoy a permanent wide nade and think it'd be quite the motivation to hit whatever ribbon count...I think a lot of people would QQ about wide nades once more people hit the spot and get it. Wide Nades are quite OP afterall. A permanent normal nade is something fairly special in of itself.claire9822 wrote: »Thats true yeah, as relating to Andrews post (Can't multiquote on mobile Q.Q) as weird as it may sound, why not a permanent Wide Grenade - Crystal 0.0 Suits both ideas and I think it would actually look pretty awesome!
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