New mode?

hey all
how are u all?
have an idea about new mode
here goes
there are 2 main bases for the 2 teams bl's and gr's
the team destroy the other team main base wins, but wait u think its like wave mode, its kinda yes but the different is we use random bots that we upgrade them to destroy the other base team and we can get max number of bots per player only 1 bot, and the real players only can reach half way of the map not after it to get to the base of the enemy easy
and sure we destroy the towers in the half way of the map we can go to get super bots to beat them hard and super soldiers bot as well and we can go win and destroy main base of enemy if we beat the towers of enemy in the way of the half road of the map, cause bots cant go destroy the main enemy base if all towers in his way not destroyed.
towers that are find in the middle map as u can aim on them from the different windows from both sides and on the 2 bridges of the team that can go on
maybe we can add some turrents (sentry guns like zm2). (but i think this is no need i think it will make the main base destroy is harder that seems to be< ya i mean the sentry guns)
for the players of bl and gr we may kill each other as well if u see enemy with the guns, and sure players can hit those bots of the other player enemies, but they hard to kill as they are made of steal
maybe bots can have same card manage for the card system of the wave mode as the hunter, blaster, shock, what ever card u want and u cant choose a card that heal the bot like medic card or any card that heal him, sure flag card u cant use it as there is heal in the flag card or what ever that flag card name cause i never use that card in wave mode, but players cannot use the card system like wave mode cause it is bot wave not player time to show his awesome lel
of course the bots creation is coming out from the main base of ur main base, as u upgrade the bots from killing enemy soldiers or killing enemy players same as the wave mode, when ur bot die u have to create new bot if u want using the f same as the zm2 and we can use with the upgrades using f, we can use shield for example (for bots upgrade) (no damage for like 5 seconds and need 30 second to use it again), maybe other upgrade double damage), sure the bot after the half way of map his main targets the other main base of enemy, still u can aim at any other target but after the half way of the map his default target if he have no target that u command him, is the other base of the enemy, maybe heal upgrade to bots to give them chance to not die easy if he was aimed by all players and enemy turrents, but this heal need time to use it again maybe 30 second as well, still u can use the shield of the 5 second to decrese ur damage on ur bot,maybe new upgrade allow 2 bots per player but u can use this upgrade when the ur only bot reach the half way of the map, to control and command ur bot to hit a target u have to hide or ask cover from ur team mate to stand near u when some enemy shows up, cause ur gonna enter a system like the v in the wave mode same as when u use the airplane strike in wave mode and u can choose the target u want in the way of the bot.
when the bot card manage is ready and he need target to aim at and u didnt command him to aim on a target of enemies, he will hit random enemy using his card manage like blaster if u didnt command him to attack after maybe 10 seconds.
well the player cannot attack the bot of ememy after u hide from the bot attack from the place u were and u hide in near spot that bot cant hit u, cause the bots dont stop moving until the player of enemy command them to stop , and why, cause the bots dont stop moving they cant aim at enemy behind them, and u must be in the range of the bot to be able to attack that bot, so that way they can attack u again, or if the real players can hit the bot while the bot cant hit them, maybe the bot can rotate his body 360 degree so he can aim on that enemy that hit him from behind, maybe this rotate needs some time if its full back hits from his back that they damage the bot, or u can take ur bot to a spot that u can hide it from enemy hits
players can only go in the 2 sides of the map and to the half of the map only, like prison map, players can only go in the both right and left side of the map prison and they cant go in the middle of the map? why? cause the middle of the map prison thats the way of the bots to go, and sure u can command the bots to go right or left or front if the way of the bot is many roads to select or else random road he will select after like 5 second if u dont command him to go in the way or if u dont command him to stop, sure u will get some notification about many roads that can ur bot1 or bot 2 select to reach the enemy main base, if u ignore the notification before the bot reach the many road, like i said the bot will select random road to go with
the both right side and left side of the players have many windows for the players to aim on any enemy in his range, aim on players of enemy or the bots of enemy
on the half way of map and the 25% of the map there are 2 bridges for the team to go across the other side of the map going to right or left as u want, u cant aim on the bots under the bridge (under ur feets) cause the bridge is up the middle way of the bots still u can see the way and things under ur feet and see the bots as well, but u still can aim on them from the side windows that available on the bridges, cause the bots cant aim 90 degree up them when they are under 1 of the bridges, still players can see the bot or bots when they are on any bridge of the 2 that available, enemy players can meet each other directly only on the middle bridge, btw there are 3 bridges not 2, i mention 2 cause i was talking about that the 1 side of the map have 2 bride the 25% of the map, and the middle, as for enemy map they have 2 bridge as well in the 75% of the map (25% the way start from there main base of the map of thier side) and sure the other bridge is the middle bridge that players meet each other and hunt each other directly in the middle bridge
bots when they are ready to use the card like blaster, u can choose them to aim on some random window or any place u think real player is hiding there
bots dont go in the way of the towers like wave mode cause bots are so powerful that can destroy the towers in no time as well, only players can destroy towers with help of the soldiers bot as well like wave mode, sure watch out from tower it will blast u same as the wave mode if there are no soldiers near the tower of enemy same as wave mode
the bot soldiers in the many roads select random road by there self and there main road the select the road that reach the towers of the enemy, so the players get our from there hide spots from the player bots and they help to destroy towers, and the bot of ur player cant pass the roads or 1 of the random roads until the tower is destroy in his way, the bot of urs will hold position or u can command him to go back to any tower of urs to heal him self with the tower heal same as wave mode or hide them in any positon back before the tower of enemy, if the bot of player see random target he will hit his with his gun
players can go to a system of the bot that they create to aim manually by there selfs, but ur main player buddy is in danger if u dont hide in safe spot, but still even if u hide, real enemy players may random hit ur hide position spot and kill u, and sure if u being hit by bot or real player u can know where are there place for like 5 seconds almost like shadow mode when u see ghosts when u hit them and make damage to them while the player u hit is in the system of the bot control, and when the real player get damage, they abort directly from the system of manual bot and they go to player screen where he was and they go hide from the attacks of the bot of the enemy player or the real player or stand fight them back if want, sure the player screen go red or any color that seems better and sure the color is not like that u cant see the things around u but u cant see well, only cause u were in the system of the ur bot and that means u cant go back at this moment to manual bot system of the bot way and the aim of the bot, until the color is gone and u can use the aim bot and system way of the bot, again, and maybe the color gone depends on how much damage u reserved from the enemy bot or real player enemy
u will get warning for ur bot that he is now entered and he is now be able to being damaged by any enemy
who can destroy other main base of enemy? only bot of urs or the soldiers bot if they reach and hit the main enemy base of the enemy alot
there are capture boxs for players only and sure the boxs only appear on the bridge that players can meet each other directly, and sure players lvl up same as wave mode to get more hp and damage and damage reduced
maybe other upgrades for the players to get more damage boosts or less damage for sometime like 5 seconds and maybe shield for 5 same as bots, and sure they cant use the same upgrade again only after 30 second same as bot upgrades of shield and other upgrades

i kinda think about this now, maybe u guys can make this mode better by say better things with it or fix some of things i said, and sorry all i may said alot and for sure i said the same thing more than 1 time for sure, i just hope this make the game more fun, for those who love wave mode
maybe 1000 win of this mode gives u iron wave mode ribbon lel same as the 1000 ribbon of wave mode and the other 1000 things of ribbon


All this took from me 2 hours to think about new things while i was writing, feel free to ask about anything u didnt understand it or say new suggestions

Thanks all have a nice day every day


  • Lord almighty, that certainly is a lot to take in. You might need to work on formatting all that, because you are bound to see people complain that well, they aren't necessarily ready to read such a huge clump of text.

    So, from what I read, your Mode seems to be a combo of Wave Mode with it's Card System and the Destroyal of Bases, Zombie Mode with the ability to call forth Sentries and what not via F, and the ability to control Bots.

    The Map it plays on has inspiration taken from Prison, in which the Middle is taboo, since the Bots are walking through there.

    While I certainly appreciate the amount of time and effort you've put into all this, I personally feel as though that anything which has Wave Mode as it's focus with it's Cards and what not is bound to fall flat on it's face due to the already stagnant popularity of Wave Mode itself.

    And one might worry about not having too many features thrown in to a point where the entire flow of the Game is being hindered. (Looking at the Zombie Mode and Bot Control Mechanics)

    There is a lot of other things you mentioned which I cannot talk upon until you, or someone else, explains himself a bit better, because I found it to be a bit incoherent, as much as I hate to say it.

    Again, the effort you put in is outstanding, now if we were to sc**** off the rough edges, that might bring your Suggestion along that much further.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Lord almighty, that certainly is a lot to take in. You might need to work on formatting all that, because you are bound to see people complain that well, they aren't necessarily ready to read such a huge clump of text.

    So, from what I read, your Mode seems to be a combo of Wave Mode with it's Card System and the Destroyal of Bases, Zombie Mode with the ability to call forth Sentries and what not via F, and the ability to control Bots.

    The Map it plays on has inspiration taken from Prison, in which the Middle is taboo, since the Bots are walking through there.

    While I certainly appreciate the amount of time and effort you've put into all this, I personally feel as though that anything which has Wave Mode as it's focus with it's Cards and what not is bound to fall flat on it's face due to the already stagnant popularity of Wave Mode itself.

    And one might worry about not having too many features thrown in to a point where the entire flow of the Game is being hindered. (Looking at the Zombie Mode and Bot Control Mechanics)

    There is a lot of other things you mentioned which I cannot talk upon until you, or someone else, explains himself a bit better, because I found it to be a bit incoherent, as much as I hate to say it.

    Again, the effort you put in is outstanding, now if we were to sc**** of the rough edges, that might bring your Suggestion along that much further.

    lol i know my english sucks lel i really need some1 to explain it better than my self for sure, maybe ts will work better if any1 dont get it well, the map is not only prison, i give example for prison map cause we can go right or left in the map of the prison, but we cant go to the base of the other team to destroy the base directly or go in the middle of the map of the prison as i said, thanks for ur comment my friend, u rock
  • Just read your post and I thought I'd try to summarize your thoughts (phew, you definitely had a lot of interesting ideas!).

    The general mechanics is as follows:
    • BL base and GR base are placed on opposite sides of the map. Whichever team manages to destroy the other team's base wins. The map has a large "middle" area which players cannot access; however, there are 3 'bridges' (if you read towards the middle of his post, there's 3 bridges in total; two on either side and one in the middle) connecting the BL and GR base for which human players can use to cross to the enemy base, and thus an exchange of fire is inevitable since there's just these two narrow paths.
    • Thus, players will need to summon bots which have the ability to move around the entire map, as only the bots can enter the "middle". Players are limited to the number of bots they can summon; however, they have full control of the bots. Players will most likely be able to summon these bots through the 'F' system, similar to how sentries are summoned in ZM2.
    • Bots must be commanded by the player as they are by themselves unable to make strategic decisions. If the player does not manually give their bots a target/objective, then the bot by default will move toward's the enemy base and only focus on the enemy's base tower (which is very suicidal for the bot considering there are obstacles the bot should be avoiding along the way; however, it does not know to do this without a player's command)).
    • The bots can potentially have similar abilities (available through upgrades) as the Wave mode class cards.

    Here are the unique parts of this mode:
    • My understanding is that the bot commands take time to execute, during which the player is vulnerable to the enemy bot's attack. A player can 'hide'; however, during this time, they are unable to execute bot commands. Thus, if the player was halfway through the execution of the command, their efforts may be wasted and they will need to start over. For example, let's say in order to properly execute an airstrike, the bot first must be assembled with the firearm (takes 10 seconds) and then secondly it needs to be given directions as to which area of the map it should target (must be registered within 5 seconds). Assume a player has successfully equipped its bot for an airplane strike (he spends 10 seconds out in the open and vulnerable), but suddenly an enemy bot appears and the player must go in hiding or risk dying. While the player is in hiding, the player cannot execute bot commands, and thus the 5 seconds has elapsed and no specific target has been registered with the bot. Lack of a specific target means the bot's airstrike will be random and thus the efforts completely in vain.
    • Also, while you are in hiding, only human players can kill you.
    • There are towers similar to Wave mode which will aim at enemies that are close to it. According to OP, bots cannot kill these towers, only players can, and only when the Towers are active (aka shooting at an enemy), so you'll need to make sure the AI soldiers are with you.
    • Helicopters will also drop supply boxes, similar to Wave mode, however, they will only be dropped in the middle bridge, so once again, player vs. player is inevitable.

    My thoughts: When I read your suggestions the first time, I was honestly a little skeptical because it had many mechanics of a real time strategy mode (as opposed to a first person shooter mode). However, I will say after reading a second time, I'm seeing more of the first person shooter aspects (i.e. towers can only be killed by players; supply boxes must be captured). I think with a little more work, it could make for an interesting mode that might attract players, but as Preset stated, Wave mode isn't entirely popular right now and your mode has some of the same mechanics as Wave mode.

    Also, let me know if I may have misunderstood some of what you said :o!
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    Just read your post and I thought I'd try to summarize your thoughts (phew, you definitely had a lot of interesting ideas!).

    The general mechanics is as follows:
    • BL base and GR base are placed on opposite sides of the map. Whichever team manages to destroy the other team's base wins. The map has a large "middle" area which players cannot access; however, there are 3 'bridges' (if you read towards the middle of his post, there's 3 bridges in total; two on either side and one in the middle) connecting the BL and GR base for which human players can use to cross to the enemy base, and thus an exchange of fire is inevitable since there's just these two narrow paths.
    • Thus, players will need to summon bots which have the ability to move around the entire map, as only the bots can enter the "middle". Players are limited to the number of bots they can summon; however, they have full control of the bots. Players will most likely be able to summon these bots through the 'F' system, similar to how sentries are summoned in ZM2.
    • Bots must be commanded by the player as they are by themselves unable to make strategic decisions. If the player does not manually give their bots a target/objective, then the bot by default will move toward's the enemy base and only focus on the enemy's base tower (which is very suicidal for the bot considering there are obstacles the bot should be avoiding along the way; however, it does not know to do this without a player's command)).
    • The bots can potentially have similar abilities (available through upgrades) as the Wave mode class cards.

    Here are the unique parts of this mode:
    • My understanding is that the bot commands take time to execute, during which the player is vulnerable to the enemy bot's attack. A player can 'hide'; however, during this time, they are unable to execute bot commands. Thus, if the player was halfway through the execution of the command, their efforts may be wasted and they will need to start over. For example, let's say in order to properly execute an airstrike, the bot first must be assembled with the firearm (takes 10 seconds) and then secondly it needs to be given directions as to which area of the map it should target (must be registered within 5 seconds). Assume a player has successfully equipped its bot for an airplane strike (he spends 10 seconds out in the open and vulnerable), but suddenly an enemy bot appears and the player must go in hiding or risk dying. While the player is in hiding, the player cannot execute bot commands, and thus the 5 seconds has elapsed and no specific target has been registered with the bot. Lack of a specific target means the bot's airstrike will be random and thus the efforts completely in vain.
    • Also, while you are in hiding, only human players can kill you.
    • There are towers similar to Wave mode which will aim at enemies that are close to it. According to OP, bots cannot kill these towers, only players can, and only when the Towers are active (aka shooting at an enemy), so you'll need to make sure the AI soldiers are with you.
    • Helicopters will also drop supply boxes, similar to Wave mode, however, they will only be dropped in the middle bridge, so once again, player vs. player is inevitable.

    My thoughts: When I read your suggestions the first time, I was honestly a little skeptical because it had many mechanics of a real time strategy mode (as opposed to a first person shooter mode). However, I will say after reading a second time, I'm seeing more of the first person shooter aspects (i.e. towers can only be killed by players; supply boxes must be captured). I think with a little more work, it could make for an interesting mode that might attract players, but as Preset stated, Wave mode isn't entirely popular right now and your mode has some of the same mechanics as Wave mode.

    Also, let me know if I may have misunderstood some of what you said :o!

    ""connecting the BL and GR base for which human players can use to cross to the enemy base""

    cross to the right side and left side not to the base of enemy, all players cant pass the half map, only ur bots or the soldier bots can go to the other base camp, and before going to the base of enemy they must destroy the towers first so the bots can go to the main base of enemy

    ""Players are limited to the number of bots they can summon; however, they have full control of the bots. Players will most likely be able to summon these bots through the 'F' system, similar to how sentries are summoned in ZM2.""

    as i said the max bot per player is 1, but when that bot reach the middle bridge, the player can summon another bot, so then max is 2, if the first bot die, then the second bot is the main bot, and he cant summon another bot cause 1 is dead only when the bot2 he summon reach the middle bridge again, bots can wait in position as i said by using the control system of bot,and u choose between bot 1 or bot 2 from tabs, and u can let the 2 bots meet each other back in ur area before the middle bridge and u can use advantage of command them at same time after exiting and commanding the 2 bots

    ""My understanding is that the bot commands take time to execute""
    u mean the time so they can use the ability of the cards? if yes its the same time to use the card as same as the wave mode

    ""A player can 'hide'; however, during this time, they are unable to execute bot commands.""
    the player hide from the attack of the enemies of bots or real players, or when they want to use the manual command to control the bot way or to choose the bot's target, the card manage attack or the gun of the bot

    ""Thus, if the player was halfway through the execution of the command, their efforts may be wasted and they will need to start over. For example, let's say in order to properly execute an airstrike, the bot first must be assembled with the firearm (takes 10 seconds) and then secondly it needs to be given directions as to which area of the map it should target (must be registered within 5 seconds). Assume a player has successfully equipped its bot for an airplane strike (he spends 10 seconds out in the open and vulnerable)""

    well u understand the execution command of bot wrong btw, u can use the command on bot anytime u want, in hide position or in middle road what ever, i said hide, so u dont be an easy target for real player target or bot target if seen u from some window of bridge or side area of right or left, there is no airstirke exucute, i said v, as example of that wave mode when we press v to command air stirke only example, given direction to bot only when the road to the enemy has multi roads(lets say 3 roads to go to enemy base) that time bot wait there in the point where he get confused about what road he will go, if u dont give order what road of the 3 road he go, he will choose random road 1 of the 3 roads after 5 seconds he stand there (if more than 5 seconds maybe some enemy will aim on him easy)

    "", but suddenly an enemy bot appears and the player must go in hiding or risk dying. While the player is in hiding, the player cannot execute bot commands, and thus the 5 seconds has elapsed and no specific target has been registered with the bot. Lack of a specific target means the bot's airstrike will be random and thus the efforts completely in vain.""

    as i said hiding is only so u are not easy target aim on u, hiding in ur main base is better way to get away from range of all attacks of any enemy before the towers of urs being destroyed, if all the towers of my team has being destroy any enemy bot can aim on u as well as they can think that u may hide in that place and aim on u cause they now can reach ur base, for example by using the card morter (Panther) that allow players use morters to attack any target or choose random place on the map that they think u hide there, sure the card manage here only apply to ur bots only they can think about that u hide in that place and they aim fire at u in that place if u are really there or else they will waste there hit of the card manage panther and they have to wait more time to recharge so the bots can attack again using the card manage hit

    the only time player cannot use execute command of bots is when the real players that order the bots get damage while they were in the system of the execute command of the bot or when they die, they have to wait respawn if dead if not dead the screen comes red and when u see red screen with things of the map around u and u see it as well that time of red screen means u cant go back to the execute command of ur bots, and ur red screen must be cool down by going away from enemy that aim on u if not dead, and lets say if u are being hit by enemy when u were not in the system of execute command bots, the screen dont go red and u can go to the execute command bot that time, but sure u have to hide better so u order ur bots with safe with out getting damage form some enemy and then u will go red again, ya UR SCREEN

    "" My Quote from first topic""
    ""bots when they are ready to use the card like blaster, u can choose them to aim on some random window or any place u think real player is hiding there""

    about the targets of the bots, when the bot ready to use the card manage thing he have like blaster same as the wave mode if u dont give him order to use the blaster he will keep the fire of his blaster same if the real player forgot to use the f in wave mode
    btw in my topic when i say (bots=real player bots), and when i say (soldiers bot=the same soldiers bot in wave mode that we know)

    ""My Quote from first topic""
    ""if the bot of player see random target he will hit his with his gun"
    ... he will hit him* with...

    ""Also, while you are in hiding, only human players can kill you.""
    in generally yes u are correct, but as i said as well bots with command of the enemy command he can order his bot to use the random shoot with his blaster or panther or what ever on a place that u are hiding, and it cost u to die if the real player is lvl 30 for example and and he do damage more than ur current health and u die same example as the damage system when real player hits real player using the blaster or panther or what ever to damage u in wave mode (but here we mean bots hit u with card manage of the bot), sure the shock card for bots are useless use against the real players, why? cause the real players only show up a little in the window, and its not like the real player will stand in the window and say hey, i will stay at this window and use ur shock to kill me i will not run away, sure the real players will not stay at windows alot as i said (only they will stand if they are dumbs), but sure the shock will be good against the other enemy bots or soldiers enemy bots but usless against the real players as the shock cant reach inside buildings only reach the target that stand and show him self from windows

    ""My thoughts: When I read your suggestions the first time, I was honestly a little skeptical because it had many mechanics of a real time strategy mode (as opposed to a first person shooter mode). However, I will say after reading a second time, I'm seeing more of the first person shooter aspects (i.e. towers can only be killed by players; supply boxes must be captured). I think with a little more work, it could make for an interesting mode that might attract players, but as Preset stated, Wave mode isn't entirely popular right now and your mode has some of the same mechanics as Wave mode.""

    wave mode i like it alot my older acc i reach lvl 30 and now im lvl 10 cause i dont play it alot these days cause i cant find alot wave modes and i dont want to join a wave mode that have all players lvl 30 cause i will be the guy they will farm, or if im with them before they start most of lvl 30 players all in room kick low lvls as they all want the all players are 30 lvl so it will be fair and they get better cards from killing all 30 lvl players, yet this mode is alot awesome and alot players i saw there name there with lvl 30 and they even have more than 1000 wins most of them so they have the 1000 win wave mode ribbon as well, so this suggestions need alot to work and better understanding from me telling u guys with less words or maybe if there is some guys not busy they meet me in a software for example (Team Speak) and we talk about this thing, and they ask me about anything they dont understand it, then they do a comment same as u did with me here, and they show what all things about this, and show it to u guys again in better and less words than this, i could choose to say less words but i try to do all things in 1 topic comment and i was thinking and writing the same time so here comes all the topic i done

    i forgot to mention that middle bridge area for players, give double points when real player kill some enemy so that give advantage of the middle bridge same as u the player are the target they hit u cause u are in the middle bridge cause middle bridge have alot windows and easy to spot u, so its like 50% advantage and 50% disadvantage,well the middle bridge has the biggest risk that enemies see u same its like u get double points per kill but only for real players, bots in the position fire under the middle bridge dont get double points per kill in that place of the bot under the bridge, the only double points kill is per players in the middle bridge

    oh thanks alot weiwei thanks for this big trying <33
  • i will ask my friends to do better explain than me by meeting them in team speak, but after my exams ends, my final exams are in the next month and i end in the last day of next month, so at the first of feb and after it, u guys will get all the info better way than all this
  • Mabohoho wrote: »

    I see, thanks for responding point by point and clarifying each point; it definitely makes a lot more sense now (especially with the mechanics of 'hiding' being much different than I understood it). But yeah, since your suggestion has a lot of details, I think it would be great to have friends help you with an updated explanation (of course, in February when your exams are over). For now, good luck o your exams!
  • RiceTurtle wrote: »
    I see, thanks for responding point by point and clarifying each point; it definitely makes a lot more sense now (especially with the mechanics of 'hiding' being much different than I understood it). But yeah, since your suggestion has a lot of details, I think it would be great to have friends help you with an updated explanation (of course, in February when your exams are over). For now, good luck o your exams!
    of course im trying and more, thanks for wishing me luck, good luck to u and urs, wish u the best as well, i may soon do that zm that i think about as well, ya new mode zm or zm2 or maybe its time for zm3 :D or what ever if they will do it as well, my thinking will not stop
  • + the air strike we can suggestion it and make it capture with box like sand storm map, or like the snow map of wave mode, sure this will stay as press v to aim the strike and the system of control bots maybe we use (n) or any other key that we see it fit