IS THIS A WEAK ATTEMPT to revive the north america servers?

or what? cuz i do not understand why the uk servers work so bad?2.3 days ago the uk servers were working fine , then the lag started?and to say the truth,the players that play in north America servers and have 50 ping are not like me when i play in UK servers and have the same or less ping.PLUS how can i play and do my iron RIBBON when the servers in UK are not working,not be able to play . I can;t go play in north server because i do not want to be the vip users shooting practice .SO please repair the UK servers or tell us to 'bug' off and be done.AND NEW THING the new shotgun on zp that i won use to be better , but from 2,3 days it got really weak against lagers or almost all players, and maybe because all vip user raged that were killed despite their m4 ak vip. just entered and the shotgun works almost fine , just the lagers r not taking the damage like before.


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